Registered capital refers to the total capital of a joint venture registered with the registration management agency, which is the total amount of capital contributions that the parties to the joint venture have paid or that the joint venturers have promised to pay.

The registered capital refers to the total capital registered by the joint venture at the registration management agency, which is the total amount of capital contributions that have been paid by the parties to the joint venture or that the joint venturer has promised to pay.

So, what is the minimum registered capital of various types of companies?

First, the paid-in registered capital registration system was changed to the subscription registration system, and the requirement that company shareholders (promoters) should make full capital contributions within two years from the date of establishment of the company was cancelled. , the requirement that investment company can pay in full its capital contribution within five years; the requirement that one-person limited liability company shareholders should pay their capital contribution in full at once has been cancelled.

Second, relax the registration conditions for registered capital.

Third, simplify registration matters and registration documents. The amount of capital subscribed by shareholders of a limited liability company and the company's paid-in capital are no longer matters for company registration. When registering a company, there is no need to submit the capital verification report . Minimum limits for company establishment have been eliminated.

Attached: Minimum registered capital comparison table of various companies (for reference only)

Differentiated by company type

Differentiated by industry type

Company organization structure Headcount composition comparison table

As for how to fill in the registered capital, it mainly depends on your own situation. , don’t fill it in blindly.

. How much is the company’s registered capital? Please refer to the qualification requirements of the industry.

For example, when an Internet company applies for an ICP business license, the ICP business license requires the company’s registered capital to be more than 1 million; Tmall and Jingdong are also suitable for settlement. The merchants on the platform put forward the standard: registered capital is more than 2 million. For other qualifications/qualifications required, such as bidding, etc., just refer to the common practice in the industry.

2. The greater the registered capital, the greater the risk/responsibility you bear

For example: a company with a registered capital of 1 million, A holds 70% of the equity, so it needs to invest 700,000. Later, the company's management failed and it owed 10 million yuan in foreign debt. Then A only needs to use his investment amount of 700,000 at most to bear the responsibility, and the excess has nothing to do with him. But if the registered capital of this company is 10 million, and A still holds 70% of the equity, then A will have to bear the responsibility of 7 million!

3. Stamp tax on registered capital

At the end of each year, the company must calculate the amount of paid-in capital and capital disclosure. Accumulate to pay stamp duty of 0.5%. For example, the registered capital of a technology company is 1 million yuan. If the company completes the actual payment, the stamp tax of the company will be 500 yuan. To take an extreme example, in 2016, the registered capital of a catering company in Anhui was 5,000 billion yuan (the valuation of 3 Tencent ). If the actual payment is completed, the stamp tax will reach 2.5 billion yuan. So those "entrepreneurial tycoons" who want to pretend to be billionaires should be careful.