A large company A, in the name of project development, obtained huge loans from banks, trusts, insurance companies, and private equity through various financing methods; the boss of company A laundered the 2 trillion into overseas U.S. dollars, and then made company A default. Re

2024/05/2703:09:32 finance 1395

A large company A, in the name of project development, obtained huge loans (2 trillion yuan) from banks, trusts, insurance companies, and private equity through various financing methods;

The boss of company A laundered the 2 trillion yuan into overseas U.S. dollars $, and then let Company A default on its debts and let the development project rot.

This directly caused the creditors of Company A to be furious. Then, Company A's domestic non-performing assets were processed by AMC or entered into the judicial auction process. The boss of Company A purchased the non-performing assets at a 15% discount through other companies controlled by him, so Company A's debt hole was filled! Net profit of 85%! What’s even better is: there are dozens of such A companies in China, which triggered

systemic risks, resulting in a large number of serial thunders and . Domestic asset prices plummeted and the RMB depreciated sharply. Company A took the right opportunity to acquire foreign investment status. Enter the domestic market and buy high-quality assets at low prices... A few years later, the crisis has passed, and the prices of these assets have increased several times.

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A large company A, in the name of project development, obtained huge loans from banks, trusts, insurance companies, and private equity through various financing methods; the boss of company A laundered the 2 trillion into overseas U.S. dollars, and then made company A default. Re - DayDayNews

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