The thirty-fourth hexagram of "Book of Changes" Dazhuang Lei Tian Dazhuang Zhen Shanggan Xia hexagram structure: Zhen Shanggan Xia hexagram Name: Dazhuang hexagram Lei Tian Dazhuangzhuang, [phonetic] look at the glyph, a scholar is a capable person . The "爿" on the left refers to

Hexagram 34 of "Book of Changes" Dazhuang Thunder Sky Dazhuang Zhen Shanggan Xia

Hexagram structure: Zhen Shanggan Xia

Hexagram name: Dazhuang hexagram Thunder Sky Dazhuang

Zhuang, [phonetic] glyph, Shi For capable people. The "爿" on the left refers to the wood flower that can be split into pieces. The original meaning is a person who can do great things.

" Shuowen Jiezi ": "The strong is great." is strong, strong, heroic and ambitious.

"Guang Ya": "Strong, healthy." Strong.

" Book of Rites. Qu Li ": "Thirty Days Zhuang" . When you are thirty, you stand tall and strong. Looking at the natural attributes of the

hexagram, it vibrates up and down, thunders in the sky, and the sound is rumbling and strong. Looking at the cultural attributes of

hexagrams, they are strong on the inside and vibrating on the outside, like a strong man who is strong on the inside but brave on the outside. It can also be seen as a gentleman who strives for self-improvement and achieves a vigorous career abroad. If your career is successful, success will be great. Big means strong.

The hexagram image conforms to the original meaning of the character Zhuang, so it is named Dazhuang hexagram, Leitian Dazhuang.

"Book of Changes. Xu Gua Zhuan": Those who escape will retreat. Things cannot "escape" forever, so they are "strong" by being received.

The cycle of ups and downs in all things is the law of natural development, such as the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. When the yin grows and the yang recedes, all things enter winter dormancy ( those who escape also retreat ), winter will always pass ( things cannot "escape" forever ), spring returns to the earth, when the yang grows and the yin disappears, all things revive and gradually flourish. Strong (, so it is called "big strong" ).

Judging from the twelve news hexagrams, the Dazhuang hexagram is the second month of the Jingzhe and the spring equinox. February 2nd The dragon raises its head, Yang Qi rises, the spring thunder stings, spring returns to the earth, and all things revive.

" I Ching. Miscellaneous Gua Chuan ": "If you are strong, you will stop, and if you escape, you will retreat."

The core password of escape hexagram is "retreat". Recognize the moment, assess the situation, if the momentum is wrong, avoid its edge, take a step back, the sky is high and the sea is wide. Tianshan Escape.

The core password of Dazhuang Gua is "stop". Know the time, assess the situation, and brake in time when the momentum is at its peak to avoid speeding and overturning. Thunder Sky is strong.

Dun Gua and Dazhuang Gua, the integrated relationship between the two sides of one body, are also the wisdom of knowing the time and the situation. When you retreat, you retreat; when you stop, you stop.

"Tao Te Ching": "To love too much will lead to a lot of expense, and to store a lot will lead to a loss of wealth." To love a lot and to hide a lot is when the momentum is at its strongest. inevitable result.