Nowadays, people's living standards have generally improved, and more and more people like to plant flowers and trees. I have been growing flowers since I was a child, and those who have a garden like to plant trees. Trees can not only purify the air, but also make people happy.

Nowadays, people's living standards have generally improved, and more and more people like to plant flowers and trees. Flowers have been planted at home since childhood, and those who have a garden like to plant trees. Trees can not only purify the air, but also make people happy.

However, planting trees is also important. There is an old saying: whether you are rich or not, the tree in front of your door; Plant five trees at home , and your descendants will be rich for generations. Therefore, if you choose the right trees to plant in your courtyard, your home will be prosperous and your descendants will be blessed. So what are the five "magic" trees?

1. Osmanthus tree

Osmanthus tree is one of the top ten famous flowers in my country's traditional ! Almost no one knows it. August is the season when sweet-scented osmanthus blooms. You can smell the unique fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus from a distance, which is refreshing and refreshing.

In ancient times, many literati wrote many poems to sing the praises of osmanthus. Perhaps "gui" corresponds to "gui" . In ancient times, there were osmanthus trees in the courtyards of high-ranking officials and dignitaries. The meaning of the osmanthus tree is that "a noble person will be born in the family", and it also indicates that future generations will be prosperous.

The scent of osmanthus is unparalleled. Hard-working people will also brew osmanthus into wine and make osmanthus cake. Osmanthus flowers can also be used to make tea. Coincidentally, the sweet-scented osmanthus blooms again during the Mid-Autumn Festival . The moon is full in Mid-Autumn Festival . Family members are reunited. Enjoy the full moon with wine. So happy!

2. Ginkgo tree

The ginkgo tree appeared in the Carboniferous period more than 300 million years ago, so the ginkgo tree is also called "living fossil" . Its lifespan is very long. In China, There are ginkgo trees that are over 3,000 years old! So it is also called the tree of longevity .

The leaves of the ginkgo tree are particularly beautiful, fan-shaped . It is green in spring, and all the leaves turn golden in autumn. Looking from a distance, the eyes are full of golden light, as if the trees are covered with gold. Therefore, the ginkgo tree is also called the "golden tree" .

The fruit of the Ginkgo tree is called Ginkgo . It is soft, waxy and slightly bitter and can be used as medicine. It has the functions of moistening the lungs, relieving coughs and relieving asthma. Ginkgo can also be used as a side dish, pastry, etc. The whole body of the ginkgo tree is treasure ! Planting a ginkgo tree in the courtyard indicates "wealth and prosperity" .

3. Persimmon tree

Golden autumn October is the season when the red persimmon is on the market. Persimmon is one of people's favorite fruits. It has a bright appearance, and juicy texture. It is soft and glutinous and delicious. It is very popular with the elderly and children.

Persimmon is also a mascot, "persimmon" corresponds to "thing" , which indicates "everything goes well" , so whether in ancient times or now, many people use persimmons as home decorations, with the red color , very happy , auspicious!

The nutritional value of persimmon is also very high. In addition to vitamin C, it is also rich in glucose, fructose, calcium, iron and other minerals. Moreover, persimmons are rich in pectin , which is very helpful in lubricating the intestines. It is also very effective in lowering blood pressure and chronic bronchitis.

Persimmon trees are also very easy to grow, and they are not very picky about the climate. Persimmon trees can be planted in both the south and the north. Generally, can be converted into in five or six years. The persimmon tree with its red fruits is also very beautiful growing in the yard.

4. Pomegranate tree

Pomegranate is a fruit that everyone loves very much. The pomegranate is densely covered with pomegranate seeds , crystal clear , the appearance is very attractive, plus sweet and sour The taste is loved by many people.

In ancient times, pomegranate was still mascot , because the pomegranate has many seeds, "seeds" are connected to "child" , which indicates that will have many children and will be blessed , so on happy wedding days, pomegranates are often decorated , I hope that the bride can have more children, her family will be full of children and grandchildren, and her family will be prosperous.

In addition to its good meaning, the nutritional value of pomegranate is not to be underestimated . It is not only rich in vitamin C, but also contains many minerals and trace elements , as well as various organic acids and folic acid . Its leaves, peel and flowers can be used as medicine to treat diseases.

Pomegranate is still a plant with ornamental value ! Its flowers and fruits are bright in color and very eye-catching. Planting pomegranate trees is very simple. It is not afraid of cold or scorching heat. It can be planted in both north and south, and it does not have to be picky about the soil. It’s really nice to plant a pomegranate tree in the courtyard.

5. Golden nanmu

Golden nanmu is a very precious wood in our country. In ancient times, only royal palaces and temples given by the royal family could use golden nanmu. Because the golden nanmu will emit golden light under the sunlight, making it look magnificent and very spectacular.

The golden nanmu tree grows very slowly , so the older it is, the more precious it is. If you plant a golden nanmu tree in your yard, it can really be passed down as a "heirloom" , is of later generations.

Although golden nanmu is called "royal wood" , it is very adaptable to the environment. It can grow well whether it is the hot south or the cold north. The texture of golden nanmu is very beautiful. It is not only changeable, but also has its unique "changing shadows with each step" .

Golden nanmu will emit a natural elegant and delicate fragrance, which is not only insect-proof, but also will not rot. Use it to make furniture that won’t be cold to the touch in winter! Such a magical tree must be planted in the courtyard of your home to show the owner's taste .


"If you are rich, you will have a tree in front of your door; if you plant no trees at home, your descendants will be rich for generations." This old saying may have some superstitious elements in it. But it also reflects people's pursuit of beauty and their desire to add auspiciousness and joy to ordinary life.