Geologists and meteorologists jointly conducted research and concluded that the air contains moisture. Over the long history, natural evolution and natural selection, a large number of plant communities that can collect moisture from the air grow in that terrain environment. Plan

Tianchi and the source of Tianchi water !

netizen’s question is: What’s the matter with the rockery overflowing from household Feng Shui ornaments?

The simple understanding and answer is: absorbing moisture and flooding, Tianchi Feng Shui effect!

is similar to a Tianchi somewhere in Sichuan. There is no rainfall, but the Tianchi water never dries up. Geologists and meteorologists jointly conducted research and concluded that the air contains moisture. Over the long history, natural evolution and natural selection, a large number of plant communities that can collect moisture from the air grow in that kind of environment. In the terrain environment, plants and mountain materials work together to absorb moisture from the air. The excess water flows underground and seeps into Tianchi, constantly replenishing the water source in Tianchi, and keeping the water in Tianchi at a stable storage range for many years. . Forming an ecologically balanced environment for local Tianchi water! A piece of news like

comes from the video report of Science and Education Channel 10, but currently searching on general web pages, no other more accurate textual information can be found to further confirm it!

The cause of Tianchi is first of all the volcanic eruption, meteorite hitting the earth, forming various large and small natural craters. Such natural craters have the ability to store water. If there is enough water source to supplement, they will form Tianchi.

Sufficient water supply mainly comes from three aspects: 1. Rainfall. 2. There are underground gaps in other parts that inject water into Tianchi. 3. There are plant communities growing around it that can effectively collect water from the air. They continuously collect water from the air and effectively replenish the water in Tianchi.

Natural rainfall among these three depends on plant communities, which affects local climate and promotes an increase in precipitation. Plant communities are "natural props" for indirect rainfall. As long as the original plant community formed around Tianchi is not damaged, whether it is through rainfall or through plants collecting moisture in the air, Tianchi will have sufficient water resources. In such a water replenishment process, plant communities play a vital role.

However, the ancients did have different understandings of such issues. The ancients mainly understood Tianchi from the perspective of "dragon" and "god"!

The ancients believed that the best is like water, water contains all things, dragons are prosperous and water is prosperous.

Ancient Feng Shui writings believe that Tianchi water is also known as "Weilongchi". The general explanation is that on high mountains, only when the dragon energy is particularly strong and living dragons live in it can it store water.

Tianchi water is mostly water stored on the high peaks of the ancestral mountains. It is divided into five categories: Two Pools and a Dragon is the most expensive. The single pool guarding dragon comes second. A small pond with water that neither flows out nor dries up is called "Weilong Well", which is the second best. It is neither a pond nor a lake, but a small stream of Mengquan, which is called "Weilongquan". These four patterns belong to Jige. If the dragon pond collapses and the mountains around the pond collapse, the dragon's energy will leak out, which is a pattern of good fortune and misfortune.

Elder Gu Tuo of the Song Dynasty believed in the "Encyclopedia of Entering the Earth's Eyes: Tianchi Water": "The water of Tianchi is rarely known, and the deep and wide circulation is the most amazing. It can pool the Tianshui and shade the dragon's veins, and it can still experience the rise and fall when it is full and exhausted. Pingban Tianchi is large and Deep, the true dragon's veins are strong and condensed early, and the four seasons are infused with great honor and honor. Once they dry up, they will collapse."

Tianchi water refers to a pool of water on the top of a mountain. Because it is high on the top of the mountain between the clouds and Han, it is considered to be Tianchi.

"Dragon Scripture" believes: "There is a pool of water on the top of a high mountain, and the real dragon is walking between the two waters. I asked you where the water comes from on the top of the high mountain. This is the Qi of the real dragon tower. Water springs are born on the tower hall, and the water still falls on both sides. Welcome, but the real dragon is passing by in the spring."

Some people think that the plain terrain, the dragon body and the lake are all Tianchi water.

There is a pool of water at the place where the dragon passes through the gorge and falls, which is called Tianchi water.

These situations tell people not to be rigid and stubborn in thinking that only the pond water on the top of the mountain is Tianchi water. In fact, as long as the natural pond on the dragon's body is Tianchi water, it is Tianchi water. If it is not on the dragon's body, it is pond water, not Tianchi.

Where the dragon crosses the gorge, there are pools on the left and right sides, with dragon veins running through it. It is called Zuo Shi You Wei, also known as Yangyin Water.Liao believes: "'Longshang' is like two pools of water, nourishing yin is the most beautiful." There is also the situation of "there is a pool on one side and no pool on the other side". Ancient classics believe: "There is also a single pool hugging the side, but a single pool is not as good as two pools."

Tianchi is also known as Tianhan, also known as Tianhuang. According to ancient classics: "The pool is flat and the water between the two is clear. This place is called Tianhan Star. Tianhan Tianhuang enters the pavilion road, and this star enters the heaven where each other lives."

Cai Wenjie is recognized as saying: "When the dragon takes Tianchi, it is noble and far-reaching." Therefore, if there is such a pool on the dragon's body, the acupuncture field it combines will be very powerful. However, it needs water from four seasons to be beautiful. If it suddenly dries up, disaster is imminent.

It is dialectically believed in ancient books: "Tianchi may be flat and shallow, and it may appear and disappear at first, which is not auspicious." An ancient poem says: "The water of Tianchi is shallow and flat, with no water or leaning over. I dare not say that this lake is strange. It is difficult to achieve wealth by just holding on to it."

Therefore, it is better for the water in Tianchi to be deep and not dry up at all times. This kind of terrain is true Tianchi. In a real Tianchi, the water is naturally deep and clear. It is a manifestation all year round. It is difficult to have the hidden danger of drying up. For such situations, we must carefully examine and identify clearly.

The more famous Tianchis in our country include Changbai Mountain Tianchi, Xinjiang Tianchi, Yunlong Tianchi... Because the regional environments of these Tianchis are quite different, the Tianchi water in them has its own characteristics. However, the existence of "Tianchi water" is based on the basis and foundation of "there are dragons" and "there are gods", and Tianchi is judged from the perspective of mythology!

Changbai Mountain Tianchi!

In ancient times, the beautiful Tianchi was located on the top of the high Changbai Mountain and was inaccessible to people. Even the gods in the sky did not know that there was such a good spring in the world.

One day, the Dragon King cruised to Yuanxin Lake and found many sparkling water drops by the lake. The Dragon King asked his followers to pick them up and put them in the palm of his hand. The water drops looked like pearls. The Dragon King liked them very much. He looked at them again and again and tasted them. Taste again, the water drops are sweet, fragrant and delicious. From then on, the Dragon King called this water pearl water.

The Dragon King returned to the Dragon Palace and was determined to find the source of pearl water, so he issued an order to let his soldiers and shrimp generals search all over the world. The fish soldiers and shrimp generals traveled all over the world. If they didn't find it, they reported it to the Dragon King. But the Dragon King was still unwilling to give in, and issued another order to let the fish soldiers and shrimp generals go looking for it again.

The Dragon King's fish soldiers and shrimp generals finally found a tall mountain - Changbai Mountain in a remote place in the northeast corner. Looking from a distance, there is a pool of clear water on the top of the mountain. Pearl water is the water flowing from this deep mountain valley.

The Dragon King knew where the pearl water came from, so he wrote to the Jade Emperor. The Jade Emperor was very happy and named the pool on the top of Changbai Mountain Tianchi.

The good news that there was pearl water in Tianchi soon spread in Tiangong.

One morning, the Nantian Gate opened, and seven fairies in colorful clothes came out of the gate. They rode colorful clouds to Tianchi in Changbai Mountain.

The beautiful and handsome figures of seven fairies are reflected on the azure blue Tianchi water. After seeing the beautiful scenery around Tianchi, they took off their colorful clothes and went down to take a bath in Tianchi. The fairies swam around in the pool, joking and laughing. A fairy accidentally took a sip of Tianchi water and thought the water was really sweet and refreshing. She thought: How great it would be if we let this water flow down the mountain and let everyone in the world drink Tianchi water!

She expressed her thoughts to her sisters, and everyone agreed. So seven beautiful fairies used seven wooden spoons to scoop up the water from Tianchi and splash it to the north. The water passed through the dragon gate and flowed down the cliff, turning into a waterfall and winding into the pine forest. In spring, pine tree flowers fell on the water and drifted down the mountain with the water. Later, people named it Songhua River. The fairies again scooped up water and poured it to the east. As soon as the water flowed down, it was blocked by the towering mountain peaks. The water turned around and flowed down the cracks in the rocks. After flowing for a long distance, it emerged from the valley to the ground. Continuing to flow eastward, people named this river Tumen River . The fairies scooped up water and poured it to the southwest. The water was blocked by overlapping peaks, so it swirled around the peaks and flowed into the sea. People named it Yalu River .

From then on, Tianchi in Changbai Mountain gave birth to three major rivers: Songhua River, Tumen River, and Yalu River.

These three rivers flow mightily in the three directions of "north", "east" and "west". For many years, it has been nourishing the fertile land and nurturing thousands of people on this land.

There are two key points in the above myths: water turns into beads and water has sweet taste. These are the two secrets of ancient Feng Shui activities to identify and understand water quality, and to distinguish the quality of dragon caves from water quality!

Xinjiang Tianchi!

The water of Tianshan is as blue as a gem, and the water is as white as snowflakes. It is the bathing pool of the Queen Mother. The lake is dark green, the mountains are smooth, the spruce forest holds the pool in the mountains, and the Bogda Snow Mountain stands proudly. Being immersed in the scene makes people drift away without knowing where they are. There is a poem to prove it: "The snow is covered with snow in the distance, and the pines are nearby, and the wild flowers are like brocade green and red. The scenery of lakes and mountains splash-ink painting blends spring, summer, autumn and winter into one scene."

When you hear the thunderous sound of water, it must be the waterfall in Tianshan Mountain: Xuanhu Waterfall!

Moving forward quickly, I saw the water of Dongxiaotianchi pouring down from the mouth of a canyon less than 23 meters wide to a cliff with a height of 100 meters. The waterfall rushed down the rugged rocks and discharged at almost 90 degrees. The white curtain hangs in the sky and the sound shakes the valley. The spectacular scene is indescribable. There are poems to prove it: "Pearls hang in the air in the spring, and silver chains hang high in the mist. The smoke and water are misty and the sun is bright, and the rainbow flies in the green mountains. ".

This hanging waterfall has a unique style. Because there are many rocks in the canyon and the water is strong, looking up from the bottom of the waterfall, it looks like a big hole has been broken in the sky. The water is pouring from the sky, rushing against the stone wall, and the water is splashing like white snow. Under the sunlight, the water flowers show a rainbow of seven colors.

From the perspective of Feng Shui, both Tianchis have overflows. They are not the top-grade Tianchis that "never dry up nor overflow" as required in Fengshui Luantou theory!