Why the house should not stand out from the crowd. Many of the current residences are high-rise buildings. If they are surrounded by high-rise buildings or small high-rise buildings, it would be fine. However, if only the first floor in a row or block of buildings is tall, it wil

Why houses should not stand out from the crowd

Many of today’s residences are high-rise buildings. If they are surrounded by high-rise buildings or small high-rise buildings, it is fine, but if only the first floor in a row or a block of buildings is high, then there will be a situation of "standing out from the crowd" Feel. In fact, the Feng Shui of this kind of high-rise residence is not good. In Feng Shui, this is called "lonely peak and solitary beauty". The surrounding evil spirits will bear the brunt of the high-rise building. This kind of residential environment is not good for the mental health of the residents.

In addition, do not build your residence into a "mountain top" layout. People often refer to "mid-mountain mansions" as mansions built on a hillside and cannot be built too high. Only the rich can afford to live in such houses. But it is not good if the house is built on the top of a mountain. As the saying goes, "it is cold at high places." Generally speaking, in ancient times only temples were built on top of mountains. Moreover, the top of the mountain is too close to the sky, wind, water and air flow too fast, there is no earth atmosphere, sparsely populated, and the surrounding area is empty, which makes living there quite lonely, making it unsuitable for people to live.

Why houses should not be built in valley basins

Valley basins are low-lying and prone to harbor dirt and evil people and practices. In modern society, valley basins are more susceptible to pollution. Valleys are prone to atmospheric pollution due to the presence of valley winds and temperature differences.

During the day, the hillside is heated by sunlight, and the temperature is higher than that of the valley, forming a inversion . The valley wind blows upward from the valley; at night, the hillside dissipates heat quickly, and the temperature drops to even lower than that of the valley, and the cold air moves downhill, forming a mountain breeze. Blowing from the hillside to the valley. This is like the rise and fall of tides. There is an intermittent period in the middle. During the intermittent period when the mountain breeze and the valley breeze change, it is most unfavorable for the diffusion of pollutants. A large amount of pollutants remain in the valley, causing atmospheric pollution. Therefore, it is not advisable to build a house in a valley, but on a hillside, preferably a sunny hillside.

Do not build your residence in a "basin" pattern. If the entire building foundation of a residential area is lower than the surrounding terrain, making people feel like they are living in a basin. This terrain is not good for ventilation, lighting, and drainage, and it will make you feel uncomfortable when you go home every day. Furthermore, from a Feng Shui perspective, basin areas often accumulate denser turbid air, which can cause significant harm to the health of residents, so you must pay attention when purchasing a house.

should be on the slope and should not go deep into the hillside.

Building residences on hillside is currently the most popular trend, but it is inevitable that some people will have the illusion of "opening to the mountain". According to Feng Shui, if the distance between your house and the mountain is too close, it will be a serious disaster. Because there are mountains within a few hundred meters in front of the gate, people's aura will be blocked and they will feel psychologically oppressive, which is not good for their family fortune and also greatly hinders their career development. Therefore, it is not good for the house to be too deep into the hillside and too close to the mountain. It should be built on the plane of the hillside and at a certain distance from the mountain.

The slopes are very dangerous. If the door of the house faces a very sloping hillside, it should not be selected as a residence. Traditionally, it is believed that this kind of house will not only leak family wealth, but also cause family members to be separated and never return. If the house is located at the bottom of a steep hillside, the evil spirits will be too strong and too strong, often resulting in casualties. From a Feng Shui perspective, houses on flat terrain are more stable and reliable. Even if there is a slope, it should not be too steep, let alone go deep into the hillside. Therefore, when purchasing a building, you should pay special attention to the surrounding environment.

Why the topography of houses should face the sun and not the shade

Topography can be divided into yin and yang. The south of the mountains and the north of the water are called Yang; the north of the mountains and the south of the water are called Yin. The ancients originally lived near mountains and rivers, and many cities were built near water and mountains. For example, there are many place names in Daiyang, Henan Province with a long history. It can still be seen that the cities built on the waterside include: Luoyang, Puyang, Huaiyang, Biyang, Qinyang, Ruyang etc.

As far as the general situation of the terrain is concerned, the sunny place is the outside and the shady place is the inside. Houses should generally be on the sunny side, not on the shady side. The reason is that the sunny side is dry, while the shady side is generally very humid, which is not conducive to living and health.