The center of the house, the geographical center, the economic center, the political center, the "middle" in the ancient Feng Shui theory has far-reaching meanings! The question from netizens is: Where should the center of a house with a courtyard wall start? Rural houses have co

The center of the house, the geographical center, the economic center, the political center, the "middle" in the ancient Feng Shui theory has far-reaching meanings!

netizen’s question is: Where should the center of a house with a courtyard wall start? Rural houses have courtyard walls. Should the position of the central earth be calculated from the inside of the house, or should the center be calculated together with the courtyard wall? The house is square, and the courtyard wall is rectangular. How should we find the location of the center of the house?

The simple understanding and answer is: the plane shape of any house or courtyard area is either rectangular or square, and rarely circular. For rectangles and squares, the point where the two diagonals intersect is the center point, which is where the center point is.

In a generally relatively open terrain position, the point where a person stands is the center point, and the place that can be seen in the surrounding field of vision is the "people-oriented" and "day of the week" in the sense of "Book of Changes". The meaning of this sentence is to emphasize that the central point is the point established with people as the center. The ancients said that "man is the spirit of all things". People are the most intelligent creatures in the world, and people are the active ones in the house. The location of Wujitu is just a point, and it is the point that exists in people's brains to "count" and "impress" it.

What is the "countless" and "impressive" point in people's brains? It means that a person must have "key points" and "centers" and "priorities" in his behavior!

detects the center point of a house, even if it is an irregular terrain, it can use virtual addition, subtraction and filling of gaps to reach a rectangle, a square, an equilateral triangle, and the center point where the diagonals intersect can be confirmed, which is the center point of the house. .

The position of center and center is a relative concept, sometimes it is just a point: whatever is measured is centered on it. When measuring a room, use the room as the "main" and determine a center point; when measuring a house, use the house as the "main" and determine a center point; when measuring a courtyard, use the courtyard as the "main" and determine a center point.

Rooms, houses, and courtyards each have a central point. To determine which central point is important, it is mainly based on the psychological thoughts of the person being tested. He thinks "that point" is an important position. In the mind of the person trying to test, "that point" is important. The position of "a point" is the most important, and the center point of the test is determined by testing the person's psychological thoughts. This is called "geographic orientation".

The key point of Feng Shui is that the "heart direction" of the party can only be deduced based on why the party wants to confirm that central point and why it is determined in that way, and the trend characteristics of the party's past, present and future can be deduced from the "heart direction".

The picture below is a schematic diagram of the center point where the diagonals intersect:

The middle palace is the "midpoint", and the corresponding humanistic connotation is "centering", "center", "key point" and "center of gravity"... The meaning of the

middle palace lies in humanistic induction. !

If a person does not understand and has no "center" or "key point", he has little opinion. The performance in daily life is "shit and piss", and there is no order in doing things. When something happens, "can't cut it, can't place it clearly", "a confused fly", "looks east, west"...the purpose is not clear!

If a family does not understand and does not have a "center" and "key point" and is scattered, it is impossible to have a higher level of wealth. Wealth is cultivated in people's "center" and "key point" tendencies!

If a country does not understand and does not have a "center" and "key point", it will be in danger...

This should be the meaning of Feng Shui's emphasis on the middle palace! This is an important meaning that people who study Feng Shui, love Feng Shui, and are obsessed with Feng Shui must understand. Otherwise, the compass and are poorly displayed and cannot be found accurately, and the "Yin Yang Universe" that people need can't be found!

The "middle palace" of home Feng Shui is the center point. How important is it? Please pay attention to the discussions of the relevant Feng Shui schools!

The center of home Feng Shui, just like the heart of the human body, is very important. In Feng Shui, it is called the "Middle Palace", also known as the "Tai Chi Point".The "Tai Chi Point" is the center position, which is the gathering point of the house's vitality. The position of the middle palace is related to the fortune and health of all members of a family, and is closely related to the development of a family. Therefore, people must not ignore the importance of the center point of the house.

In the Feng Shui layout of the home, the middle palace should be "empty", "unobstructed" and "tidy". The following problems must not occur, otherwise money will be leaked and disasters will continue!

The center point of the house is the place where the air flows. All the air flow in the house will pass through the center point of the house and then flow to every corner of the house. Therefore, in the layout of the central point of the house, you need to always pay attention to the environmental sanitation of the central point. "Tires", "filth", "trash cans"... and other items must not be placed in the middle palace, otherwise the gas in the middle palace will be polluted. When the market is polluted and the environment becomes unhygienic and unclean, when the middle palace is extremely dirty, the odor will spread to every corner of the house, causing the overall feng shui of the house to be polluted, thus seriously affecting the The health of family members will lead to worse and worse fortune! It can be seen that the layout of the center point of the house must be clean.

People should note that in ancient times, in the house layout not long ago, toilets were generally located very far outside the house. For the convenience of life, modern people put the toilet in the same space as the bedroom and living room. In fact, this can only Reflecting the progress of the times, it is not a good thing for home feng shui.

You must know that the toilet is a dirty place. It uses a lot of water and is easy to breed bacteria. If the toilet at home happens to be in the center of the house, it will form a "dirty Tai Chi" pattern. Over a long period of time, it will not only damage the physical health of the adults in the family, but also have a negative impact on the financial development of the family members.

In addition, if the kitchen is placed in the center of the house, it cannot be considered a very good layout. In a house, apart from the toilet, the kitchen produces the most sewage.

Moreover, the five elements in the middle palace belong to earth, while the five elements in the kitchen belong to fire, and the fire is scorched and the earth is dry. This not only easily causes family members to have difficulties in financial development, and is easily frustrated in career, but is also very detrimental to the physical and mental health of family members. Having a bad temper and difficulty controlling emotions can lead to heart disease.

There are many houses with many patterns, and there are obvious sharp edges and corners inside. These sharp edges and corners cannot be pointed directly at the bedside and sofa... and of course they cannot be pointed directly at the middle palace. If such a problem occurs, hiding the sharp knife, rounding the edges and corners, and using broad-leaf plants to block the edges and corners should be some ideas that can alleviate the problem.

Modern houses are designed to make better use of space and meet people's living needs. Houses with duplex structures have appeared. Houses with duplex structures, also known as jump-structure houses, have more space advantages and a stronger sense of hierarchy than single-story houses, and are becoming more and more popular among people. Duplex structure houses are relatively good house types. However, there are also many Feng Shui issues in duplex structure houses that cannot be ignored. The most affected one is the central location of the stairs.

The center of the house is the key to home feng shui. It should be quiet and not moving. Therefore, the stairs should never be placed in the center. You must know that stairs are the main passage for people to move back and forth, and when people go up and down floors, they will vibrate, which will disturb the aura of the middle palace. Over time, it will lead to ups and downs in the fortune of the family, turmoil, and induce conflicts among family members. In addition, large electrical equipment such as "TVs", "stereos", and "washing machines" will produce loud sounds during operation and should not be placed in the middle palace.

People in ancient times believed that "the center of geography has the most spiritual power"!

All the surveying and mapping of the earth need to establish a center point. Only by starting from this can we conduct "accurate" and "effective" geographical surveying and mapping. This shows how important the center is!

Where is the center of China's geographical surveying and mapping?

Some people may subconsciously think that it is in Beijing, the capital of the motherland.Since Ming Dynasty Emperor Chengzu Zhu Di moved the capital to Beijing, Beijing has become the political and cultural center of China. Others may think that in Shanghai, after all, Shanghai has been stereotyped as an international metropolis since the Republic of China. These are centers defined on a political level as well as on an economic level.

China’s territory and the geographical location of its center point are probably unknown to many people and are unknown. So, where is it and what is its significance?

The origin of the earth of the People's Republic of China is located in Shijisi Village, Yongle Town, Jingyang County, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province. Suppose you press your finger on the intersection of Shijisi Village, the starting point of China's geodetic latitude and longitude coordinates. This village with longitude and latitude intertwined under the fingers of China is exactly in the geographical center of China. It is one thousand kilometers, one thousand seven hundred and fifty kilometers and two thousand nine kilometers away from due east, due south, due west and due north of China. One hundred and thirty kilometers, eight hundred and eighty kilometers. China Geodetic Surveying and Mapping Origin covers an area of ​​about 58.2 acres. It was invested and constructed by the National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping in 1977 and completed and put into use in 1978.

No matter which country in the world, in order to facilitate geodetic survey on its country's territory, a reference ellipsoid - geodetic origin must be used. The geodetic origin is the starting point for a country to calculate geodetic coordinates in establishing a national geographic horizontal control network. The establishment of the Earth Origin of the People's Republic of China is a symbol of the independence of China's surveying and mapping industry. The country's basic gravity points and basic astronomical points were added and measured. Since then, the Geodetic Origin of the People's Republic of China has provided strong data support for national geography, military and other aspects of surveying and mapping work.

In fact, as early as the Zhou Dynasty 4,000 years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese people began to explore the "China" of China. Zhou Gong of the Zhou Dynasty launched a nationwide survey, and finally divided the world into Kyushu, with Yuzhou as the "middle" of Kyushu. The measurement results also showed that the center point of Yuzhou was Runan . China's first geographical center station was built in Runan. This post later became synonymous with the post as a communication transmission station. Another mountain was built, called "Tianzhong Mountain", but now this place is a park. It seems that our ancestors had great foresight and sharp wisdom that ordinary people do not have. Without the assistance of modern measurement tools, they have already very powerfully thought of mapping center point and the idea of ​​establishing a point. Geographical mapping for the center.

Under the guidance of the ancients' rules of "all things are similar" and "repeated reading of hexagrams" in the "Book of Changes", the concept of the "center" of the earth will not simply be applied to map surveying. From the perspective of map surveying and mapping, we need to think about the "center". It has evolved into all aspects of social life and has been applied to the construction of houses. We have to admire the wisdom of the ancients. People who have learned Feng Shui cannot simply view and understand the application of "center" on houses. It is an important humanistic psychological induction. !