If you are lucky enough to live in a place with bad feng shui, the feng shui will improve with you. If you are not blessed and live in a place with good feng shui, and you cannot control it, the good feng shui will break down on its own. We must respect the heaven, the earth, the

If you are lucky enough to live in a place with bad feng shui, the feng shui will improve with you.

If you are not blessed and live in a place with good feng shui, and you cannot control it, the good feng shui will break down on its own. We must respect the heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon, the mountains, rivers, vegetation, trees, insects, fish, sand, stones, and all things, books, all of which have spirits. If you respect it, it will fulfill you and help you everywhere. This feeling is like finding one's soulmate. (We Taoists say a word "fate", Feng Shui is also fate) How do we feel when we meet our sweetheart? - Very energetic, in layman's terms, an eighty-year-old lady feels that she is eighteen, The old man can also write poetry. This is called the finishing touch. His soul has come to life, and so is it. So how to cultivate Feng Shui? - Cultivate merit.

▌The first thing to cultivate in Feng Shui is not to kill. The so-called Feng Shui treasure place is the place where the vitality is the strongest. All living beings are afraid of killing and avoid it. Think of a place where there is no life - a desert. There is nothing in the desert, so what kind of wealth can bring happiness, wealth, longevity and happiness?

▌The second way to cultivate Feng Shui is to be filial to your parents. Be filial to your parents and don’t contradict them. Let me interrupt for a moment and talk about being filial to your parents. Being filial to your parents is the life prescription that can change all your destiny. The ancient sages and sages all said that you should support your parents and teachers.

▌The third way to cultivate Feng Shui is not to speak ill of others, not even to relatives at home. Because there is no one person or two people anywhere. God is listening, everything is listening, and the cups, plates, bowls, screens, tables and chairs around you are listening. If you speak ill of people, they won't obey you. This is like a general. If the soldiers do not obey you, you will not be able to control them, and the morale of the soldiers will be scattered. If they stay with you for a long time, they will learn the same things as you. This is the saying "things are the master's form". Therefore, some fortune tellers can know what other people are like by looking at the things they have used, and the things will speak for themselves. All things are spiritual, and all things will talk to themselves. The sea is called the king of hundreds of valleys because of its kindness. The sea is the lowest, so it becomes the king. I put myself at the lowest level, and the wisdom and merit of all things and rivers can also gather in. When we talk about being virtuous and carrying things, we must put ourselves underneath things and put ourselves at the lowest level.

"All living beings are less blessed because they respect each other less and less." Respecting the sky can help you understand the way of heaven; respecting the stars can help you understand the stars; respecting the mountains and rivers can help you understand the mountains and rivers; respecting the grass and trees can help you understand the grass and trees; respecting the insects and fish can help you understand the insects and fish; respecting the sand and stones can help you understand the knowledge. Sand and gravel.

Whatever you respect, you will be willing to know, tell you, help you and achieve you. For example, plants and trees are soft when alive and hard when dead. When a person is alive, his body is soft, but when he is dead, he becomes stiff. This means that softness is a manifestation of vitality. From this, it can be inferred that being soft and not stubborn is the foundation of happiness and wealth.

No matter where you look at a person, you can see the whole picture of that person. You can see it through his bones, his back shape, his face, his residence, his skin, and his writing. Look, you can look through his pencil case.

Why can the ancients take the pulse and judge a person's fortune based on his pulse condition? This is indeed possible. A person and all the people and things around him are magnified and reflected by his own mind. If you observe this information carefully, you can see it yourself.

To determine a person's fortune, just look at his words and deeds. Don't speak against others and often help others go smoothly when doing things, and your own airflow will become smoother due to this psychological suggestion.

For example, when you are angry and resentful, you often get choked up, so you need to control your temper. For example, only when the turbid air descends into the earth can it carry all things, so we must pay attention to tolerating other people's shortcomings and filthiness, so that we can carry things, and what will happen if we carry things - it will bring wealth. Things are all kinds of harvests and all kinds of wealth.

things can only be carried by virtue. Otherwise it will be a disaster - for example, if they give you ten million now, they won't be afraid of billions, but you will be afraid after you get ten million. Afraid of people coming to rob, steal, or steal. Thieves target people like you more than they target entrepreneurs who are hundreds of times richer than you.What do you use these ten million for? If you have no virtue, you will use it to indulge yourself, eat, drink and have fun all day long without making progress. In the end, you will harm your body, mind, health and destroy yourself.

This is the truth that if virtue is not matched, disaster will inevitably follow.