There are always people complaining that they are having extramarital affairs, and even their partners are in the same bed. As everyone knows, improper home furnishings may be the culprit. For example, the bedroom in the photo has a lot of problems. Let’s take a look at what aspe

There are always people complaining that they are having extramarital affairs, and even their partners are in the same bed. As everyone knows, improper home furnishings may be the culprit. For example, the bedroom in the photo has a lot of problems.

Let’s take a look at the areas in this room that violate the principles of auspicious home feng shui.

(1) Placing flowers on the bedside is a sign of love:

Both husband and wife will have affairs, and over time, they will part ways and the family will be broken up.

(2) The bed is too close to the glass window:

It is empty and helpless, unable to keep one's feet on the ground, which affects the development of the career. In modern metropolises, there are often buildings in front of the building, behind the building, and beside the building. The bed is too close to the window, making it impossible to maintain privacy in the bedroom. In addition, as the city becomes increasingly complex, annoying noises will pass through. Passing through this not-too-thick glass window will affect your sleep; the saying "there are many dreams under the window" has also been fulfilled in my practice. According to previous Feng Shui books, it is said that lying in bed too close to the window can easily lead to "red apricots coming out of the wall".

(3) Bedside mirrors attract ghosts:

The owner often suffers from headaches and insomnia. Romance requires principles and feng shui, but romance should not affect your health. Many young people decorate their houses in an unconventional way. Who doesn’t know that things are in order, and those who go against them will be implicated.

(4) Avoid using uneven bedroom furniture:

The use of rattan for the table frame in the picture violates this rule and will bring difficulties to the owner's wealth.

(5) Messy bed and floor will affect the owner’s luck:

In life, many people don’t understand that neatness can bring good luck. In fact, Feng Shui is not as complicated as everyone thinks, it is all around you. It's neither like some people who deliberately mystify it and hold it up to the sky, nor like some people who don't understand Feng Shui at all, but say it's superstition and put it down to the ground. Feng Shui is around you, everywhere, simple and easy to understand. Everyone knows that people who are messy can't accomplish great things, so tidy up your environment and put yourself in a good mood. Good luck will come naturally.

(6) It is preferable to use a whole window in the bedroom, and avoid using two or more separate windows:

It is originally a matter of one window wall, but it is divided into several pieces, which is troublesome to think about. No wonder Feng Shui avoids this. There are many differences in doing things, and it cannot be done in one go.

(7) The flowers and plants in the picture are suitable for the living room but not for the bedroom:

The bedroom likes plants with large leaves and broad leaves. Enhance the relationship between husband and wife and enhance the owner's wealth. Doing things is easy. It is easy to win the favor of your boss. Small-leaved flowers can put their owners into trivial situations. There is always repetition in doing things.

You still need to know some Feng Shui rules when decorating the bedroom. If you rely on your own preferences, it will inevitably be self-defeating. Here are a few points for your reference:

1. A very important point: the bathroom in the bedroom cannot rush toward the bed or that part of the body, because that part will have problems. I have introduced this in a previous blog post. If this happens, please be sure to ask a professional Feng Shui master to deal with it.

2. The bedroom should be flat. Including the upper beam or the lower ground with two parts with different heights. Such a structure will have an impact on the owner. The relationship between husband and wife is easy to become cold and indifferent, and in serious cases, an affair may occur.

3. A bedroom with soft light and good air circulation is best. If the light is too dark, you can light a little light during the day. Soft light will make people happy, and good air circulation will make people healthy.

4. Never paint the walls or ceiling of the bedroom pink, as it can lead to neurasthenia and frequent quarrels between couples.

5. Colorful colors are taboo in the bedroom.

6. Do not hang wind chimes in the bedroom window, as this may make the owner dizzy and restless. In fact, there is a saying for hanging wind chimes - be a monk for a day and ring a bell for a day. Not a good sign for the couple.

7. It is best for the bedroom floor to be light-colored. If it is too dark, it will inevitably feel creepy, as if you have entered hell.

8. People with large flowers on their bedsheets and quilts are more likely to have girls. If the pattern is dragon and phoenix, it will cause the owner some feeling of oppression.

9. It is best not to have traffic or lanes outside the bedroom window. The bedroom is a place to rest, not a place to make money. This is different from what I said before that you can choose road traffic to make money.

10. It is also very important: the lamp above the bedroom must not have sharp corners or a downward swooping posture, especially if it rushes towards the bed, it is most likely to cause estrangement between the couple, and it is very harmful to the body for a long time. , but serious problems will occur, and even life and death stories.

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