The simple understanding and answer is: "Convenient, practical, hygienic, ventilated, well-lit, open", "a house that is sturdy and durable, has reasonable technical aspects, and has a beautiful and spiritual appearance" is good Feng Shui.

Feng Shui highlights and Feng Shui "complexion" of a house!

netizen’s question is: How can you tell whether the feng shui of the room you rent is good?

The simple understanding and answer is: "Convenience, practicality, hygiene, ventilation, lighting, and openness", "The house is sturdy and durable, the technical aspects are reasonable, and the appearance is beautiful and spiritual", which is good Feng Shui.

and above are the simplest and most practical observation methods, which are very effective and easy to remember. If you want to pursue a more comprehensive and precise method, you have to go through long-term exploration to achieve it!

People want to own a house with good Feng Shui through intuitive observation. Most people care about the Feng Shui of the house out of love for the house they own, and want to know what the Feng Shui of the house they own is like. In fact, there must be precursors to whether the Feng Shui of a house is good or bad. People can tell the quality of Feng Shui by observing the natural environment of the house and the color of the house!

1. Observe the key parts to pay attention to and the observation methods!

Regarding the issue of observation parts, in accordance with the rule of "getting things from far away and getting things close by" in "Book of Changes", there is no need to stick to the relevant points introduced below. The relevant points introduced are just for guidance.

The meaning of "take things from far away, take things from near" is to take images from the abnormal changes that occur around you and the surrounding environment, and use them to judge the house and analyze the results. Abnormal changes can also be thought of this way: things that should appear around the scene do not appear; things that should not appear around the scene do appear. All are characteristics of abnormal performance.

1. The door is still like new!

It should be noted that the door is an important part of any house. From the perspective of Feng Shui, it is a very critical part. Most people pay more attention to the appearance of the door of the house. In fact, if the appearance and color of the door are still as good as new after being used for a period of time, it means that the Feng Shui of such a house is very good. The door is a place for "communication", "exchange" and "exit". It is a place considered by Feng Shui to be able to attract noble people. If the door remains as good as new, you will definitely receive help from many noble people in your daily work and career.

2, the colors of walls and load-bearing beams are as good as new!

There are many old houses and old ancestral halls in rural areas. Friends who observe the problem carefully should know that if the feng shui of these old houses and old ancestral halls is good, they will definitely see that the colors of their walls and load-bearing beams will look like new. . Such a house has good feng shui and can be filled with talents. Generally, there is a red beam in the middle of a brick house. The red color on the red beam will not change in color. It will be very vivid and red, and will not give people a dull mood. Moreover, even after many years of use, it can still give people a smooth, oily and fresh feeling, which means it is a sign of good Feng Shui. Another way of saying it is that the walls have not fallen off or faded after many years. This is a sign of good Feng Shui luck.

3, little swallows come to build a nest!

In rural areas, little swallows like to build nests on the eaves of residential houses. This is a characteristic of the house's feng shui and brings good luck. Rural customs believe that animals flying out of thin air during the day are heavenly treasures that belong to Qi and blood. When Qi and blood enter the house, it is a sign of the coming of strong Qi, and it will inevitably look good in Feng Shui. Therefore, if little swallows, wasps , bees... come to build their nests in a house, the feng shui is usually good, and the house will be prosperous and have broad financial prospects.

4, all sides are smooth!

Check whether the land around the house is flat. If it is relatively flat, the feng shui of the house will not be very bad. Such a house has an elegant environment and can give people a sense of intimacy and belonging, so its popularity will generally be very strong. Ancient books believe: "The surroundings of the house are flat on all sides. 青黑Looking at this, it is good to start work. No matter whether the palace or businessmen are conquering or conquering, prosperity and wealth will be prosperous for generations." It can be seen that houses with flat surrounding areas are conducive to the prosperity of the population and the accumulation of wealth.

5, enough light!

If you want to understand the feng shui of a house, you need to see whether the sun is abundant. Feng shui houses with strong wealth are those that store wind and gather energy, have sufficient lighting, and have a balanced yin and yang.Obviously, a place that hides wind and gathers Qi may not necessarily have enough sunlight, and a place with sufficient sunlight may not necessarily store wind and gather Qi; that is, a place that hides wind and gathers Qi, has sufficient sunlight, and at the same time requires air circulation. There are not many such places. If these three All conditions can meet the indicators needed by the human body, that is, "no dragons and no holes" is good Feng Shui!

6. Good ventilation, good lighting, and a spacious hall can bring wealth.

The basic conditions for a good house are ventilation and lighting. Therefore, the terrain must be open and the balcony and floor-to-ceiling windows can overlook the distance. This means that you can gain financial benefits from afar.

From a scientific point of view, if you live in a damp and dark house for a long time, it will have a serious impact on people's body and emotions.

7. Avoid facing corners, elevators, and downward ladders.

The most important thing about a house is the door. The door is like people's mouth. The quality of the door's feng shui is related to the overall fortune of a family. For houses where you see the elevator and the stairs when you go out, it will cause the magnetic field of the family to fluctuate. , money does not gather. The door is facing the corner, the elevator, and the downward stairs. To put it more bluntly, there are hidden dangers in terms of safety. According to Feng Shui, changing the angle means that it will not attract wealth!

8. Keep the kitchen and toilet away from the center and avoid being on the air outlet.

The center of the house is like people's heart. If there is a kitchen and toilet in the center, the health of the family will be easily affected. The kitchen and toilet need to be drained frequently, which means that the family's money cannot be retained.

The house is located on the air outlet from the direction of the toilet. You can often smell the smell of the toilet, which is definitely not a good sign.

9. Use your eyes, ears and nose together, and pay attention to the overall environment outside the house.

When testing a house, you must pay more attention to the environment around the house. If there are viaducts, high-voltage electrical appliances, equipment, high-frequency signal sources, chimneys... these are all items to be alert to. You can listen to the noise around the house. Not much, but will there be a strange smell coming from time to time... This is a sign of bad Feng Shui.

When testing a house, many people only pay attention to the internal conditions of the house and ignore the external conditions of the house. In fact, the external conditions of the house are often more important than the internal conditions of the house.

10. Stand at attention in the center of the house, close your eyes and feel the aura. Being able to calm down and calm down must be an advantage in Feng Shui.

When testing a house, turn off all the lights in the house, then stand at the center of the house, close your eyes and feel it. If it is stable, it means the feng shui of the house is good. If there is a slight sway, it means the atmosphere of the house is good. The field is unstable. This kind of experiment is related to people's physical conditions. You can try again after a few days and repeat the test. If it does not shake when you stand with your eyes closed elsewhere, it means there is shaking in the experimental house, so be careful!

2. Observation of complexion!

Observing the color of a house is like observing the color of a person. It requires long-term self-examination and exploration!

1. The blessings and misfortunes of Yangzhai depend on your complexion first. Regardless of whether it is an old house or a new house, if the complexion is "bright", "vivid", "glossy", "wonderful" and "yang"... and not "dark", "gray", "withered" or "bald"... the home will surely prosper. People will be blessed with good fortune, wealth and honor, and a prosperous family business. Although the terrain position of the "door", "main" and "zao" is fierce, the appearance is beautiful and the people are not bad.

2. Although the house is new, it looks dark and sluggish, and is rustic. The family is often sick. Whether it is judged by the theory of the door, the main stove, or the theory of "five elements" and "eight palaces", as long as it is "rustic" "A disgraced face" is associated with it, and the family will surely suffer defeat, intestines, stomach, surgery, lawsuits, quarrels, bloodshed, widowhood... It is a serious disaster, and it is the place to suppress heirs. Use the theory of "the master of the family" to avoid the inevitable "life and death suppression" wrong.

3. When you step into the empty hall, there is a warm and firey atmosphere, as if there are many people making noises in it. It feels like a lively scene, and there seems to be a purple-blue smoke-like atmosphere, which is wood gas. Being the land of noble dragons, the family will be prosperous and prosperous, and the descendants will get wealth first and then get official positions, which means the family will be happy first and then happy. Even if the "door master stove" is in an unfavorable position, all misfortune will be turned into good fortune, people, wealth and officials will be prosperous, making it a place of great wealth and great honor.

4. When you step into the hall, there are people, and it feels very gloomy. There are people as if there is no one there. The complexion is dark, which is called "rustic". Someone in the family will be sick for a long time. Most of the things that come true are being bullied by villains, hurting your son and destroying your wife. In short, you will definitely fail, and everything is likely to fail.

5. Inside and outside the house, it seems that there are flames with evil spirits. The smoke of the red flames is the evil spirit, and it is also the fire-shaped air, which means "fire", "blood light", "thunder", "electric shock"... It will definitely hurt the head of the household or the most powerful person in the family first, and then harm the daughter-in-law. A daughter-in-law refers to a daughter-in-law. In the end, the mother will be a widowed mother and will be unhappy in her old age.

6. If there is yellow light flashing inside and outside the house, the beauty of golden light, this energy is the energy of the golden dragon, and gold is blessing. Generally, most of them control children. If there are women but no children, they are also called prosperous women, but not prosperous men; men. The Lord attracts blood and tongue. He will break the law when he is old and will be jailed, but he can be released from prison. If he commits peach blossoms when he is old, he will be rich and prosperous. If he has money and no one, he will make a fortune. Such a place will be red and evil. You will get an official position and a place of wealth.

7. The black air inside and outside the house is like fog. If the black smoke is too heavy, it is the air of the earth dragon, and there will be misfortunes and natural disasters in the home. Heaven wants to harm evil people who violate the laws of Heaven and will die without salvation. Never save such a house. If a Feng Shui master comes to the rescue, the Feng Shui master himself will be harmed later.

8. White air inside and outside the house "all over the ground", "all over the sky" and "full of the room". The white air is like the color of light smoke and is in the shape of water, which means the air of an evil dragon in the water. A man in the house will die early. Most of them are: there is a father but no son, there is a son but no father, the male protagonist suppresses the wife, the female protagonist suppresses the husband, there is a female protagonist but no male, and there is no male or female at all. If a person is virtuous and has a son, he will be successful. If he meets a noble person, and there is a woman but not a man, it will be a virtuous person, and he will be a single person. If a person without virtue has a son, the man and woman will die, or they will have no children, it will be a double child, or they will die when they are young. Seeing such a complexion indicates that something bad is about to happen, which means the death of a young man.

9. If there is black energy in the happy atmosphere, it means blue energy and red energy. If the black energy is too heavy, it means good luck will pass, bad luck will come, and good luck will fail. The breath of an earth-shaped earth dragon will definitely produce a decadent person.

10. If the white air is too strong, there must be the coming of filial piety, which is the breath of the water dragon.

11. If there is a hint of color in the black air, the disaster will be gone and it will be the aura of the Earth Dragon Bureau.

12. If there is color in the white air, it means that in filial piety, there may be happy things. The peach blossom position has water air and the breath of rich dragon.

13. At night, in the dead of night and the weather is clear, if you see purple air and red light on the roof of someone else's house, you will have a son and become rich and noble.

The five colors of dragon qi above are the true dragon qi, which are the manifestations of the characteristics of the dragon's lair that are both tangible and qi.

's description of complexion can only be used as a "suggestion". I would like to mention it here. Friends who are interested in this aspect must seriously explore it themselves!

has weak color difference, and it is necessary to quickly capture and identify the color difference by feeling. Except for extremely talented painters who can express the color difference through color mixing, it is difficult to achieve satisfactory results in written language!

The identification of complexion is a very subtle and detailed matter. Except for people with color blindness , the rest of the people can fully meet the requirements of identifying complexion through hard work and exploration. But if you want to truly master the secret of complexion, you must have understanding, move around more, observe more, and slowly explore in practice, you must have experience!