Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely "urbanized". High-rise buildings and feasting have replaced the one-story

2024/04/1304:29:32 fengshui 1886

The era is developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually getting far away from nature and are completely "urbanized". High-rise buildings and feasting have replaced bungalows mansions and green trees. It is no longer easy to see large green plants and gardens full of spring flowers in people's lives.

In the past, several trees were planted at the door of rural households. There was a way to do this, and they were not placed randomly. Generally speaking, many homes will plant three trees at the entrance of the yard. This is because from the perspective of Feng Shui, the numbers 3 and 8 are good luck numbers. Some homes are not large enough and can only plant three trees.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

Three trees conform to Feng Shui and indicate wealth prosperity for future generations . The elderly at home believe this most, and often choose trees that are suitable for planting and have good meanings to plant at their doorsteps to bless their descendants with good fortune. The choice of these three trees is also very particular. Not all trees can be planted at the door. Let’s take a look at which trees are suitable for planting at the door!

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

1. Pomegranate tree

Pomegranate is known as the sweet and sour taste . Its fruit is red and round, and looks grand and festive. In the eyes of the Chinese, this is a prosperous symbol . Planting pomegranates is very common in the north. Pomegranate trees have strong vitality and do not have high requirements for the growing environment. Friends from the north and south can try it.

Pomegranate leaves also have many uses. Old people often soak pomegranate leaves in water and drink them, which can promote blood circulation and regulate blood sugar. It also has real benefits for people's bodies. After the pomegranate tree bears fruit, I see the tree full of round, red fruits, like small lanterns, full of New Year atmosphere.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

Peel off the outer shell of the pomegranate, and inside are small fruit pieces one after another, which look crystal clear and very delicious. After one bite, the pomegranate juice fills the whole mouth, making people feel sweet and delicious. Pomegranate is rich in water. Squeezing it into juice and drinking it in one sip can also supplement vitamin C. It is a good beauty product for girls.

2. Osmanthus tree

"Ten-mile osmanthus fragrance", the rich fragrance of osmanthus left a very deep impression on people among the flowers. As China's traditional famous flower, osmanthus has a very long history of development. Osmanthus osmanthus has been popularly cultivated since ancient times. In the eyes of the ancients, osmanthus is a low-key and luxurious flower. It has no bright colors and no large branches. It only relies on its small yellow flowers to make people remember it deeply.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

Osmanthus is so highly regarded not only because it has a low-key beauty that can spread the fragrance for ten miles, but also because its homophonic symbolizes the "noble flower". In the eyes of many old people, planting sweet-scented osmanthus represents the entry of noble people into the house, which is a good symbol of good fortune entering the home. Therefore, many people will plant osmanthus osmanthus in front of their homes.

Especially for families with children at home, planting osmanthus is a blessing from the elders to their children. They wish them a smooth career and a smooth career in the future.For many families, osmanthus is a veritable "auspicious tree". Whether planting osmanthus can really attract "noble people" to the door requires one's own personal experience.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

In addition to its floral fragrance and homophonic pronunciation representing "expensive", osmanthus also has many uses. In August, the sweet-scented osmanthus fills the ground. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, the whole family is reunited together. Smelling the fragrance of osmanthus and looking up at the bright moon, it is very intoxicating. People can also make osmanthus osmanthus cake, osmanthus made into moon cakes, brew osmanthus wine, and entertain guests during the festival, which is fragrant, sweet and very delicious.

In addition, there are many varieties of osmanthus trees. Different varieties have different characteristics. Friends who like them can ask professionals to recommend an osmanthus tree that is most suitable for them. After the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers wither, purple fruits will grow. The meaning of these fruits is "noble son", which not only means giving birth to a noble son early, but also means blessing young children with wealth and honor.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

3. Jujube tree

The jujube tree is also a vital tenacious tree that can be successfully planted in many places. Moreover, jujube trees are not squeamish and will bloom and bear fruit very quickly, making them very easy to maintain for novices. There are also various types of jujube trees, such as winter jujube, moonlight jujube, etc. You can choose one to plant at the door of your jujube tree according to your preferences.

The jujube tree produces results almost every year. The trees full of jujubes look prosperous and lively. Compared with other trees, the jujube tree seems to be very "anxious". Many people who plant jujube trees have found that the jujube trees hurriedly produce results in the first year, showing their "good appearance". "Zao" is similar to "zao", and also has the beautiful meaning of having a child early..

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely

For some young families who have just got married, or families where the elders are looking forward to the birth of a new generation of little lives, planting jujube trees is a good choice. After the dates bear fruit, you can also use these dates to make date cakes for consumption, which taste sweet and soft. Of course, you can also use these dates to stew soup, which can not only nourish qi and blood, but also beautify your skin.

Times are developing, and people's life scenes are also constantly changing. In the past, life was closely related to nature, but now people's lives are gradually moving away from nature and are completely


The tree itself cannot bring people tangible benefits , but the meaning of the tree is people's spiritual sustenance and beautiful wishes . Choosing trees that are easy to grow, beautiful to look at, and have good meanings at your doorstep can make people happy and happy. However, don’t pin all your hopes on 3TREES . You should still work hard on your own to create a better future for your family.

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