The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor

2024/03/1018:42:32 fengshui 1388

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefore, the ancients paid special attention to the choice and layout of the living environment, and the art of Kanyu came into being. The proverb in the title is an ancient saying about indoor layout. It seems obviously ridiculous now, but the fantasy element in it is really memorable.

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

In common proverbs, Tianmen and Dimen both refer to directions. Legend has it that Tianmen is in the northwest, corresponding to the Qian hexagram in the Bagua. The geographical household is in the southeast direction, which corresponds to and Sunda hexagram in the Bagua, which are the professional terms of many Kanyu techniques. It also includes "Human Road" and "Ghost Road", which belong to the southwest and northeast respectively. It is mentioned in many ancient classics, such as "Qian is Tianmen, Gen is Guimen" in "Zhao Jing"; "He Tu Kuo Earth Symbol" states "The sky is less than the northwest, the earth is less than the southeast, and the northwest is the Tianmen. The southeast is the earth household, the heaven gate is the highest, and the earth household is the bottom." There is also a saying in "Wu Yue Chun Qiu" that "the northwest is the heaven gate, the southeast is the earth household, the southwest is the human gate, and the northeast is the ghost gate (gui household)." Since the two represent directions in ancient times, it is much easier to explain the saying "there is no stove in the sky, and no trees in the land".

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

1. Why is it said that "there is no stove in the Tianmen"

This is mainly derived from the long-standing theory of the five elements in traditional culture. Tianmen is in the northwest, and the Yingqian position belongs to gold. The Five Elements of Creation and Gold are overcome by fire, and the pattern in the house was called burning heavenly gate by the ancients. As the name suggests, its position in the hearts of the ancients is reflected in the name. The "Burning Tianmen" here is the terminology of the Yangzhai pattern in Kanyuology . The ancients regarded the northwest position as the "Tianmen" in the residential Kanyu. According to the relationship mentioned above, it corresponds to the Qian Gua. The five elements belong to gold, and the Qian Gua is in Gender symbolizes men, so fire overcoming metal means that metal melts when it meets fire. Therefore, it was considered by the ancients to harm the luck of the male head of the family or the male elder. This was also summarized in detail in the "Three Essentials of Yangzhai" written by Zhao Jiufeng, a master of Kan Yu in the Qing Dynasty. It was extremely popular among the people in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

In fact, there is no such mysterious statement about not building a stove in the northwest. This is closely related to the orientation of our ancestors' houses facing north and south. China's geographical location determines that facing south has two crucial advantages. One is lighting, and the other is shelter from the wind. The reason why no stoves are built in the northwest here is because of the wind. "Historical Records·Lv Ji" records the pattern of strokes in China in one year: "Buzhou wind lives in the northwest, which is October. Guangmo wind lives in the north, which is November. Rongfeng lives in the northeast, which is the first month. Ming Shufeng lives in the northeast. It lives in the east, which is February. The Qingming wind lives in the southeast, and it is April. The scenery wind lives in the south, and it is May. The cool breeze lives in the southwest, and it is June. The Changhe wind lives in the west, and it is September. " It’s not ugly. Out, most of the time the wind comes from the north. Building a stove in the northwest will inevitably be affected by wind for a long time. In ancient times, most people were thatched houses. Firewood easily caused fires when exposed to the wind. At the same time, smoke caused by the wind would also make people uncomfortable. These had a serious impact on the ancients whose living conditions were extremely backward. In order to avoid fires, they naturally would not build stoves in the northwest.

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

2. Why is it said that "local households do not plant trees"

After knowing the saying "there is no stove in the sky", it is easy to understand "local households do not plant trees". The saying is the same as the former. The household is in the southeast, Xun hexagram, belongs to wood. Wood overcomes earth , earth corresponds to Kun Gua, which symbolizes women in gender and represents the mistress or mistress of the home. Therefore, the same theory of direction as Tianmen came into being. In fact, the fundamental reason why no trees are planted in the southeast of the house is due to the north-south orientation.

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

The purpose of facing south has basically explained the fundamental reason why trees were not planted in the south of ancient residences. China is located in the northern hemisphere of the earth and the eastern part of Eurasia. Most of our land is located north of the Tropic of Cancer (northern latitude), and the sun mostly comes from the east. It rises from the south and sets from the west.With this type of terrain facing south, in winter, the indoors can enjoy more oblique radiation due to the smaller solar altitude angle, thereby increasing the indoor temperature. In summer, the altitude angle increases and the incoming sunlight decreases, thus keeping the room cool. This shows that the purpose of facing south is to face the sun, and the so-called "Chaoyang Gate" probably comes from this. Planting trees in the southeast of the house will undoubtedly block the sunlight. With reduced exposure to sunlight, the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body is reduced. Bacteria in the air cannot be killed by ultraviolet rays in the sun, and the body's immunity will also be reduced due to the reduction in sunlight.

The door is the most important way in and out of our lives, and it is also where the safety of the home lies. The slightest mistake may lead to security risks. This was most significant in the ancient times when people lived with earthen walls made of grass and furnaces. Therefor - DayDayNews

It is not difficult to see that the phenomenon mentioned in the proverb will naturally affect a person's luck in a subtle way. The originally scientific and reasonable methods of the ancestors have been endowed with various inscrutable theories by later generations, and the originally simple and practical experience The talk has been turned into all kinds of metaphysics, and the practical and simple philosophy has turned into fatalism, and it has given opportunities to the quacks, which really makes people laugh or cry.

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