Is eyebrow pencil harmful to the skin? How to avoid the damage

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For many girls, eyebrow pencils are very familiar. Because girls always trim their eyebrows when they go out. Eyebrow pencil is a tool that almost every girl can use every day. However, if the eyebrow pencil is used frequently, will it cause any harm to girls? What kind of damage will it bring to your skin? Is there a way to avoid such harm? come and see.

Source: 站酷

1. Harmful to the skin

Actually, many cosmetics and make-up tools are harmful to your skin, but the damage is. Some are big and some are small. Therefore, we still can't ignore the damage caused by the eyebrow pencil to our skin. After using it for a long time, the eyebrow powder will enter into your skin and make your skin dull. At the same time, it will increase the amount of melanin in the eyebrows, and it will also make your eyebrows fall off slowly.

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2. Choose a good eyebrow pencil

Whenever you go to the store or go online, you will find that there are many types of eyebrow pencils , Not only are there many brands, but the price of eyebrow pencils is also very different. Therefore, everyone should choose the more expensive eyebrow pencils, because such eyebrow pencils are safer and almost all are non-toxic eyebrow pencils. Therefore, everyone should pay attention when choosing eyebrow pencils, choose the ones to buy and use them.

Source: 图虫

3. Choose a good cleansing oil

I believe everyone knows that if you want to make up, you must remove this makeup. When removing it, you need to use makeup remover or makeup remover. However, when you draw your own eyebrows, you also need to use cleansing oil to wash off your eyebrows, otherwise they will not be cleaned. Therefore, everyone should choose a better cleansing oil, even if the price is a bit more expensive, because this will remove the eyebrows.


4. Do not use eyebrow pencil

If you are worried that eyebrow pencil will cause some damage to your skin, you may even worry about it. The body brings some side effects. So, you can also avoid using eyebrow pencils. As long as everyone does not use it, then the eyebrow pencil will not cause damage to your skin. For some girls who are too lazy, sometimes they don't paint their eyebrows, or even go out without using eyebrow pencils.

However, for girls who love beauty very much, they must take care of their eyebrows before going out. If you are worried about some damage to your eyebrows and want to take good care of your eyebrows, then you can choose some good methods to get your eyebrows good, instead of using eyebrow pencils every day, such as for yourself The eyebrows are made into an eyebrow shape. This type of eyebrow shape is mainly done by tattooing, so the eyebrow pencil is not needed.

Source: 图虫

You can use less eyebrow pencils in normal times, so that it will be less harmful to your skin. When you don’t need to go out, or even when you don’t need to go out to meet people, you don’t need to draw your eyebrows, which will reduce the number of eyebrow pencils used. At the same time, when you draw your eyebrows, you can draw it lightly, don't draw too thick, just simply draw the front end of the eyebrows and the tail of the eyebrows.

If you don’t know how to use eyebrow pencils, or even if you don’t know how to draw your own eyebrows, you can ask friends around you, or you can find a makeup artist to help you draw your eyebrows. When drawing eyebrows, your eyebrow pencil is required to be very safe and does not harm your skin, so everyone uses such eyebrow pencil.

【Yixiu original,】