If the moon doesn't sleep, you won't sleep. You're a bald baby. It can't go on like this. Poor body circulation - dull skin tone. Strong cortisol - oil and acne. Oxidative stress reaction - strong free radicals. Accumulation of toxins in the liver - scalp. Aging and facial saggin

If the moon doesn't sleep, you won't sleep. You are a bald little baby. It can't go on like this.

Poor body circulation - dull skin color

Excessive cortisol - oil and acne

Oxidative stress reaction - Free radicals Excessive

Accumulation of liver toxins - scalp aging and facial sagging

Staying up late affects the whole body. This is where the vicious cycle of aging begins. Staying up late is unavoidable, so use scientific skin care methods to turn the tide

1. Wash your face seriously

Those who go to bed late People are in a hurry. After getting up in the morning, it is not advisable to skip using facial cleanser just to be lazy, because the skin will produce some dirt and metabolites after a whole night of metabolism. If they are not removed in time, , it is easy to have clogged pores, and even skin problems such as blackheads and acne . So you must use facial cleanser to clean your skin after getting up in the morning.

2. "Sleep late" but don't "wash late"

The skin also needs rest. When the skin rests, it usually enters the night maintenance state before 11 o'clock, so before this time, you should do a good job in skin care.

Going to bed late, staying up late and being overtired make the skin less able to retain moisture and make it dry. Therefore, you should apply beauty serum which has good moisturizing effect and is easy to absorb as soon as possible after cleansing.

It is best to first use cotton pad and saturate it with beauty lotion until the cotton pad is transparent and your fingers can be seen through perspective. Then, starting from the center of the face, gently press the skin with a force that makes the skin sink slightly.

Apply carefully around the eyes and mouth that are prone to dryness and dullness; apply it fully to the cheeks that are prone to dryness. Finally, use the entire palm of your hand to gently press the remaining lotion on the skin to allow it to fully penetrate into the skin.

3. Proper facial massage

Massage can indeed bring immediate results to the skin, especially suitable for faces with poor blood circulation after staying up late.

But the massage time needs to vary from person to person. Generally speaking, the massage time for neutral skin is about 15 minutes.

The massage time for dry skin is generally 15--20 minutes. Massage time for oily skin should be controlled within 15 minutes. Sensitive skin should be gently massaged. In order to help the metabolism run normally, you can drink a glass of warm water after the massage to help the facial skin remove dirt and waste as soon as possible.

Small tips for dealing with dark circles

To deal with dark circles, there is a set of the simplest and most effective eye massage exercises: rub four fingers to heat, press the entire eyelid, press from the inner corner of the eye to the temple, and then press the temple with the middle finger; press every time Press down hard and lift up gently. Massage the eye sockets with your ring finger before going to bed to help lymphatic circulation .