When summer comes, for women who love beauty, going out can be a hassle. Every time I go out, I have to apply several layers and spray a few times from time to time. I feel uneasy doing this. I wear sunglasses and sun protection clothing just to avoid getting tanned. Some people

When summer comes, it is troublesome for women who love beauty to go out. Every time I go out, I have to apply several layers and spray it a few times from time to time. I feel uneasy doing this. I wear sunglasses and sun protection clothing , just to avoid getting tanned.

Some people find it troublesome and simply stay at home. It saves trouble without using sunscreen. Is this really the case? Of course it's wrong.

Let’s first understand what sun protection protects against?

Sun protection usually refers to the prevention of ultraviolet rays (UV) in the sun. Physical or chemical methods can be used to block or absorb ultraviolet rays to prevent skin from tanning or sunburn.

Ultraviolet rays can be divided into three types according to wavelength: long-wave ultraviolet (UVA), with a wavelength of 320-400 nanometers; medium-wave ultraviolet (UVB), with a wavelength of 290-320 nanometers; short-wave ultraviolet (UVC), with a wavelength of 200-290 nanometers.

Our human skin is composed of the dermis, superficial skin and stratum corneum from the inside to the outside. Among them, mid-wave ultraviolet rays (UVB) can penetrate the surface and dermis of the skin, causing sunburn and sunburns .

Long-wave ultraviolet rays (UVA) penetrate deeper than medium-wave ultraviolet rays (UVB), which not only causes sunburn, but also causes wrinkles and sagging of the skin. Therefore, UVA is the main culprit of skin photoaging.

introduced the types of ultraviolet rays and their harmfulness. Now let’s go back to the question at the beginning, Do you need to wear sunscreen when staying at home?

Of course you need to wear sunscreen. Even on cloudy and rainy days, ultraviolet rays still exist, and glass cannot block ultraviolet rays, so even if you don’t go out, you must protect yourself from the sun, otherwise you will still get spots on your face. Therefore, whether it is indoors or outdoors, rainy or snowy, we all need to protect ourselves from the sun.

But what can we do about sun protection ?

. First, use the right sunscreen.

When we choose sunscreen, we mainly look at two indicators: SPF and PA. When the SPF value is higher, the UVB protection effect is stronger; and when there are more "+"s after PA, the UVA protection effect is stronger.

We can choose different index values ​​​​according to different environments. In an indoor environment, you can choose SPF15, PA+ or ++, and the interval between applications is 4 to 5 hours; when exercising outdoors, you can choose SPF 25 to 30, PA++, and the interval between applications is 3 to 4 hours; When swimming, you can choose SPF30, PA+++, and the minimum application interval is 1 to 2 hours; if you are outdoors for a long time, you should choose SPF ≥ 30, PA+++, and the application interval is 2 to 3 hours.

When applying sunscreen, we need to pay attention to applying it evenly. The dosage for the face is about 2 mg/ square centimeter , and the amount of each application is about the size of a 1 yuan coin.

2. Use sun protection clothing and sun protection umbrella.

The key to choosing sun protection clothing is to look at the protection factor UPF, usually UPF15 is enough. As for the sun protection umbrella, it gives yourself a double protection, which is definitely safer.

3. Use sunglasses .

Don’t think that your eyes won’t get tanned. You don’t need sunscreen. Sunscreen for your eyes is equally important. Excessive ultraviolet rays can cause eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration in our eyes, so we must protect our eyes. This is not just to pretend to be cool.

4. Eat less light-sensitive foods and drugs.

For some patients with dermatitis , acne , eczema , lupus erythematosus , etc., special attention needs to be paid to this, otherwise the skin symptoms will be aggravated.

Common photosensitive foods : vegetables include celery, spinach, leek, coriander, etc.; fruits include citrus, lemon, mango, pineapple, etc.; seafood include snails, shrimps, crabs, mussels, etc.

Common photosensitivity drugs: tetracyclines, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, retinoic acid, etc.

5. Eat more tomatoes.

Tomato is a good thing. It is the cheapest sunscreen and anti-aging product, and it is much more affordable than those expensive skin care products. The lycopene and glutathione in tomatoes have very good effects. Eating more tomatoes is very beneficial from the perspective of nutrition and skin care.

said so much, have you remembered it all? Before the scorching days of summer are approaching, act quickly and protect yourself from the sun to keep your skin young forever.