If you're a man in your 40s, there's a long list of things you should say goodbye to - from motorcycles, to age-inappropriate clothes, to the worst haircut any man can have.

If you're a man in your 40s, there's a long list of things you should say goodbye to - from motorcycles, to age-inappropriate clothes, to the worst haircut any man could ever have.

You should be a mature, responsible, mature man who can be relied upon by your family.

1: Get the latest phone

You don’t need to buy every new technology product that comes on the market. But using a mobile phone with new features will make you have a young mind.

2: Stay away from childish collectibles

such as fast food restaurant dolls, worthless stickers, collections of empty beer cans and/or empty wine bottles etc.

3: Don't play some childish games

such as: Pokemon cards, various maid shops, plot killings, etc.

4: Throw away your "funny" bow tie

You are no longer the funniest person at the frat party. It's time to buy a better tie.

5: Don’t wait for the pile of clothes to be changed before washing.

"I don't have clean clothes anymore." It's time to think about the focus of life. A 40-year-old man should keep his clothes clean at some point.

6: Drink less

Except for socializing, don’t drink too much!

7: Learn the latest communication methods

Email or WhatsApp, learn about Facebook and Tik Tok.

8: Don’t Be Superstitious about “Lucky Clothing”

Sorry, that crusty old T-shirt you refused to wash is not the same thing as Michael Jordan’s so-called “lucky shorts.”

9: Read " Sun Tzu's Art of War "

There are many better ways to declare to the world that you are a more competitive person.

10: Stop wearing hooded sweatshirts

It’s time to try a suit or casual fashion.

11: It's time to obey the law

Crazy stories about you and your friends committing misdemeanors in college are one thing. But if you start any dinner party story with "You'll never believe how I ended up in jail last weekend," don't expect a warm response.

12: Baseball Cap

Unless your name is Aaron Judge, there is no reason for you to wear a baseball cap.

13: Watch Your Hairstyle

14: Family

You need a house, a spouse and kids too.

15: Wallet chain, bottle opener

There are some things you don’t need to keep on you.

16: You can have a normal bedroom

Discard your theme sheets and have a normal double bed.

17: Beware of addictive substances

You are not that crazy college student anymore.

18: Wear less tight clothes

19: Don’t get tattoos

Tattoos on a 40-year-old are not cool, not dangerous, and not a symbol of your unique personality.

20: You have to have a serious dinner

Fast food can be life, but it cannot be quality life. Cooking your own food is family life.

When a person reaches the age of 40, the life faced by men on the earth is the same. This society requires that you, a middle-aged person, should have the maturity, stability and responsibility of a middle-aged person, and that you should serve as a role model for young people and provide a sample of life at the age of 40.