Basic cleansing, functional skin care, and targeted solutions to skin problems...Modern people's "skin care journey" has a long way to go. On this road that can only be forwarded and not reversed, it will never be smooth sailing. Only those who have experienced thunder and true f

Basic cleansing, functional skin care, and targeted solution to skin problems...Modern people's "skin care journey" has a long way to go. On this road that can only be forwarded and not reversed, it will never be smooth sailing. Only those who have experienced thunder and true fragrance can be a qualified "skin care person". Taking stock of the "thunders" we have stepped on over the years, most people think that as long as they apply skin care products layer by layer on their face, their skin condition will become better.

However, if you apply too much skin care products, not only will the skin not be able to fully absorb them, but the remaining ineffective ingredients will easily remain on the skin surface, causing more skin problems.

Now, it’s time for the “soul of skin care” to awaken. If you want to achieve advanced skin care, you must first realize the importance of “antioxidation”.

1. Develop a scientific skin care concept - "Skin needs antioxidants"

In modern society, people's daily routine and eating habits are generally unhealthy. Staying up late/all night long, smoking/alcoholic, relying on takeaways for three meals, and facing electronic devices every day are common , coupled with factors such as air pollution and ultraviolet rays, accelerate the growth of " free radicals " in the human body. You must know that "free radicals" are inevitable products of oxidation reactions. When the number is excessive, they will "gather together" to attack healthy cells, causing damage.

As a result, there will be an excess of "free radicals" on the surface of the skin, attacking healthy cells, and the skin will become lifeless like an apple exposed to the air. At the same time, skin problems such as sagging skin, dry and rough skin, spots and dullness, and exposed wrinkles follow one after another. Therefore, if you want to solve these problems from the root cause, you must first fight against oxidation!

2. Get to know the efficient "antioxidant player" - Beihao Platinum Mask

There are two ways to help antioxidants. One is to prevent the generation of excessive "free radicals" by adjusting work and rest, eating habits, sun protection, etc.; the other is to Turn to professional antioxidant skin care products to neutralize excess "free radicals" on the skin's surface, such as Behao Platinum Mask.

Beihao Platinum Mask is added with micron platinum, which has superior antioxidant power. It has been certified by SMQ authoritative testing and contains real platinum ingredients. Platinum, known as the "king of precious metals", is a very inactive gray-white rare metal with extremely high chemical stability and excellent oxidation resistance. In order to greatly enhance the antioxidant power of platinum, Beihao uses micronization technology to turn platinum ingredients into extremely small skin care molecules. After micronization, it can greatly increase the surface area of ​​platinum and multiply its antioxidant effect, making it It will not fail or be oxidized, and can continuously decompose free oxygen and neutralize "free radicals".

More importantly, the micron platinum in Beihao Platinum Mask is semi-permanent. As long as it stays on the surface of the skin, it can play a role, thereby achieving the skin care effects of anti-aging, brightening, moisturizing and locking water. According to the authority of SGS It has been proven that Beihao Platinum Mask has the effects of lightening lines, rejuvenating skin, and locking in moisture. Moreover, its membrane fabric complies with the safe use standards for infant skin and has passed the EU Oeko-Tex Standard 100 authoritative testing and certification. It does not contain harmful ingredients such as formaldehyde , fluorescent agent , acrylamide , and is safe and non-irritating for sensitive skin. can also be used with confidence.

In this fast-paced life, how can skin care be a hindrance? Use Behao Platinum Mask to accurately resist oxidation, effectively rejuvenate the skin, and avoid wasted skin care~