Many girls are obviously not fat, but they look fat when they wear clothes. Why is this? If you carefully observe those girls in the entertainment industry who are very thin but dress to look fat, you will find that they all have an obvious shortcoming, that is, their shoulders a

Many girls are obviously not fat, but they look fat when they wear clothes. Why is this? If you carefully observe those girls in the entertainment industry who are very thin but look fat when they dress, you will find that they all have an obvious shortcoming, that is, their shoulders are really wide.

Shoulder width not only brings a sense of strength to the upper body, but also lengthens the cross-section of your entire body, making your whole body look slimmer.

Shoulder width really lowers a person's overall appearance. For female stars in the entertainment industry, shoulder width not only brings a local sense of strongness, but also makes their entire body look out of proportion in the camera. Okay.

In this issue, let’s talk about how girls with shoulder width should dress , so that we can match the appropriate clothing to make our proportions look more balanced. recommends that women with broad shoulders should pay attention to these points when dressing if they don't want to look "sound-looking"!

Definition of shoulder width

Generally speaking, there are two points to judge shoulder width. One is to compare the width of your shoulders and hips. If your shoulders are larger than your hips, then you have typical shoulder width. There is also the ratio of the head-to-shoulder ratio. A small head and shoulders will normally result in shoulder width. If the ratio of your head and shoulders is greater than 2.6, it is a typical shoulder width.

The type of shoulder width

has a large frame, resulting in shoulder width

Jiang Xin is a typical strong girl. She looks stronger when she is photographed, and her shoulders are also slim. This is the typical type of girl with a big frame. Generally speaking, girls with a big frame have wide shoulders. Very few girls with a big frame have narrow shoulders.

The face is small and the head is small, which does not match the proportion of the shoulders, resulting in shoulder width

The typical shoulder width is Guan Xiaotong. In fact, her shoulders are quite normal, but her head and face are too small, resulting in a mismatch between her head and shoulders, making her shoulders look particularly wide.

Short neck leads to wider shoulders

Although many girls have short shoulders and small faces, they look broad and strong. The culprit of this apparent shoulder width is her short neck, which makes her shoulders look shrunken and wider at the same time. There is no smoothness between the shoulders and neck, making her shoulders appear wider. Compared with He Ruixian, who has a typical short neck, her shoulders appear wider, and her upper body A strong female star.

How to dress with broad shoulders?

A large neckline elongates the neck and does not show the width of the shoulders.

As mentioned above, a short neck also shows the width of the shoulders, so correspondingly, if you lengthen the line of your neck, your shoulders will not appear wider.

Therefore, when we wear clothes, we try to choose clothes with deep necklines. For example, this V-shaped neckline does not visually show the width of the shoulders.

The tailoring of clothes should be smooth and simple.

When choosing clothes, try to choose styles with smooth and simple cuts. This natural and close-fitting design will lengthen the lines of your shoulders and neck. Clothes with many design elements are inherently bulky and will make you look fatter when worn. For example, the top with fungus hems, puff sleeves, and bell sleeves makes you look strong no matter how you wear it.

Clothes fabrics are breathable and cover the shoulder and neck lines

If you have broad shoulders, you can also choose clothes made of this kind of gauze fabric, which has a hazy and graceful feel, plus the lightness and breathability of the fabric itself, Therefore, even if it is made of a close-fitting material, it will not appear that your shoulders are wide. On the contrary, this covering feeling will make your shoulder width not so obvious.

Use the three-dimensionality of clothing to cover up shoulder width

As mentioned above, gauze fabrics can cover up shoulder width. There is another trick to cover up shoulder width, which is to use the three-dimensionality of clothing to cover up shoulder width.

For example, the neat tailoring of a suit will not stick to your body, so when you wear it, it will use the neat tailoring of the suit itself to weaken the sense of width in your shoulders. The second is to use this kind of white shirt that is not very close-fitting. It is also not designed to be close-fitting, so it will not make you look fat when you wear it.

Wearing dark clothes does not show shoulder width

There is also a big article on the color of clothes. Generally speaking, light colors are easier to make you look fat, while dark colors are easier to make you look slimmer, so the same goes for shoulder width. Wearing a dark top or dress can take advantage of the slimming effect of dark colors and make our shoulder width less obvious.

However, it is not recommended to choose an all-black top, as it will make the skin appear dark. Dark neutral colors are very good, such as blue and white, black and white stripes, gray, etc., which will look more lively than black, while taking into account the appearance of black. Slimming effect.

People are not perfect. In addition to shoulder width, there are also various problems such as hip width, thick thighs, bad calf shape, etc. However, these problems can actually be modified using dressing skills. So if you have broad shoulders, why not take a look at these dressing tips, which are simple and practical.

Follow the daily matching guide and meet a more beautiful version of yourself through outfits!

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