Aloe vera gel is a common thing for everyone, but do you know how many uses it has? Today, the editor has compiled some common uses of aloe vera gel. Get it quickly. Hydrating cream. When using moisturizing cream, be sure not to use too much, because aloe vera gel is sticky by na

2024/06/1021:31:32 fashion 1560

Aloe vera gel is a common thing for everyone.

But do you know how many uses it has?

Today, the editor has summarized some common uses of aloe vera gel.

Get it quickly.

Aloe vera gel is a common thing for everyone, but do you know how many uses it has? Today, the editor has compiled some common uses of aloe vera gel. Get it quickly. Hydrating cream. When using moisturizing cream, be sure not to use too much, because aloe vera gel is sticky by na - DayDayNews

Hydrating cream

When moisturizing cream

Dosage must not be used Too much, because aloe vera gel is sticky and polysaccharide in nature. If you use too much, it will cause sticky and muddy phenomena. Therefore, after using it as a moisturizing cream, be sure to apply some other lotions or creams to avoid making the skin more dry.

When using as a facial mask

After cleansing your face at night, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel as a primer, and then soak it in It only takes about 15 minutes to use hydrosol or other non-irritating water paper masks, and your face will feel like it can absorb moisture, leaving you feeling refreshed and comfortable.

Mask base

In addition to being used as a compressed mask base, it can also be used Make a facial mask base. After cleansing your face at night, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel, then apply a layer of mask, lie still and enjoy it for about 15 minutes. After washing your face, you will feel your skin is particularly soft and smooth. , but the effect is not good. If aloe vera gel and isolation cream are mixed in a ratio of 2:1, the effect will be very good, because this way the isolation cream will not feel too thick, and it is easy to apply makeup, and the makeup will be natural

After-sun repair

Summer will Keep aloe vera gel in the refrigerator. When your skin is red or you have a slight allergy, take out the facial mask paper and put it in the calming gel paste. It will help relieve allergies and reduce inflammation. At first, aloe vera gel was designed to remove acne. However, please note that aloe vera gel only removes mature acne after squeezing out the pus. It is best not to use aloe vera gel on new acne.

Eye mask

Go to bed at night If you are late, you can put aloe vera gel in the refrigerator, then apply it on cotton pad, and apply it evenly on the eyes to relieve dryness and swelling

skin care

Sisters with dry and rough hair and split ends can try applying aloe vera gel to the ends of their hair. , help replenish moisture to the hair and relieve dry hair splits


Sometimes there will be some barbs and burrs on the fingers. You can use aloe vera gel to apply to the affected area to help relieve dryness of the skin on the hands and repair wounds

Body Lotion

Sisters who are in urgent need of body lotion can use aloe vera gel as an emergency solution. Apply it to dry areas to help the body replenish moisture and relieve dryness and flaking

Aloe vera gel is a common thing for everyone, but do you know how many uses it has? Today, the editor has compiled some common uses of aloe vera gel. Get it quickly. Hydrating cream. When using moisturizing cream, be sure not to use too much, because aloe vera gel is sticky by na - DayDayNews

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