In summer, the clothes are thin, and more skin leaks out. When exposed to the hot sun for a longer period of time, the skin is more likely to develop sensitivity, acne, large pores, darkening of the skin, spots, and other problems. Common skin problems include skin sensitivity. D

Summer clothes are thin, and more skin leaks out. When exposed to the sun for a longer time, the skin is more likely to suffer from sensitivity, acne, large pores, darkening, spots and other problems. Common skin problems include

Sensitive skin

Due to factors such as temperature, air humidity, ultraviolet intensity, etc., skin with a weak barrier can easily become sensitive, dry, itchy, etc.

Countermeasures: Clean gently, use adequate moisturizing and sun protection, do not exfoliate excessively, and use less scrub. to avoid damaging the cuticles

getting red and tanned

Sunscreen protects against ultraviolet rays to prevent the skin from being harmed by UV rays. Even on cloudy and rainy days, the intensity of ultraviolet rays is not weak. Without sun protection, the most direct result is that you will get red and tanned. Darkening, sun peeling, stains, premature wrinkles, etc., very serious skin problems may occur

Countermeasures: Wear thick sun protection clothing , use an anti-UV umbrella, wear a hat, mask, sunglasses, and gloves. Wait, you should also apply sunscreen, pay attention to the SPF, and reapply it appropriately every few hours

Acne after staying up late

Summer nights are short, the sky is still bright after 7 or 8 o'clock, and I will stay up all night without paying attention. , the skin will be dull the next day after staying up late. If you stay up late for a long time, you will be prone to late-night acne. In severe cases, there will be many acne on your neck.

How to deal with it: Set an alarm clock to remind yourself to go to bed on time, have a regular work and rest schedule, and sleep well. Remove makeup well before cleansing the skin, apply toner , hydrosol, cream, etc. after cleansing the skin to maintain the balance of water and oil in the skin.

Which of these skin problems do you suffer from? Will it be solved?