As the saying goes, it is a woman's nature to love beauty. No matter what age group, female friends are very concerned about their external image. Especially after entering adulthood, they will spend a lot of money to buy various products. Various skin care products to take care

As the saying goes, it is a woman’s nature to love beauty. No matter what age group, female friends are very concerned about their external image. Especially after entering adulthood, they will spend a lot of money to buy various products. A variety of skin care products to take care of your skin.

We all know that the use of skin care products and cosmetics can only make our skin better, but if we want to maintain our skin better and better, we should also pay attention to internal regulation. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that health care should first nourish the body, and it should be done from the inside out. Carry out recuperation.

Especially as the age continues to grow, female friends who have entered such a world, if they want to age more slowly, they must first start with skin care and do active maintenance on a daily basis. At the same time, they must eat more and have anti-aging products. Ingredients. It is more helpful for internal regulation and nourishment of the body, and can also help fight against aging.

These behaviors may accelerate the aging of women!

[1] Staring at electronic products for a long time

With the popularity of electronic products, although it has made people’s lives more convenient, staring at electronic products for a long time will also release a large amount of radiation, causing damage to the skin and reflecting on the face. This will cause the skin to become more and more fragile.

【2】Staying up late for a long time

Staying up late for a long time has become a normal life for many people. Staying up late for a long time can lead to biological clock disorders endocrine disorders .

Especially for female friends, it will accelerate the onset of aging. The body will not get enough rest and adjustment, and the toxins and garbage in the body will not be excreted in time, which will also lead to the deterioration of the skin condition.

[3] Like to eat cold drinks

Nowadays, it is hot summer, and many people will sweat profusely with just a little exercise, so many female friends will also choose to buy cold drinks, ice cream, and ice cream to achieve the effect of reducing heat and relieving heat.

However, if female friends eat cold drinks for a long time, it will not only increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, but also affect the uterus and ovaries, aggravating the problem of female friends' uterine cold and dysmenorrhea.

If women want to age slowly, it is recommended to eat more of 4 kinds of food, which may help with beauty and beauty, and improve complexion.

1, Black beans

Black beans can be said to be the most common type of food in life. For female friends , can have a very good moisturizing effect. Among them, black beans are also called the king of beans and have higher nutritional value than ordinary beans.

However, because the texture of black beans is relatively hard, it is recommended that female friends choose black bean powder in life, which is more conducive to digestion and absorption. The estrogen contained in it can also nourish the uterus and ovaries, maintain hormone balance, and delay the aging rate of female friends. .

2, sweet potato

Sweet potato is a coarse grain food commonly eaten in life. It has a soft and waxy texture and sweet taste, and is also deeply loved by people.

Moreover, sweet potatoes contain a large amount of dietary fiber, which helps to speed up gastrointestinal motility and bowel movement, relieve constipation problems, and remove harmful waste from the body. It contains a variety of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can also improve women's complexion. ,anti aging.

3, Tremella

Tremella fuciformis is a very good food for female friends. It is also known as civilian bird's nest. It contains a variety of trace elements and a variety of nutrients that act on the body to achieve the effect of internal and external yang. Keep skin supple and smooth.

recommends that female friends try the nutritious lotus seed soup in their lives, which is more conducive to human body digestion and absorption, nourishes the skin, plays a role in beauty and beauty, delays aging, helps improve complexion, and makes your skin more rosy and shiny.

4, crystal clear "grapes".

Grapes are also harvested in large quantities during this season. The crystal clear grapes are as attractive as agate, and the grapes are full of water and rich in nutritional value.

For female friends, grapes have the effect of beautifying, whitening and improving skin tone. They can also help eliminate spots and tighten the skin. They contain a large amount of anthocyanins , which have very strong antioxidant properties , which are more helpful. It delays aging and makes you look younger.

extension---You should do these 4 things every day to slow down the aging process!

【1】 Reduce sugar intake .

I believe that many female friends have heard about anti-sugar in life. During the anti-sugar period, it is necessary to reduce the intake of high-sugar foods in time, which will help fight against aging and slow down the aging of the skin.

Because the intake of sugar will affect the repair and regeneration of collagen in the body, skin problems will occur, such as wrinkles and spots. In order to delay aging, we also hope that female friends will pay attention in time.

【2】Develop the habit of sun protection and makeup removal.

In daily life, no matter whether there is sunshine or not when going out, you should take sun protection measures in time, because female friends’ skin is more likely to age. If exposed to ultraviolet radiation, it will accelerate the aging of the skin and cause spots and wrinkles.

Therefore, female friends are reminded to apply sunscreen when going out, and to develop the habit of thoroughly removing makeup and cleaning after returning home to avoid clogging pores.

【3】Keep in a good mood.

The mood of female friends has a great impact on health, skin and body aging.

If you are under negative emotions of anxiety and boredom for a long time, and the psychological pressure is too high, you will enter the aging period early. Therefore, reminding female friends to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude is also a good way to stay young.

【4】Scientific diet and good living habits.

If female friends want to fight aging, they should also pay more attention to developing a good diet in daily life, eat less heavy-flavored foods, and reduce the intake of high-fat, greasy, spicy and irritating foods.

Try to choose a low-oil, low-fat, low-salt diet, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, supplement the body with a variety of vitamins and minerals, and slow down the aging rate of the body.