[Source: Lu.com] Lu.com reported on July 6 that sensitive skin is still a controversial issue in the scientific community. From the perspective of ordinary people, we can define sensitive skin as the destruction of the skin barrier due to various reasons, making the skin sensitiv

2024/06/0509:38:33 fashion 1052

[Source: Luwang]

Luwang July 6th news sensitive skin is still a controversial issue in the scientific community. From the perspective of ordinary people, we can define sensitive skin as the skin barrier caused by various reasons. The skin is damaged, making the skin very sensitive to stimulation such as temperature changes in skin care products, strong winds and hot weather, and the skin feels tingling, burning, dry or tight. It should be noted that sensitive skin is different from skin allergies, although this The two skin conditions are very similar. Skin allergy is an abnormality that occurs when human skin comes into contact with a certain substance. Pathological immune reactions manifest themselves as rashes, itching, etc.

Among all sensitive skin types, there is a part that is congenitally sensitive skin formed because the natural stratum corneum is too thin. Of course, this group of people is very small and is extremely naturally sensitive. It is mainly manifested in long-term redness of the skin and short-term sunlight exposure. Bedding and other small things in life can cause strong reactions on the skin.

Most dermatologists have discovered a phenomenon, that is: people with sensitive skin account for an increasing proportion of outpatients! Why is there such a trend? In fact, there is currently no good reason to explain this situation.

What are the causes of sensitive skin?

1. Excessive exfoliation

Excessive exfoliation at a certain time may cause sudden sensitivity! The representative causes of excessive exfoliation are acid scrubs and scrubs . Acid scrubs use products with strong acidity to promote skin metabolism and cause the old layer of skin on your skin to fall off.

scrubs cause the outermost layer of your epidermis to fall off through friction with particles. Acid and scrubs are very irritating. If you are not careful, you will cause damage to the skin barrier, unprotected skin, and various sensitivities. Here comes the problem.

2. Frequently wearing too much makeup

Excessive application of beauty products, such as foundation, concealer, blush, etc., can easily lead to clogged hair follicles and skin allergies. It is recommended to only use it when necessary, but you must try to avoid the frequency of use, and be careful to remove makeup properly.

3. The use of hormones

Hormones are also very risky. Most of those products that can remove freckles or whiten immediately in a short time contain ingredients that are harmful to the human body. The most typical ingredient is hormones, which have quick effects. It will give you the illusion that it is effective, but when you stop using it, not only will it not achieve the effect you want, but it will cause harm to your body and skin.

4. Not choosing the right skin care products

Skin care products are very important for sensitive skin. Try to choose anti-allergic skin care products to reduce skin allergies. Facial exfoliation and cleansing skin care products that are too powerful should be used with caution to prevent skin irritation.

[Source: Lu.com] Lu.com reported on July 6 that sensitive skin is still a controversial issue in the scientific community. From the perspective of ordinary people, we can define sensitive skin as the destruction of the skin barrier due to various reasons, making the skin sensitiv - DayDayNews

How to properly care for sensitive skin?

1. Sensitive skin should always pay attention to moisturizing.

For girls with sensitive skin, the most basic maintenance is moisturizing. Only after the skin drinks enough water, its resistance will be enhanced and the skin will become better.

People with sensitive skin have thinner skin and weaker contraction ability, so they must moisturize well to minimize allergic reactions of sensitive skin.

2. Wash your face with warm water if you have sensitive skin.

Many girls who like to take care of their skin will choose to wash their skin with alternating hot and cold methods, but people with sensitive skin cannot do this.

The skin of sensitive skin is relatively thin. If you take a bath when cold and hot alternate, it will cause redness, swelling and redness of the skin. Therefore, you should wash it with warm water when taking a bath.

3. Sensitive skin should use anti-allergic skin care products.

Friends with sensitive skin will have sensitive skin that becomes very thin due to the special nature of their skin. You can usually choose anti-allergic skin care products to avoid skin allergies.

After daily cleansing, you can use skin care products with certain anti-inflammatory effects. People with sensitive skin are best not to use foundation, so as not to cause external dust to affect the quality of the skin and cause allergies.

4. Sensitive skin should take in enough vitamins a

Vitamin A is a good maintenance method. It can not only improve our skin immunity, but also improve some minor skin problems.

editor in charge: Wu Yinglan

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