Netizens often say that Cantonese people are low-key and unassuming. You can't tell who is rich. The most classic scene is the slipper god assembling a BMW. What netizens mean is why Cantonese people don’t like buying luxury goods, but are so rational and sober to the luxury cult

netizens often say that Cantonese people are low-key and unassuming. You can't tell who is rich. The most classic scene is the slipper god assembling a BMW. What netizens mean is why Cantonese people don’t like buying luxury goods, but are so rational and sober to the luxury culture in the popular world?

Frankly speaking, rich people in Guangdong will also buy luxury goods. The only ones who don’t buy luxury goods are poor people like Brother Jia, not his rich neighbors and friends. It’s just that few wealthy people in Guangdong would regard any luxury as capital to show off. If you really want to make a scene, a luxury car or a better watch or a cup of tea are the first choice of Guangdong bosses in formal occasions. In fact, it is not mainly to show off their strength, let alone to cling to the powerful, but just to maintain etiquette. Show respect to guests.

What is the reason why Guangdong views the so-called luxury culture so rationally and pragmatically and is not eroded by the trend of light luxury?

I think there are at least the following three reasons.

First, the actual core of luxury culture actually conflicts with Guangdong clan culture and fellow countryman culture.

The current luxury culture is dominated by foreign luxury goods. In essence, foreigners use world public opinion and cultural influence to forcefully endow those brands with spiritual attributes that they do not originally have. This is a direct way to realize their cultural influence. Now it seems that the more developed the financial industry, foreign investment, and entertainment industry are, the more popular the luxury culture will be. This is because circles such as finance, foreign investment, and the entertainment industry are very susceptible to the influence of foreign culture and foreign funds, and they have no objection to the washing away of foreign brand luxury goods culture. Secondly, the financial industry, foreign investment, and entertainment industry are all circular industries with very clear hierarchies.

means that in these areas, social resources are highly concentrated, not only funds, but also high-level human resources. Based on the principle that what is good at the top will be good at the bottom. If you want to be on top, you have to join the circle. If you want to be in the circle, you have to prove that your values ​​are consistent with those of the top people in the circle. What should I do? For the big guys in the circle, foreign luxury goods are popular in the circle, and newcomers outside the circle just follow the rules.

This is no different from the underworld worshiping Guan Gong, going into the ancestral hall to offer incense to ancestors, and it is known that Nobel literature must be given to China. They all need to prove their identity and get the opportunity to join the circle. The resources of the circle are abundant. If people want to show off, they can only flock to them, even if they are reaped the IQ tax. Over time, through transmission from top to bottom, an ecological closed loop is gradually formed, and naturally the atmosphere of the entire region will become stronger and stronger, and we will be proud of it.

But in Guangdong, if you are one of your own, who the hell will see if you are full of luxury goods, have a luxury house, buy a luxury car, or not?

Having the same surname, hometown, and clan are the key to hometown associations in Guangdong. And due to the consistency of blood ties, hometown, and other historical and realistic ties, in many cases, the circle can have group leaders and seniority, but there is no hierarchy like the financial, entertainment, and foreign investment circles. The culture of various circles in Guangdong hopes to help each other. No matter whether you have a trillion, a hundred million or a yuan, as long as we can have a meal together, sit down and drink a cup of tea, and we are all our own people, there is no need to engage in these imaginary things. A stupid hypocrite.

From a clan point of view, if the younger generation comes from the same village with the same surname, they will be the descendants of their own family, so naturally there is no distinction between superior and inferior. Moreover, as an elder, do you hope that the descendants of your clan will be down-to-earth and down-to-earth people who work hard, or will you be young and Dangerous who are pretentious and full of brand-name luxury goods?

Therefore, from childhood to adulthood, no matter whether the family has money or not, they will teach the younger generation to be pragmatic and not vain, to be down-to-earth, not to be too ambitious, and not to be big-headed. Because in Guangdong, there is never a shortage of capable people, but only those who are capable and down-to-earth will be truly recognized and favored by the Guangdong circle, and can truly achieve a career.

Once a pragmatic trend is formed, those who pursue luxury goods will become an alternative. How can young people and the middle class force themselves to become Fan Shengmei?

2. From the perspective of industrial structure and economic thinking, Guangdong people have developed the idea of ​​saving the country through industry in the late Qing Dynasty into the industrial development idea of ​​rejuvenating the country through industry, strengthening the country through industry, and reviving industry through industry in the new era. So there is one sentence that can roughly summarize the current industrial situation in Guangdong - the imperial court in the imperial capital, the capital in the magical capital, and the manufacturers in Guangdong.

If they want to make a fortune, Guangdong people will immediately think of opening a factory if they have the opportunity. This is a pragmatic thinking unique to productive culture, because only real products can solve actual demand problems. In reality, the current situation is that the risk of setting up a factory is actually very high, the funds are pledged very little, and the free funds that can really be at the factory owner's discretion are actually very limited. For factory bosses, every penny must be put to practical use and real problems must be solved. It is not impossible to do things that are vain, but they must be moderate. They must not buy hundreds of thousands like those prodigal gadgets. A bag, a belt, a jacket, whatever. For Guangdong factory owners, what can be better than a company with advanced equipment, advanced technology, leading products and excellent conditions to support their appearance? Therefore, many factory owners may have luxury cars at home, but when traveling, they mainly use the company’s Japanese cars, and even electric cars. Luxury cars are only more common during more formal gatherings, and the word "luxury" is only relatively Of the 100,000 Toyota , most of them are in the range of 40 to less than 100. It is basically impossible to see those limited edition supercars that cost several million, because they are not worth it.

Of course, when conditions permit, factory owners are more willing to buy a house, not to show off or anything, but because the house and land are more popular for preserving their value, and when they need a loan and cash out, it is still hard currency.

So you can see a situation. In fact, the more prosperous the trend of setting up factories, the more prevalent the manufacturer culture, and the more the economic base relies on manufacturers, the lower the acceptance of luxury culture and the less interested in luxury goods.

To sum it up in one sentence, why should we spend 500 yuan on and Wanda when the problem can be solved with 50 yuan from Hongda Market?

3, judging from the history of industrial development, Guangdong people are very clear about the real connotation of this IQ tax. If they like to buy an ordinary luxury product occasionally, if it becomes a social trend, it will simply require the whole people to test their IQ, which is unacceptable. Bar.

After the reform and opening up, Guangdong borrowed funds from Hong Kong and overseas Chinese to develop vigorously. Later, it did a lot of OEM processing. Those famous brand products may still be produced in Guangdong. So the Guangdong manufacturers have a pretty good idea of ​​how much these things cost and how their workmanship is.

Once it changes hands, it costs one or two hundred or even a few dozen. Things that cost a few hundred at most can be sold for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands. Guangdong manufacturers know only how deep the water inside is.

Assume a scenario, my factory helps Nike make shoes, the ex-factory price is 100. As a result, I went to the mall to buy, and he actually sold it for 1,800. How many pairs do you think I need to sell to make back the profit difference?

Liver pain? My soul is shaking so much!

This kind of luxury culture is actually a sickle used by European and American countries to cut back the outflow of industrial profits after transferring secondary industries out of developing countries.

Who is Leek? For the rich, spending hundreds of thousands or millions for a little face may be just a matter of shuddering, or even no shuddering. It is not much different from the purchase feeling of buying dozens of street stalls. It’s just that I don’t have anyone, and what I want is that it’s expensive, rare and classy enough. They don't count as leeks. The real leeks are Fan Shengmei and Gu Jia, who are caught up in the popularity of luxury goods culture. Because China’s luxury goods sales are 300 to 400 billion a year, the middle class is definitely the main force in consumption. They are the leeks who need to grit their teeth and swipe their cards. The number of rich people will not change much, only the leeks will continue to flow.What is pitiful is that the rich enjoy VIP service in the store, and then the middle class sees it and feels that they are also carrying the same brand of products and that they are in the same group as the rich.

To Cantonese people, isn’t this nonsense? If you have money, buy it. If you don’t have money, go to Taobao. What are you pretending to be?

Therefore, it can be concluded that the biggest difference between Guangdong's approach to luxury goods culture and that of some other regions is that the middle class in Guangdong are more rational and do not follow the trend, while the middle class in some areas will be coerced by the trend of luxury goods. The difference between the rich in Guangdong and the rich in some areas is that the rich in Guangdong will buy ordinary luxury goods, but rarely touch the sky-high-priced ones. They will only buy one or two items and will not deliberately buy them. If you are addicted to pursuit, you will not use external items such as luxury goods to deliberately create class stratification and a sense of superiority between the upper and lower classes.

Many rich people in Guangdong are engaged in industry, and the standards for industry are very clear, while the capitalist compradors like the standards to be vague, so that they have the right to interpret the standards.

4. Is it possible that luxury culture is not popular in Guangdong, and may even be regarded by the mainstream as a representative of IQ tax, and is suppressed by the instructions of the top leaders of Guangdong Province?

I think it's very possible.

Guangdong has three levels of finance. Guangdong's development is uneven and Guangdong is extremely short of money. In 2021, the national luxury goods consumption will exceed 400 billion. Imagine if 100 billion can be saved here, how many major projects can be done? It is estimated that the subway in Guangzhou has been boasted over the past few years and has been completed in less than five years. Shenzhen is developing faster than Guangzhou, isn’t it because it has more than 100 billion in self-retained funds every year?

Besides, the 400 billion was earned by ghost guys. Guangdong felt that it was not worth it.

As Chairman Mao said, meat must rot in the pot before it tastes good.