In today's society, everyone's dressing style is different, and their preferences are naturally different. Some people like gentle outfits, others like cute outfits, and some also like hotter outfits.

In today’s society, everyone’s dressing style is different, and their preferences are naturally different. Some people like gentle outfits, others like cute outfits, and some also like hotter outfits.

However, some styles of clothing will be criticized by others. For example, some girls in life have more sexy and bold dressing styles. When we look at these girls, we will always wear colored glasses unconsciously, and we will also be mistaken for such girls. They have a lot of fun and even have a chaotic private life.

The dressing style does not represent what a person is like. Such girls may be very innocent and have never even been in love, and such girls are actually more likely to be deceived.

Some girls prefer sexy clothes, and this is not to gain attention, but just because they like it. And after girls like this fall in love, they are afraid that their boyfriends will mind and will change their dressing style.

However, Linlin’s boyfriend encouraged her to dress freely and felt that the outfit she wore before was very good. This made Linlin very touched. She felt that she had found true love and met a good man, but she did not expect this from her boyfriend. There is selfishness in this approach.

Every time Linlin's boyfriend goes out to play with Linlin, he always asks Linlin to dress boldly and takes many photos of Linlin.

Linlin felt very strange. When she asked her boyfriend, she only said that she wanted to save more photos because she was too beautiful, but she did not expect that her boyfriend posted Linlin's photos online to make money.

My boyfriend encourages me to "dress freely", but he posts my photos online for profit...

I hope everyone must keep their eyes open when falling in love, and at the same time, be yourself. No matter what type of clothes you like, it is yours. Be free and don't be influenced by others.