Learn these "effective dresses", your girlfriend will show you to your parents tomorrow | men's ethics

In the midsummer full of "big legs", there are always emotions that can't stand it. span

my colleague A next to me mysteriously pulled me aside and said with a nasty smile that he showed me a "big baby" _span5 pstrong span1 _span5 pstrong With the sound of Wechat's message, the title is "Five sizes and shapes that girlfriends can't stop." 's article push, appeared in the dialog box. I am a righteous looking serious, righteous and awe-inspiring to open the article with a thunderous momentum, five hot figures of "unclothed" instantly came into my eyes.

The old A next to it is a little hesitant in his excitement, "Is it a triangle, or a triangle_span_span5?"

I really don’t know what shape he is,I only know that I am embarrassed at the moment like a "square" .

span1 span , "Ellipse", "triangle", "natural shape". Although these categories are detailed, there are often some details that are difficult to define.

In fact, in my opinion, it is far less complicated. No matter what your body type, the last problem to be solved is nothing more than "How can short people get taller, how fat people get thinner, and how thin people are not thin? The ultimate problem may be the modification of "big head, narrow shoulders, thick waist".

Since ancient times, the body can’t be kept, only the skills are popular.

Last issue shared "Miracle" _strong18, strong Male German students who have not studied go to make up classes. Today, let us continue to look at those "effective wear" that solve body problems.

Generally speaking, ", too, have the following common blessings: In addition to the common characteristics of 15 men who are overworked and fat 15) The shoulders and necks are short, thick and round, the waist and abdomen are prominent, and the lower body and legs are thick and big. So we have to spend a little thought to modify these small shortcomings in terms of collocation.

In terms of the choice of tops, there are many "rich" male German friends who think that they should choose large clothes or oversize versions, so that they can make their own _span It is perfectly hidden under the generous clothes. It seems reasonable, but in fact it shook his head.

Although the wide version can play a part of the meat covering function,But an oversized design will not only enlarge the proportion of your entire upper body and look huge, but also expose your slightly raised belly due to the "high altitude drop" between the chest and abdomen.

"Shrimp pig heart" is the key to getting rid of the soft lines and the rejection of "span5span" Material".

From the visual performance point of view, fat friends are full of rounded lines, if you choose clothing with a round curve, it will only produce 1+span 1+1>2 _span The chemical reaction of . Therefore, we should give priority to trying clothes with tough lines. For example, replace the spring round neck sweater with a V-neck sweater, summer round neck T-shirts with Henry neck T-shirts or shirts, and autumn hooded sweatshirts. Switching to denim jackets and down jackets to woolen coats in winter will make immediate changes.

and soft fall material will be in addition to your perfect Curve and collect all breast shape There is nothing good outside the eyes,Therefore, in order to avoid "uncovered driving" , we still need to choose a fabric with a higher weight in terms of material. Although a fabric with a higher weight does not mean good quality or comfortable wearing, at least the look and feel will appear More stiff and impenetrable, When you buy a T-shirt with a weight of more than 200g, it is generally not a mistake.

Finally, we need to avoid the upper half of your body with large patterned elements that will focus on your visual center. And because of the difference between the chest and abdomen, the pattern will be deformed and unsightly. If you want to feel that the top is too plain, you can choose the small LOGO on the upper chest to embellish it. At the same time, the visual focus will be shifted from the abdomen with a large sense of accumulation to the chest with a relatively small sense of accumulation.

1span "Choose narrow-fitting, straight-leg pants and wide bottoms." You think it’s skinny like lightning, but it’s actually a spinning top .When buying pants, the main concern is the hip circumference. For the plump friends, it is usually 2-3cm larger than yourself.

For the overall shape, you can choose a darker area to wear and a deep color that will be unique to the strong1span5span. In addition, growing a beard can not only modify the round face shape, but also make you a "tough guy" with hormonal explosions, killing two birds with one stone.

When a fat friend chews on a lemon and looks at a thin friend, everyone knows that the happiness is the same, but there are thousands of sorrows. According to statistics, every year because of "too thin and insecure" accounted for 1/5 of the total number of people who broke up, and every year because of "girlfriend is jealous of her boyfriend is too thin" The number of people who broke up can circle the earth.

I think this is a sneak attack, you can’t afford it, you have no strength.

Friends who are thinner generally do not have obvious waist lines, and the width of the shoulders and breasts are relatively consistent with the width of the waist and buttocks, and the bones are prominent and lack of fleshiness. So the key words to solve the thinness problem are "fit" and "weight".

Regardless of the choice of top or bottom, the fit size is very important. Although the wide Oversize version will make your upper body larger visual area, but it will also make you float in the wind like a clothes rack supported in the clothes, without a certain sense of flesh, it is very easy to control the wide version, so A tailored fit will suit you better. In addition, clothes with stiff materials and heavy weights will increase your visual weight, and it is also very helpful to reduce the feeling of thinness.

By "stacking", you can build a thin and thin image that can significantly reduce the weight of you. winter sweater with a shirt,T-shirts in spring and autumn are matched with a work jacket, and short-sleeved vests in summer are good matching methods, which not only increase the layering of the overall wear, but also increase the weight of the accumulation and will not appear thin.

you say hot? Why is it so innocent? Is it hot to dress up the trendy people?

can only improve the body weight of 15-strong friends. "reopened" .

Although we cannot physically change the size of the head circumference, we can use some "visual magic" to make some modifications and changes.

There are two main visual coordinate systems that determine the size of the head. The first is the neck, which belongs to the longitudinal coordinates. The thinner the neck is, the more inconsistent the proportion of the head and the body will be, and the more the head will appear. Big.The second is the shoulder that belongs to the horizontal coordinate. The narrower the shoulder, the larger the overall proportion of the head in the horizontal direction, and the more disharmonious it will appear. So the solution is mainly around these two points.

For the neck we mainly need to create a "V", we can use a small V-neck, Henry collar or shirt to untie the top two buttons to create a visual "V" "Sense , this is mainly to create the illusion of widening the neck, exposing part of the upper chest area to modify the sense of connection between the head and the body, which will look more visually coordinated.

For the shoulders, we need to widen the length of the shoulders to cause small visual errors in the head. We can use the shoulder length of the strong 15 line shoulder version. The artificial lengthening and lowering, or the raglan version, makes the shoulder line and the arm become one body, which plays the role of blurring the shoulder line. In addition, the "five-quarter sleeve" design in summer clothes is also a good choice. The sleeve of the "five-quarter sleeve" is above the elbow, and the lateral area of ​​the cuff will be wider, which can extend the vision of the shoulder. Effect.

1span more than span 1span skillsYour girlfriends are lying on your broad shoulders obediently and say okay.


The content is dry like Sahara, it is recommended to drink water and watch it repeatedly.

Practical dressing skills can be better to modify the lack of body, so that summer "long legs" secretly send you autumn waves. But if you are not satisfied with your body shape today, you should pay more attention to diet, exercise and fitness. The visual perception of overweight or thin body shape is only external, and more importantly, it will burden and unnecessary for everyone’s health. Trouble.

After all, every fat or thin person is a potential stock, how do you know that the next is not you?
