Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o

2024/07/0300:47:32 fashion 1631

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is to chase stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each other dye their hair, so they bought two boxes of cheap hair dye online. After dyeing, they were very satisfied with the results.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

But after a week, signs of rash appeared on the necks of Xiaoli and Xiaohui. They thought it was allergies, so they bought some anti-allergy medicine , which went away after taking it. But then symptoms such as cough and sputum appeared, and the medicine could not get better. So I went to the hospital for a CT scan, and was told by the doctor that I had interstitial pneumonia.

Xiaoli’s condition worsened to the point where she needed a ventilator, and she eventually passed away. Xiaohui, on the other hand, experienced repeated exacerbations and treatments for 6 months. Although she was able to save her life, her lung function was severely damaged and she relied on oxygen. to maintain normal breathing.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

The doctor said: They all used inferior hair dye!

This kind of hair dye is mainly composed of two substances, namely dye and color developer. There are many varieties and contain pungent smell. The main component of hair dye is aromatic compounds, represented by phenylenediamine . Inhaling such substances can easily induce hypersensitivity pneumonitis , which is a type of interstitial pneumonia. Generally, it can be relieved by removing the sensitizing environment. , but in severe cases, it can induce respiratory failure .

Also, after applying hair dye, it will be heated and shaped. As the temperature rises, harmful substances in the hair dye can enter the lungs, especially inferior hair dye, which can directly cause lung damage . It can be seen that inferior hair dye can cause interstitial pneumonia.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

Does hair dye cause cancer?

Because the phenylenediamine contained in hair dye is a recognized carcinogen and has certain harm to the human body. Therefore, some people say that hair dye can cause cancer.

"International Journal of Cancer" published an article showing that 46,709 women in the United States were followed up for 8 years. The results were: Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews,794 women had breast cancer , and about 55% of women had ever had breast cancer. I have used permanent hair dye , so I came to the conclusion that permanent hair dye can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

But anyone who talks about toxicity regardless of dosage is a rogue! It is unscientific to say that hair dyeing will increase the risk of cancer.

Cancer is caused by many factors, and hair dyeing can cause cancer based on a certain dose. Regular hair dyes on the market need to be tested by relevant departments. The chemical substances contained in them are controlled within the scope of national standards. As long as everyone uses hair dyes reasonably, they will not suffer from cancer's .

Also, the 2,794 women mentioned in this study developed breast cancer after using permanent hair dye. This research theory is also worthy of scrutiny. Because there are differences in risk among different races, the pathogenesis of cancer is complex and mysterious. In addition, the subjects of this study were American women, and each of them had a family history of breast cancer, while Chinese women, There is still no data confirming , so we have to look at hair dyeing causing cancer from a dialectical perspective and cannot generalize.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

What should you pay attention to when dyeing your hair?

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews. Choose qualified hair dye

Inferior hair dye contains too many chemical substances, so that many heavy metals and carcinogens are added, and its quality cannot be guaranteed. Inferior hair dyes not only cause skin allergies, but also damage the internal organs and increase the risk of organ cancer. Therefore, you should choose hair dyes produced by regular manufacturers.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews. Control the frequency of hair dyeing

The interval between hair dyeing should be at least half a year. Even if you choose a mild hair dye, you should leave enough time between hair dyeing to avoid frequent hair dyeing.

Xiaoli and Xiaohui are roommates with bunk beds in college. They share a common hobby, which is chasing stars. Because their favorite idol recently dyed his hair a very popular hair color, they wanted to get the same hair color as their idol and make an appointment to help each o - DayDayNews

A message from a doctor

Although hair dyeing can highlight your personality, you still need to be cautious. Do not dye your hair when there is a wound on the scalp or if you have a skin disease to prevent harmful substances from following the wound into the bloodstream, threatening your health and increasing the risk of infection. If you feel any discomfort after dyeing your hair, you need to seek medical attention immediately and do not tolerate it.

Family doctor online special article, no reproduction without authorization

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