Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out.

2024/06/0517:56:33 fashion 1756

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. Therefore, in addition to necessary skin cleaning, it is more important to adjust your diet. Your usual eating habits will eventually be reflected in your appearance.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

As the saying goes, "Small heat and great heat, steam at the top and boil at the bottom." After entering the mild heat, the high-temperature and scorching heat mode officially begins. In this season, in addition to paying attention to hydration and sun protection, women should also pay attention to "dehumidification". If you don't sleep well, have a bloated body, and have dull skin, then it is very likely that there is a lot of moisture in the body. So today I will share with you 5 kinds of whole grain foods that are suitable for women during the Xiaoshu solar term. They can help regulate spleen and stomach , drive away moisture, are low-fat and healthy, and help maintain a good figure. Letā€™s take a look together~

1. Mung beans

In the hot summer, the fragrant mung beans are indispensable. This is an essential ingredient for relieving the heat and reducing humidity in summer, and has the same properties as food and medicine. In addition to being used to cook soup and make mung bean cakes , mung beans can also be used to make a variety of delicious snacks. Beautiful women always like to have some afternoon tea, so letā€™s share with you a delicious way to make mung beans.

[Mung Bean Cake]

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 200 grams of peeled mung beans, 20 grams of butter, 30 grams of sugar, 200 grams of flour, yeast Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews grams, baking powder Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews grams, 20 grams of corn oil

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Wash the peeled mung beans in advance. Soak for more than 2 hours. Note that it is best to put it in the refrigerator in summer. After the mung beans have absorbed enough water, steam them in a pot.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Take the steamed mung beans out of the pot, put them into a food processor, add butter and sugar, then start the meat grinder and beat finely.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Put the flour, corn oil, yeast and baking powder into a basin, knead until smooth, then wrap it with plastic wrap and let it rest for about half an hour.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Take out the dough, roll it into long strips, then divide it into dough pieces of about 20 grams each, and roll them into balls for later use.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Then divide the mung bean filling into about 20 grams and roll into small balls, which will be more convenient when wrapping.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Take a piece of dough, flatten it in your hands, then add a mung bean filling, use the power of the tiger's mouth to wrap the filling, and then flatten it in your hands.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees for 5 minutes, then put the wrapped mung bean pancakes into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes. Take it out and let it cool before eating. The mung bean cake wrapped in this way has a soft outer skin and a refreshing and delicious filling.

2. Yam

Yam is a kind of food that is very friendly to the spleen and stomach and can indirectly help drive away moisture. And yam is also a very nourishing food for women. Pairing yam and purple sweet potato doubles the nutrition and deliciousness. Women love to eat it and it has many benefits.

[Yam and Purple Sweet Potato Cake]

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Ingredients: 150g yam, 150g purple sweet potato, 80g glutinous rice flour, 10g sugar, sesame appropriate amount

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Rinse the yam to remove the sediment, then scrape off the outer skin, while stirring Rinse it under water, then cut it into small pieces and steam it in a steamer. At the same time, peel the purple sweet potato, cut into thick slices and steam until cooked.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. First, let the steamed yam cool down, put it into a food processor, add a little milk, and beat the yam finely. Then pour yam puree into a basin, add 10 grams of sugar, and then add about 80 grams of glutinous rice flour. If it is too soft, you can add more, and then knead it into a ball.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Mash the steamed purple sweet potatoes into a puree, then roll them into small balls and put them on a plate for later use.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Take out the yam dough, roll it into long strips, and then divide it into small pieces. Take a small pot, organize it into the shape of a small bowl in your hand, put in a purple sweet potato ball , and then wrap the purple sweet potato ball. Press flat in your hands.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Prepare some sesame seeds and put them on the plate. Dip both sides of each wrapped yam pancake with some sesame seeds, and then put them into the preheated electric baking pan . Heat the upper and lower fire at the same time for about two to three minutes. When the upper and lower sides are golden in color, fluffy and bulging, it is done. Soft, glutinous and sweet, it really satisfies your cravings.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

3. Black rice

Black rice is rich in dietary fiber, anthocyanins , as well as manganese, zinc, copper and other mineral components, which are nutritious and help weight loss. In addition to steaming rice and making porridge, black rice can also be made into black rice cake. It is ready after steaming, which is delicious and healthier.

[Black rice cake]

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Ingredients preparation: 80 grams of black rice flour, 30 grams of glutinous rice flour, 120 grams of flour, 3 grams of yeast, 2 grams of sugar, about 200 grams of warm water

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Put the black rice flour, flour, glutinous rice flour, and yeast at the same time Put into basin and mix evenly.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Then prepare about 200 grams of warm water, add it little by little into the basin, beat it finely with an egg beater, and finally stir it up with an egg beater. The batter can flow down in a straight line. This state is fine. Then cover it with plastic wrap and let it rise for about an hour until there are dense bubbles in the basin.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Use an egg beater to stir the fermented batter in one direction to expel the internal gas. Then put a layer of plastic wrap in the mold, pour the batter into the mold, put it in the steamer and wait for about 20 minutes. You can feel the batter growing taller. Then turn on high heat and steam for about twenty-five minutes.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. After turning off the heat, continue to simmer for two minutes, then take it out, then take it out of the mold, cut into small pieces and enjoy. Soft, delicious and nutritious.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

4. Pumpkins

When eating melons in summer, donā€™t just focus on watermelons, melons, cucumbers, and donā€™t forget to eat some pumpkins too. Pumpkin is rich in plant fiber, vitamin C, , vitamin E, carotene , and a variety of trace elements, which are good for the skin.

[Pumpkin Baked Eggs]

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Ingredients preparation: 150 grams of pumpkin, 2 eggs, about 50 grams of milk, 20 grams of sugar

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Peel the old pumpkin, rinse it, cut it into slices about 2 mm thick, and place them to the plate.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Put eggs, milk, and sugar into a bowl, beat with egg beater until there are no particles.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. In order to make the taste more delicate, we pour the egg and milk mixed liquid through a sieve into the plate.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees for three to five minutes, put the plate into the oven, and continue baking for about half an hour.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Friends who donā€™t know what to eat for breakfast can do this, it is simple, time-saving and delicious.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

5. Cornmeal

Cornmeal not only has a high dietary fiber content, but also has a much higher vitamin content than rice wheat . At the same time, corn contains niacin, carotene, and inorganic salts such as potassium, magnesium, and zinc, which are helpful for dehumidification. Pair cornmeal with fennel sprouts and bake it simply. It is both a staple food and a vegetable, and is a perfect low-fat meal.

[Corn and Fennel Pancakes]

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Ingredients preparation: 100 grams of cornmeal, 30 grams of flour, 22 grams of baking soda, 1 handful of fennel seedlings, 2 eggs, a little salt, a little cooking oil

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. First, pour the cornmeal into a large bowl. Pour in about 30 grams of hot water and stir the cornmeal into lumps. After letting it cool, beat in the eggs, add baking soda, and salt, then stir evenly, then add about 70 grams of water, and stir into a fine paste.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Pour the flour into the corn batter, and use an egg beater again to mix the flour and batter evenly.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Prepare a handful of fennel seedlings, cut off the roots and old stems, pick out the yellow leaves, clean them and drain out the water. Chop some on a cutting board. Just like we usually make dumplings.Then add the chopped fennel into the batter and mix evenly with chopsticks.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Use a small brush to brush a layer of cooking oil on the bottom of the electric baking pan. After preheating, pour about half of the fennel batter, and then use a small spatula to spread it evenly. After baking until the bottom is set, turn it over and continue baking for about 2 minutes. When the upper and lower sides turn yellow, you can take it out.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews. Let the baked cornmeal and fennel pancakes cool slightly, then cut them into small pieces with a knife. It can be eaten directly as a staple food, or dipped in garlic sauce as a cold dish, which is appetizing and satisfying.

Women are like flowers and need careful care at all times in order to bloom beautifully at any time. Nowadays, many people like to apply various cosmetics and skin care products. In fact, a truly beautiful woman is a healthy and good complexion that radiates from the inside out. - DayDayNews

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