Protecting the Border Loyally My name is Xu Zhenqian. My 12 months of border guarding work has given me a deep understanding of the principle that "national security is above all else." The duty point at Guangzhan Village in Nongdao Town is the joint prevention, joint control and

Protecting the border with loyalty

My name is Xu Zhenqian. My 12 months of border guarding work has given me a deep understanding of the principle that "national security is above all else."

The duty point in Guangzhan Village, Nongdao Town is the joint prevention, joint control and security section of the Ruili Municipal People’s Procuratorate. Although the conditions of the simple room stuck in the spot were limited, it could not stop us from going retrograde. I conscientiously implemented the epidemic prevention and control tasks assigned by my superiors, and never relaxed at all.

Take the initiative to guard the border

The Spring Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival are festivals of joy and reunion. But for us border guards, there is no such thing as a leisurely vacation. We must always tighten the string of epidemic prevention and control, be ready to respond to emergencies at any time, always stand firm in the "C position" of epidemic prevention, build strong fortresses, guard the borders, and guard the country's gates. During the night on duty, there were no warm scenes of family reunions. Instead, there were pairs of red bloodshot eyes staring at the border line, and the buzzing of mosquitoes in the silent mountains and forests. I also miss my family, but I know that I have more important tasks than getting together for the holidays.

It is our duty to strictly guard against the epidemic.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, I have been on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. My elderly parents at home are in poor health, and I can’t go home to visit them. When I’m busy, I don’t even have much phone contact. Although the desire to go home has not come true again and again, the epidemic is an order, and prevention and control is a responsibility. Since I am in this position, I must perform my duties, take the initiative, and make my own contribution to winning this "epidemic prevention and control sniper war."

Patrolling 24 hours a day and night has become the norm, and we measure the border line with our footsteps. Checking and monitoring, strengthening patrols, mobile squatting... No work can be neglected. Staying up late has become the norm for every border guard. We dare not relax and always insist on guarding the line of defense against foreign imports and do our best to protect the border. Line, protect your home.

In this "epidemic" battle against the new coronavirus and the "defensive war" at the border, there is always a flag leading the way. I am willing to be a "hard core" who sticks to the frontline position, prevents the virus from taking advantage of it, and uses real actions to fulfill the mission and responsibility of a Communist Party member to serve the people. My wish is to make the people feel warm at home. , "homebody" should rest assured.

Issue 130, 2022, Total Issue 1200

Source | Edited by Xu Zhenqian, Ruili City People's Procuratorate

| Reviewed by Baojie Duanhan

| He Xueyong

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