The new information map "Road To Laugh Tale" has been updated, and Little Spider has also provided some interpretations. However, in this issue, let's take a look at the content of "Secret Tale". It is a comic created by Oda during the creation process. You can say it is "Undelet

Hello everyone, I am Little Spider.

The new information picture "Road To Laugh Tale" has been updated, and Little Spider has also provided some interpretations. However, in this issue, let's take a look at the content of " Secret Tale (Secret Story) ", which is a comic created by Oda during the creation process. You can say it's the "uncut version", or you can say "this is Oda's original idea". The content is very interesting and not to be missed.

No. 1, Denjiro Buying a pot was called by Oden

I still remember in Chapter 960 that Denjiro successfully bought a big pot with only 30 silver, which made the store fooled around and was in a state of confusion for a while. When he came to his senses, Denjiro was long gone.

But from the "Secret Story" released in the data map, this plot appeared in the deleted comic.

It can be seen that Oden was lying on the ground, accompanied by a beautiful woman, and met Denjiro, so he gave him one thing, which was to buy him a pot. Denjiro was very happy after hearing this, so there was a story in the manga scene.

So the reason why Denjiro wanted to buy the pot was actually not for his own use, but for Kozuki Oden planned to use it. However, he did not expect that Denjiro not only got a pot for free through technology, but also received 30 silver. This is also There is no one left!

I have to say that if this plot is added, it will look more reasonable. However, due to other factors, Oda finally canceled it.

Second, the appearance of the "Black Horse" who wants the mountain god's giant pig child is announced

Do you still remember the little white pig that Kinemon caught in Chapter 960? It was said that it was a good thing that could be exchanged for one piece of platinum, and it was a boss named [Black Horse]. But this big brother does not appear in the comics. What does he look like? Let’s take a look at the deleted manga released by Oda.

From the data picture above, we can see that the man with the hurt on his face is the canceled [Kurokoma Kiss]. He is also an urban knight, holding a pipe in his hand, looking menacing and slovenly. It can be seen that he has encountered many troubles, but he has never been able to match the flower leopard Goro, so he wants to use the child of the mountain god giant pig to Destroy the Shuangyue Kang family's territory.

The comic mentioned that three soy sauce characters were suspected of kidnapping Ahe . [Kurokoma Senfen] also had a conversation with her. Although I don’t know what they said, it was probably about the giant pig of the mountain god, Goro of the flower leopard and Nishiki. Something about Emon.

Third, the story of Izo and Oda

There is also the plot of Izo and Oku meeting Oda when they were young. Chapter 962 ended with only a few scenes shown, but when it came to Oda's original concept, it was enough. Two pages of plot.

Although they are all drafts, we can still see the hardships faced by Izo and Aju. Recalling the past, their father was convicted and imprisoned, which led to the decline of their family. They were even bullied by many people, saying that they were the sons of criminals. Deserve to be beaten.

If this scene could appear in Chapter 962, it would further improve the portrayal of Izo and Akiku, but it was a pity that it was canceled by Oda, and I don’t know what the reason was.

Another deleted cartoon is the encounter and interaction between Izo, Akiku and Oden! They are homeless, so when they meet Oden, they have no choice but to follow him. After all, having sex for free is very satisfying, haha!

At the same time, many new scenes not seen in Chapter 962 appeared, such as Oden waving his body and performing signature moves. There is also the interaction between Izo and his younger brother Aju, what a beautiful scene!

These are the 4 comics canceled by Oda. Have you discovered a new world? It seems that Oda also has a lot of difficulties in conceiving the plot. I hope I can draw well. If you are too tired, take a rest! After all, good health is your capital. Come on, will give its strength.

The above is the entire content of this issue. Fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message for discussion. I am Little Spider, a fan who likes to talk about anime and collect figures. If you like it, please follow me. See you in the next issue! Text: little spider