Introduction: The stomach is a very important digestive organ in our human body. Food entering the body needs to be digested and absorbed by the stomach. If there is a problem with the stomach, it will affect the body's digestion and absorption of food, thereby causing diseases.

Introduction: The stomach is a very important digestive organ in our body. Food entering the body needs to be digested and absorbed by the stomach. If there is a problem with the stomach, it will affect the body's digestion and absorption of food, thereby causing diseases.

Poor stomach is mainly related to daily living habits and eating habits. Nowadays, people's diet is becoming more and more diversified, and they eat more miscellaneous and more food. Irregular eating can easily lead to stomach problems.

Most people do not take good care of their stomach and often bring various problems to it. If they do not pay attention to their eating habits, they will cause stomach problems.

We often say that " diseases enter through the mouth", so if you want to have a healthy stomach, you must learn to pay attention to a healthy diet. Try to eat as little unhealthy food as possible and stay away from highly irritating foods. The diet should be mainly light and healthy. The following is a self-report of a stomach. I hope you will learn to cherish your body after reading it.

Stomach's self-report: "Please, let me go..." A set of cartoon analysis of the whole process

Conclusion: When html appears 1Stomach pain , acid reflux , nausea, bloating and other abnormalities indicate stomach damage. , this is your stomach protesting to you. At this time, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, take medicine reasonably under the guidance of the doctor, and pay attention to nourishing the stomach in life and pay attention to the health of the stomach.