The most comfortable way to socialize is not to be superior, but to achieve spiritual communication and collision between individuals. You and I can both feel the respect and comfort given by the other party, and understand the three views and cognitions. In life, some people spe

The most comfortable way to socialize is not to be superior, but to achieve spiritual communication and collision between individuals. You and I can feel the respect and comfort given by the other party, and understand the three views and the same cognition.

In life, some people speak bluntly, have a quick temper, and their brains cannot keep up with their words. However, they do not know whether their words are appropriate in a specific environment.

The difference between people is the emotional difference. We need to understand each other and, sorry, look at the problem from the perspective of others.

Is "speaking without thinking" simply a matter of straightforward character? Comic analysis, be careful that trouble comes from your mouth

Written to the end

Interpersonal relationships with high IQ are the lubrication of social interactions. It can avoid unnecessary friction and promote harmonious and friendly interactions between people.

Talking without thinking is often a sign that it has not been polished. People will eventually communicate tactfully, but before that, they have to go through tempering.

Communication and conversation are both art. People need to master it and choose the method that suits them in order to grow.