Today I would like to introduce to you a movie about "kidnapping" a passerby to become his wife. Maybe you will like it - "Buffalo 66" Billy (played by Vincent Gallo) has been in prison for five years for being a scapegoat. Today It was the day he was released from prison. Billy

Today I will introduce to you a movie about "kidnapping" a passerby to become his wife. Maybe you will like it - " Buffalo 66"

Billy (played by Vincent Gallo) served five years in prison for scapegoating. Prison, today is the day he is released from prison.

Billy seemed to be very unlucky. The clothes he wore when he was imprisoned seemed to be very thin on this snowy winter day.

But this is not important. What Billy is most anxious about now is to go to the toilet. But there is a toilet, which is usually everywhere, but now that there is a demand, it seems to be particularly difficult to find.

The prison guard refused Billy's request to go to the toilet in the prison. In desperation, Billy had no choice but to squeeze on the bus and go back to the city to find a toilet.

There are indeed many toilets in the city, but the toilets at the stations are broken, the toilets in the restaurants are closed, and even if you hide behind the car to solve the problem on the spot, the car owner will just drive away.

finally found the toilet in a dance studio but met a pervert again. Billy really collapsed. He went from being impatient, to irritable, to violent, to finally unable to relieve himself. Why was he so unlucky?

Well, unlucky, these two words are a perfect summary of Billy’s life so far. The relationship between Billy and his family was not harmonious. The family ignored him and did not even know that he had been in prison for the past five years.

He seems to be a good-for-nothing orphan who has been abandoned outside of warmth. But even so, the first phone call Billy made after he was released from prison was still to call home to make sure he was safe.

Through the microphone, Billy boasted about his current situation and said that he already had a wife.

Faced with his mother’s request to see his daughter-in-law, Billy reluctantly agreed and hung up the phone, eager to give himself some words.

Fortunately, the girl who just borrowed the coin to make a phone call has not left yet. In order to fulfill his promise, Billy "kidnapped" the girl Layla.

Although Layla was frightened at first, when she heard that Billy asked her to pretend to be his wife to deal with her parents, Layla unexpectedly agreed.

In subsequent contacts, Layla discovered that Billy was actually a very nice person. On the surface, Billy is impatient, rude, and neurotic, but in fact all this is just a disguise for him to use toughness to cover up his sadness and frustration. He is too easy to see through.

And Layla is like an angel sent by God to save this fragile, lonely, and endangered soul.

Leila took the initiative to approach him and tried to warm him. She took the initiative to break into the bathroom, took the initiative to share a bathtub with him, and even took the initiative to let Billy lie in her arms.

Billy's gloomy life seems to have been entangled with the word buffalo. His mother had a grudge against Billy because he missed the Buffalo game because he was born, so she was so estranged;

He went to jail because of a bet on the buffalo team. He was convicted and thrown into jail because he had no money during the game; even the person who put him in jail was a member of the Buffalo team. His current goal is to take revenge on this player and then end his tragic life...

However, Everything may not go as Billy wishes. Layla's appearance changes everything...

This is a classic movie that mixes loneliness and tenderness, despair and hope.

Although I watched it because I was attracted by the broad mind of the heroine, you will definitely have a different feeling after watching it.

Before meeting Layla, Billy did not dare to ask for love, but he cared about family affection very much.But when Billy couldn't restore his family relationship, his world really began to collapse. When everyone abandons him, what is the meaning of his life?

So when Layla was able to make Billy feel warmth and love, Billy pretended to be resurrected again. He no longer thought that killing the team member and then committing suicide would be his end. Maybe it would not be a bad idea to return to the shabby hotel room with the drink Layla wanted to drink.

After all, where there is love, there is hope.