The height of this figure is 23.5 cm. The girl has blue hair, a red short style, blue boots, and white inner socks. The color matching and details are very Optimus Prime!

Recently, Kotobukiya x Shunya Yamashita's "Beautiful Girl Series" Transformers joint mobile phone released the first official picture of Optimus Prime. Let's see what the beautiful girl version of Optimus Prime will look like?

This figure is 23.5 centimeters tall, with a girl’s blue hair, a red short style, blue boots, and white inner socks. The color matching and details are very Optimus Prime!

The shape of the sunglasses on the forehead is the shape of Optimus Prime’s forehead and eyes. The small balls on both sides of the head and the two bunches of hair really look like the antennas on both sides of Optimus Prime’s head. The creativity is quite good! Wearing a large leadership module necklace around her neck.

As for the surface engraving, I think it is quite beautiful and beautiful. I hope that the larger products will also be of this standard.

The yellow embossed pattern in the center of the blue belt is consistent with the pattern on Optimus Prime's crotch. The deformation of the thighs stretched by the white stockings is quite vivid and natural. The shadow detail on the abdomen and belly button is also good.

The suitcase he is holding in his hand looks like the shape of Optimus Prime’s large carriage. The wheels below can be seen as the rollers of the suitcase, and it doesn’t look out of place, which is pretty good.

There is a big Autobot logo platform under his feet. It would be nice if this platform was thicker. In addition, the blue boots also have side-by-side wheel designs on both sides, which takes care of all the elements of Optimus Prime.

Looking at the posture of this figure from different angles, it is quite good! The

figure also comes with a mask. The shape corresponds to the iconic mask of Optimus Prime. This shape is also quite good.

This product will be released in January 2023, and pre-sale will start on August 30. It is priced at 17,600 yen, equivalent to RMB 867. I think the price is quite acceptable.

In addition, the second part of the Pretty Girl series will be Megatron. His gray model was also announced before. It is completely different from Optimus Prime's Pretty Girl style. Megatron looks like a queen, with the windbreaker on his body. , the cannon carried on the shoulders, so heroic!

The third model will be Bumblebee . Looking at the yellow silhouette picture, I feel that our Bumblebee is mostly a cute girl, which is also in line with the setting of young people in the Bumblebee animation.

In short, this series takes the Transformers characters we are familiar with and integrates the character elements and personalities into the figures. I think it is quite new. I wonder if brothers are interested?