In fact, many people are asking how to take the position of the four emperors in One Piece. Many people are questioning Bucky, saying that he has no fighting power and his team is not good. He should be the weakest emperor in history. The team is together, there is no one around

In fact, many people are asking how to take the position of Yonko in One Piece. Many people are questioning Bucky , saying that he has no fighting power and the team is not good. He should be Is this the weakest emperor group in history? There is no one around him who can fight. Is it just because of his lucky skills that Baki ascended to the throne of the four emperors? Obviously not. We all know that the identities of the four emperors are very mysterious. They have richer experiences as children than anyone else, and their combat power levels can also be said to be at full level. Their backgrounds are also quite good, otherwise they would There is no way to be recognized by the Navy. Let’s analyze it together.


New Yonko, there are three people from Roger's faction

Let's talk about the new Yonko first, they are Blackbeard , Bucky, red hair and Luffy , the last three Yonko are basically They are all members of Roger's faction. Bucky and Hongfa were originally interns in Roger's group. They followed Roger to the end. The two of them can be said to be brothers in need. Hongfa has long become the four friends. Emperor, because he had already landed on Ravdru Island with his own strength, but unfortunately, although the red-haired man was powerful, he was not the one chosen by Joyboy.

Bucky’s identity is very special. No one knows his life experience. Maybe the Navy has revealed Bucky’s identity, so he is listed as an extremely dangerous person. Besides, Bucky is also very close to the redhead, and he was also with the redhead in the past. It is very possible for people like Roger to take care of them and awaken later. Maybe you have questions, why is Luffy also a member of Roger's faction? In fact, if you think about it carefully, Luffy wears Roger's hat, is highly favored by Shanks, is taught Haki by Roger's deputy, is the brother of Roger's son, and is very similar to Roger in many ways. , Luffy has locked in Roger's position, so it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a member of Roger's faction.

Black Beard is a member of the White Group. At first White Beard took pity on Black Beard and kindly took him in, but White Beard did not admit his mistake, so he allowed Black Beard to grow up, so that White Beard lost Ai Si , as well as the entire team, in fact, White Beard has never had any ill intentions towards Black Beard, and does not even want to hurt him, because Black Beard was once a member of the White Group, and White Beard, as the godfather, would naturally not do anything to his own son. , so kindness killed Whitebeard.


On the importance of background

Seeing this, does everyone understand the reason? If you want to become a Yonko, you have to find a team with a background, then you will be closer to success. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to gain a foothold in the new world. For example, Alita , she just won, choose After becoming the Yonko, her worth will naturally skyrocket. Therefore, this background is very important. Basically, the kings who appear in the new world, whether they are navy or pirates, have different backgrounds. Simple, I believe the identity of Green Bull will be more shocking, everyone will wait and see.

Okay, that’s all for this issue of One Piece. I hope you guys like it. The picture comes from the Internet and has been deleted. If you like this article, please like, comment and share it. Thank you for your support. We will continue to update exciting animation content in the future. If you have any different opinions, please leave a message.