Since the 2008 movie "Iron Man", nearly 30 Marvel movies have built a huge Marvel movie universe. Due to the large number of movies in the Marvel series, various villains have varying strengths and death methods. Today, Brother Nuo will take stock of the different ways of death o

Since the 2008 movie "Iron Man ", nearly 30 Marvel movies have built a huge Marvel movie universe. Due to the large number of movies in the Marvel series, various villains have varying strengths and different ways of death. one. Today, Brother Nuo will take stock of the different ways of death of several popular villains in the "Avengers" series.

1. The Evil God Loki

As the villain boss in "Avengers 1" and the bloodless boy in "Avengers 3", Loki's strength has always been criticized. Loki is the son of the Frost Giant Ice King Laufey . He was adopted by Odin since he was a child and is the younger brother of Thor, the God of Thunder. Since he was a child, he has hoped to get more fatherly love from Odin than Thor. He is vicious and cunning by nature, and is called the God of Trickery. He plotted against his adoptive father, killed his adoptive mother, and stabbed his brother in the back in various ways. In "Avengers 1", he was beaten by the Hulk and doubted his life. In "Thor 3", he was so scared that he wanted to run away when he saw the Hulk. Although he did a lot of bad things in the early stage, he died tragically at the hands of Thanos in "Avengers 3" because of his brotherly love for Thor.

2. Ultron

The villain boss in "Avengers 2" was created because Iron Man hopes to use intelligent robots to maintain world peace. In the movie, together with Dr. Banner, he inspired Ultron's self-awareness through the Mind Stone (actually the work of Thanos). Then eroded the entire Internet, created countless small robot clones, and even used vibranium to build himself Brand new body. It's a pity that his strength was completely weakened in the movie. In the end, he was defeated by Iron Man, Thor and Vision in the battle. The last robot clone was destroyed by Vision.

3. The Four Obsidian Generals

In "Avengers 3", the oppressive feeling brought by Thanos and the Four Obsidian Generals is seen at the very beginning, making Thor and the Evil God Loki feel deeply powerless and helplessly watching The people of Sgard died tragically at their hands. Although their strength was also weakened in the movie, it still made people feel that they were powerful. Unfortunately, the way they died in the end made people both angry and funny. . .

Ebony Throat-The ugly but elegant mage "Squidward" has highly skilled manipulation abilities and mind power. As soon as "Avengers 3" appeared, it used elegant magic to easily capture Doctor Strange . Unfortunately, because he had been following Thanos and had no time to watch movies, Iron Man and Spider-Man used a little trick and died in space (it was such an embarrassing death). The final battle of "Avengers 4" was turned into ashes by snapping fingers~~

Black Dwarf - a tank with well-developed limbs, possessing super strength and defense. It's a pity that the record was mediocre. In "Avengers 3", Wang had his hand broken first, and then Dr. Banner used the steel arm of the Hulkbuster armor to rub it to death on Wakanda's protective shield. In "Avengers 4", he was simply trampled to death by the enlarged Ant-Man . . .

Dead Blade General - Proxima Centauri 's husband is the leader of Obsidian's four generals and is very powerful. In the movie "Avengers 3", Vision was stabbed to the core without any sound. When he and Proxima Centauri were fighting against Vision and Scarlet Witch, was beaten away by Captain America, Widowmaker and Falcon . In the end, Vision "reciprocated" and was killed by his own death blade. In "Avengers 4", he was killed by Wakanda's female general Okoye. . . How has this strength been weakened? . .

Proxima Centauri - the wife of General Deathblade, the only woman among the four Obsidian generals, a master of physical skills and agility. In "Avengers 3", she had the upper hand against the Widow Sister and Okoye, but was finally killed by the Scarlet Witch. In "Avengers 4", in the end, the Deathblade general was turned into ashes by snapping his fingers~~

4. Thanos

As the final boss of "Avengers 3 and 4", Thanos's power is obvious to all. Although many people feel after watching the movie that he doesn't seem to have any particularly powerful abilities other than resisting beatings. Without the power of the Infinity Gauntlet and gems, he seems to be just a big human shield? ? ? It is also affectionately called " purple sweet potato essence ".

Let us briefly list the abilities of Thanos in the movie:

1. Fighting master: At the beginning of "Avengers 3", he beat the Hulk with hand-to-hand combat to the point where he doubted his life, and he did not dare to appear until the end of the movie.

2. Extraordinary physique: As an eternal member of the Titans, Thanos has unsurpassed strength, endurance, recovery ability and agility. He is even more rough-skinned and thick-skinned. After being beaten up by Iron Man, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange and the Guardians of the Galaxy in "Avengers 3", he only had one drop of blood left. . . excuse me? [what] The battle in "Avengers 4" was fought from beginning to end without exhaustion.

3. Mentally strong: Mantis in "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" instantly put Igo (a planet with self-awareness and living for millions of years) into a deep sleep. In "Avengers 3", she managed to force it out with the help of her teammates. Let Thanos be controlled, which shows that Thanos's mental power is extremely powerful.

4. Curse of knowledge: Thanos said to Iron Man in "Avengers 3": "You are not the only one who is cursed by knowledge!" Thanos has a super high IQ, and far surpasses the knowledge of earth technology . He is also a strategist. The birth of the boss Ultron in "Avengers 2" was also one of his plans (it failed, so he took action himself).

In "Avengers 4", the Hulk roared as soon as he put on the Infinity Gauntlet and killed half of his life with a snap of his fingers. On the other hand, Thanos, put on and was robbed - put on and was robbed - put on and was robbed - put on (the gem is gone???) [Petrified]. Finally, after Iron Man said: "I am Iron Man!", Thanos died.

As the big boss of the "Avengers" series, Thanos, many people actually have mixed reviews about him. It can be said that his evaluation is the most polarizing among all Marvel movie villains. The ultimate goal of other villains is either for themselves, their beliefs, or for revenge. Only he cares about the balance of the universe, regardless of his own life and death.

summarized, except for the few villains who were turned to dust by snapping their fingers, I personally think that Ebony Maw and General Deathblade died the most aggrievedly. One was killed without fully realizing his strength, the other was stabbed to death twice, and the second This time he was killed by a mortal, and he was speechless. . .

Who do you think died the worst? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area! [silly laugh]