"Cat and Mouse" cartoons never get bored but have deep thoughts

In my childhood, the cartoon "Cat and Mouse" grew up with me. In this cartoon, Tom and Jerry are always chasing wonderfully, and their struggle seems to never end . When I was young, I would only laugh or burst into tears following the plot, but now I look at it a lot more. When the ready-made fish are on the plate, how many cats are willing to do their duty to catch the rats? How many cats remember the taste of mice? How many cats are willing to give up the temptation of fish and must do their part to catch food? Favorable conditions make many people become "cats" sitting back and enjoying their achievements. I have to admit that in the face of favorable conditions, humans and animals will be consumed by inertia, forgetting to guard their own nature, to work for themselves, and just wait to sit back and enjoy their achievements. Fish is delicious, but sober cats can't taste the true taste. Over time, it will confuse themselves. Life without the slightest struggle is bound to be desolate. Those who do nothing but laugh at others' hard work have the most emptiness in their hearts. They can't see their future path and can't find their goals. They enjoy the rich material conditions. Regarding it as a necessity, one day I will get bored, but it is too late to regret it. Favorable conditions make many people forget their responsibilities and themselves. What is a mouse? It was the original intention of mankind to start raising cats, and catching mice has become the obligatory duty of cats. But when there are delicious fish to eat every day, many cats forget their duties. The same is true for people. Everyone is playing a different role and has corresponding responsibilities. When we have been provided by others without paying the slightest effort, we will forget that we have this kind of responsibilities.

Sitting and enjoying it may seem relaxed and comfortable, but it is actually the biggest obstacle preventing people from moving forward. Give up sitting and reap the benefits, and try a wonderful life of fighting for your duties. I admire the Tom cat in the cartoon very much. He was not forced to catch mice without fish, but he took responsibility without hesitation in disregard of the ridicule of others. If a person can resist some temptations and truly understand who he is, what to do, and what his goals and values ​​lie in, he will never be greedy, but will devote himself to his own struggle, even if he will not succeed. Nothing, at least it's full inside. What's more, with such a clear life goal and attitude, coupled with perseverance and unremitting efforts,You will be able to succeed and obtain both spiritual and material abundance. Isn't this more wonderful than sitting back and enjoying it? On the way, we should also remind ourselves to be less temptation, less inertia, and always understand where our duty is and what we are fighting for. Life will not treat anyone who takes him seriously. Everyone who works hard for his duty will do the same. You will not feel emptiness, you will have a different life!
