After watching "Everything Is Good" for the second time, I discovered that the so-called company listing was actually just a cover specially set up by Lao Meng to take advantage of Su Mingyu. All Lao Meng's planning from beginning to end had only one purpose, which was to pave th

2024/07/0209:39:33 erciyuan 1082

After watching

After reading " is good " for the second time, I discovered that the so-called company listing was actually just a cover specially set up by Lao Meng to use and Su Mingyu .

All Lao Meng’s planning from beginning to end had only one purpose, which was to pave the way for Mr. Xiao Meng to officially take over the Zhongcheng Group.

After watching

After Lao Meng eliminated the traitor Vice President Sun of the Gilding Group through malingering, the only ones he wanted to eliminate next were Mrs. Meng and her group of relatives.

But after all, Meng Tai and she are husband and wife. Even if they don’t care about the couple’s affection, he and Meng Tai also have children, so Mr. Meng’s feelings must be considered.

In this way, it is inconvenient for Lao Meng to take action himself. In addition, when pretended to be ill, he had already confirmed that Mingyu was extremely loyal to him. Therefore, it was best to leave this offending matter to Mingyu. Couldn't be more appropriate.

But to ask Mingyu to help him eliminate Meng Tai’s gang, he must have a reason. If he told Mingyu directly, it was to clear the way for Mr. Xiaomeng to successfully take over the Zhongcheng Group, then would Mingyu think that once he helps Mr. Meng? If Meng purges his internal affairs, will he himself be killed by Lao Meng?

So the reason why Lao Meng asked Mingyu to help her deal with Meng Tai was because the company went public.

After watching

However, after Mingyu helped Lao Meng get rid of Mengtai and her gang of relatives, it stands to reason that Lao Meng should step up the process of listing the company, but in the blink of an eye, Lao Meng arranged for Mr. Xiao Meng to be with Mingyu and let Mingyu. Yu trains Mr. Meng.

While Mingyu was training Mr. Meng, Mr. Meng never mentioned the company again when it went public.

It wasn't until Liu Qing lied about his performance and Lao Meng wanted to kill Liu Qing that Mingyu came to Lao Meng to plead for Liu Qing, and then talked about the company's listing again.

According to what Mingyu said, Liu Qing went to Wuhan New Company to develop the southwest market, which would only benefit Zhongcheng without any harm. However, after Liu Qing went to Wuhan Company, Lao Meng did not give him any support.

After watching

If Lao Meng was really anxious to go public, he should strongly support Liu Qing in developing the market, but he deliberately inhibited Liu Qing's development.

Lao Meng’s behavior shows that he is not very motivated to go public.

Moreover, Mingyu told him that if Liu Qing was fired at this juncture, it might be detrimental to the listing.

After listening to Mingyu’s words, Lao Meng called Liu Qing a white-eyed wolf and still insisted on expelling Liu Qing.

After watching

If Lao Meng really cared about going public, he should carefully consider the risks of going public, but the fact is that Lao Meng didn't care at all about Liu Qing's threat of going public.

Why doesn’t Lao Meng care?

Because from the beginning to the end, he had done so many things, and the ultimate goal was just to allow Mr. Xiao Meng to successfully take over Zhongcheng. The primary purpose was not to list the company at all. Since

is not going public, firing Liu Qing is of course irrelevant.

In addition, there is another plot. It can also be seen that Lao Meng’s real purpose is not to go public, but to pave the way for his son to take over.

After Liu Qing was eliminated, Lao Meng immediately arranged for Xiao Meng to take over Jiangnan Jiangbei Company, and then promoted Mingyu to a temporary position.

After watching

After Mingyu learned about Lao Meng's decision, she hurriedly asked Lao Meng to explain. The reason she told Lao Meng at the time was: "Now is the critical moment for the company to go public. Major personnel adjustments will definitely affect "

After watching

But Lao Meng rejected her flatly: "It doesn't matter to me whether the company goes public one day sooner or later. The most important thing now is that I want to safely hand over the company to you and Xiao. "

After watching

Lao Meng has already dealt with Vice President Sun, and used Mingyu to help him deal with Tai Meng's gang. At the same time, Mingyu also helped him train President Xiao Meng.

Mingyu has no use value to Lao Meng, so Lao Meng simply revealed his true intention to Mingyu: The company goes public one day earlier and one day later. It is not important to me. The most important thing now is that I The company must be safely handed over to you and Xiaomeng. (Left in the hands of you and Xiao Meng, just a polite word to Mingyu)"

Lao Meng's words directly revealed his true purpose of doing so many things from beginning to end.

After watching

After Lao Meng said this sentence , he must have guessed that Mingyu would resign, or in other words, Lao Meng's confession was just to make Mingyu give up, and then resign from Zhongcheng, removing the last obstacle for Xiao Meng.

When Lao Meng dismissed Liu Qing, Mingyu may not have seen the true intention of Lao Meng's plan, otherwise she wouldn't have used the company's listing as a bargaining chip to persuade Lao Meng to let Liu Qing go.

After Lao Meng dismissed Liu Qing, Mingyu should have understood Lao Qing. Meng's true intention from the beginning to the end was to pave the way for Xiao Meng to take over, and the listing of the company was just a cover. However, after many years of mentoring and apprenticeship, Mingyu still had expectations for Lao Meng. Out of love, Lao Meng should not attack her.

After watching

Unfortunately, Mingyu still thinks too simply. Lao Meng has long since transformed into a real businessman. For businessmen, feelings are far less important than profit. Furthermore, Xiao Meng is always Lao Meng's biological son, and his apprentice can never be compared to his own son.

Lao Meng's arrangement for Xiao Meng to take over Mingyu's work was the first step for Lao Meng to take action against Mingyu. The second step is to clearly tell Mingyu the real purpose of doing this. It is not to go public at all, but to pave the way for Xiao Meng to take over.

After Liu Qing was fired, Mingyu had an insight into Lao Meng's true intention, but he heard it personally. Lao Meng admitted that the blow would definitely be greater.

Because it would make Mingyu think and confirm that Lao Meng was using her under the guise of going public.

Mingyu valued Lao Meng more than his own life. But Meng was so full of use and calculations about her, how could Mingyu not be heartbroken?

What Lao Meng wanted was to make Mingyu feel cold and give up, and then take the initiative to leave Zhongcheng.

Previous articles

Watch "Everything Is Good" again. Only then did I understand: Liu Qing and Mingyu are not lovers, which is the best arrangement for the plot.

After watching "Everything Is Fine" again, I realized: Lao Meng forced Liu Qing to leave, how helpless he was.

Watching "Everything Is Fine" for the second time: from In Zhu Li, I saw the character of Zhu’s father and Zhu’s mother

★About the author: Xinqing, the original author, reads books and reviews dramas, and meets a better self in the various situations of the world.

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#Everything is good#


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