The popular tokusatsu drama "Ultraman" series, the manga adapted from the work "Ultraman Geed" has been updated, please read it carefully. Ultraman Geed Gaiden Hello everyone, I am Jiang Pujun.

2024/06/3013:13:32 erciyuan 1722

's popular tokusatsu drama "Ultraman" series, the comic adapted from the work "Ultraman Geed" has been updated, please read it carefully.

The popular tokusatsu drama

Ultraman Geed Gaiden

Hello everyone, I am Mr. Jiang Pu. This time, Tsuburaya produced a new comic about the new generation of Ultra heroes, and finally started the creation of the first chapter. This comic is about the side story of [Ultraman Geed], and it is to commemorate "Ultraman Geed" Ultraman" 5th anniversary, and the name of the work is " another gene "!

The popular tokusatsu drama

The beginning of the comic " another gene " tells the story of Beria 's desire to dominate the entire universe, but was easily blocked by his own son. This son is [ Asakura Riku ], which is the inheritance The artificial life form [Ultraman Geed] created by Ultraman Bella's genetic gene!

Due to the activity of [ Ultraman Geed ], the threat of cosmic humans and monsters on the earth has disappeared, and people can enjoy the joy of survival and hope for tomorrow. But this is just the surface. Underneath, there are still cosmic beings and monsters preparing everything.

The popular tokusatsu drama

The protagonist of this work is named [Ye Yeliangcheng]. He is a monster detective, and AIB has been keeping in contact with him and arranging various tasks for him.

According to AIB's popular science of Xade Star [Sena], although the protagonist [Ye Yeliangcheng] is cynical and looks like a pretentious little doll, he is actually not simple at all.

The popular tokusatsu drama

The protagonist and Ultraman Belial

The protagonist [Ye Ye Liangcheng] is an artificial life form created by Strum star [ Fushii Desili ] using the blood of Belial, [Ged Ultraman] was created using the Ultraman genes in Beria's body, and Beria himself also incorporated [Raybrando's genes], so [Ye Yeliangcheng] used Thunderbrando's genes A life form created by genes.

According to the manga, [Fushii Izumi] originally used it as a test object during the experiment to create the fusion beast, completed the data collection, and planned to destroy it, but this individual managed to survive.

The popular tokusatsu drama

How did the protagonist survive? Because he had lost his use value, he was abandoned by [Fushii Izumi] in a dark alley. [Fushii Izumi] said to the destitute young man: "It is impossible for Mr. Beria's top soldiers to have failed works. For you, This garbage dump is very suitable for you. "

The popular tokusatsu drama

Jiangpu Jun's review of the comic

First, although the protagonist was abandoned by [Fujing], he received help from the Drifter when he was in trouble and gave him a lot of encouragement, allowing him to thrive. , that wanderer is Hongkai , because there is the text of Hongkai related motto in the protagonist's room. In other words, Ultraman Orb is equivalent to the adoptive father of [Ye Liangcheng].

The popular tokusatsu drama

Secondly, because Beria's genes were used to create life, the protagonist is also equivalent to Geed's biological brother, except that Asakura Riku is Beria's Ultraman gene, while the protagonist uses Rebrando's genes. , it can be regarded as the Tsuburaya production team has added another member to the Beria family.

Thirdly, judging from the protagonist's current fighting method in the comics, he cannot turn into a giant warrior, but uses monster capsules and a [Ged Sublimator] to control monsters to fight. This method is very similar to [ Leonik] 怑settings. In a sense, the protagonist [Ye Yeliangcheng] is a life form like [ Leonix ].

The popular tokusatsu drama

Fourth, the protagonist [Ye Yeliangcheng] is a young man with a sense of justice. Although his appearance is not mainstream, he does not look as upright as Asakura Riku. He usually accepts actions commissioned by AIB. In the comics, a group of [Babar Planets] caused trouble and captured the larvae of Guvira , intending to exchange them for more treasures. The protagonist used monster capsules to kill [Babar Planets] ] secret base to fight.The protagonist has received good combat training , and his carefree personality has made [Babar Stars] wake up, because his motto is [Guys who treat life roughly are not allowed]! Then, the protagonist released the larvae of Airei King for electric shock, and quickly eliminated this group of [Babar Stars].

The popular tokusatsu drama

Fifth, from the perspective of fighting methods, the protagonist mainly fights in close combat, supplemented by monster capsules. However, in the future, it is possible to make himself or the monster giant. The details will depend on the development of the comic plot. The author of this comic is [Gurihiru] and the screenwriter is [Junichiro Ashiki]. I will continue to follow it and look forward to it.

Tokusatsu drama fans, what do you think about [Gedā€™s brother is on the line, adding another member of the Belia family], please leave a message.

text / Jiangpu comics

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