Last time, Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the Biochemical Star. Because the genes of the people on the Biochemical Star were too perfect and similar, they were almost wiped out after the virus invaded. Most pe

2024/06/2912:20:33 erciyuan 1861

(The picture is from 173, the commentary content is not)

Last time it was said that Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the biochemical star. Because the human genes of the biochemical star were too perfect Similar to that, after the virus invaded, they were almost completely wiped out, and most of them became biochemical people with low intelligence.

The uninfected person on the biochemical star told Luo Yinhe that biochemical people generally do not attack people actively. As long as they do not provoke them, they will be fine. After that person said that, he ordered the robot to attack the biochemical man. It turned out that this biochemical man was a high-level one and was completely fine. , but he was angered, so the two sides fought.

Last time, Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the Biochemical Star. Because the genes of the people on the Biochemical Star were too perfect and similar, they were almost wiped out after the virus invaded. Most pe - DayDayNews

Last time, Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the Biochemical Star. Because the genes of the people on the Biochemical Star were too perfect and similar, they were almost wiped out after the virus invaded. Most pe - DayDayNews

Luo Yinhe and others who were watching the show took the opportunity to leave. They entered Longyuan Town. Soon after, they saw a wormhole in the sky, and several creatures fell out of it. Then a scream came from the grass, Luo Yinhe Went forward to check and found a beautiful woman being surrounded by cyborgs. Luo Yinhe saved her.

This beauty is from Blue Star. She used her beauty to seduce Luo Yinhe in the hope that Luo Yinhe can protect her. Then people from Blue Star Sword Punishment Palace appeared and first asked Luo Yinhe and others why they were wandering around in the street. They had a rule not to go out tonight, and then the people from Jianxing Mansion treated Wu Moli's injured leg.

Last time, Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the Biochemical Star. Because the genes of the people on the Biochemical Star were too perfect and similar, they were almost wiped out after the virus invaded. Most pe - DayDayNews

Last time, Luo Yinhe and three others returned to Longyuan Town. They met ordinary people and their mutants from the Biochemical Star. Because the genes of the people on the Biochemical Star were too perfect and similar, they were almost wiped out after the virus invaded. Most pe - DayDayNews

This person from the Jianxing Palace is a third-level superpower. One of his abilities is universal meat. He pulled off his legs and gave them to Wu Moli. In this way, Wu Moli got a pair of legs. In short, Wu Moli could walk.

Okay, that’s it for this article. See you in the next issue!

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