"Qinggui Chronicle" is a suspenseful and supernatural novel serialized on the Qidian Chinese website, written by Song of Thorns. Ah Qing’s story. He Qing is an ordinary college student living an ordinary life. The only unusual thing is that she can always see something that other

2024/05/2403:49:33 erciyuan 1285

"Qinggui Chronicle" is a suspenseful and supernatural novel serialized on Qidian Chinese website , written by Song of Thorns.

Ah Qing’s story.

He Qing is an ordinary college student living an ordinary life. The only unusual thing is that she can always see something that others can't see...

has no male protagonist and has been completed.

also known as: The days before Ah Qing found her boyfriend.

is also known as: The little coward who is scared of ghosts evolves into the life of a mysterious magician.

I really liked this book after reading it, especially the setting without a male protagonist. It felt very nice. After reading too many suspense and supernatural genres where emotional drama takes up a large part, I felt helpless. But this book is still good. Okay, if there is no emotional drama, it’s still great if it’s all different types of supernatural stories. Let’s show some clips first.

Fragment 1:

The weather was dark and gloomy. Seeing that the downpour was about to fall from the heaven, He Qing felt panic in his heart. He felt upset and angry, and his body felt chilly, as if he had a cold.

She was carrying a large bag of snacks. It was the school holiday soon, and she planned to stay at home for a few more days and buy them as food rations.

turned the corner and passed by a small convenience store. There was a sudden burst of thunder from the end of the sky, followed by a sharp lightning bolt roaring down! The whole space seemed to be cracked, and the "crackling" sound brought by the lightning buzzed in my mind, and I couldn't recover for a long time.

However, the strange thing is that after the nine-day thunder struck down, He Qing felt refreshed, his breathing became much smoother, and his whole expression became more comfortable.

A couple stood in front of the convenience store. The girl's eyeliner was very well drawn, and her big eyes were exquisite and sparkling, especially smart. The snack bag was carried by the boy, who complained: "Oh, I told you that there are few things in this small store, and they are all dirty... If you want to know, go to the big supermarket ahead."

Girls are so bad The weather called him out, so of course he didn't care about these things. Hearing this, she didn't say anything, but just looked at him with a smile. Seeing a drop of rain falling on her boyfriend's head with a "plop" sound, she said "ouch" and quickly opened the big black umbrella she had prepared in advance.

The big black umbrella is also prepared in advance. It is just right for two people to sit together. It will be a little crowded but will not be exposed to the rain. When the button is pressed, the big umbrella is like a mushroom that unfolds after the rain, and it instantly holds up an arc shape. Baogai - the timing is very good. As soon as it opened, the rain started to flow down, dripping down along the curvature of the umbrella surface. With a smile in her eyes, the girl turned the umbrella handle gracefully, and the rainwater spread out like crystal beads, which was very artistic.

However, He Qing, who was exposed to the rain, was shaken violently. A large bag of snacks in his hand splashed into the muddy water. The young couple heard the sound and looked over, only to see that He Qing's hair was wet. He put it on his cheek and looked at them blankly, his face pale and very panicked.

He Qing came back to his senses and looked at the couple in front of him. His gaze was hesitant from top to bottom, from the top of the umbrella to his feet. He suddenly pursed his lips and ran away. It was like a gust of wind passing by, and the corner was passed in the blink of an eye, and no one could be seen.

The girl muttered, extremely depressed: "Who is he? Why does he look like he is mentally disturbed? It makes me feel uncomfortable..."

Before he finished speaking, He Qing came back around the corner. , rushed to the spot, picked up the snacks on the ground, and ran away...

It's a bit embarrassing!

The girl bit her lip, saying bad things about others was heard...

was blushing, and He Qing had already passed by the two of them again and glanced at them. The girl looked back and saw her letting out a horrified "ah" and running away faster, as if running for her life.

"This man!"

The girl stomped her feet, stepping on a pair of expensive crystal-embedded stilettos. Because there was a waterproof platform in front of her, she was not afraid of splashing mud.

Fragment 2:

left her hometown and was in the imperial capital. I don’t know if it was because of the bright, golden and huge coiled dragon pillar hovering on the Forbidden City , or because she gradually grew up, and He Qing’s abilities soared.

Correspondingly, she has gradually developed a little more courage. Although she cannot be said to be immune to changes, she is more or less able to hold back and remain silent.

In the past, when she was at home, she could only vaguely see something different, or occasionally have a flash of inspiration: I can do this when encountering this situation...but there is nothing extra.

But after staying in the imperial capital for more than a year, she seemed to have broken the seal. She often saw all kinds of ghosts and ghosts. Sometimes she could see faint shadows when people were holding funerals. But she just finished reading it, and couldn't help but think about it every night... As time went by, she became particularly afraid of herself looking at it, and it was enough to scare herself every day.

While eating, she couldn't help but think about the female ghost she saw today, and her face turned pale as she thought about it. However, after more than a year of exercise, she has gotten much better. At least her face turned pale again. Something else.

That female ghost has such a strong resentment...

Although the rainy day is full of yin, but the attribute of thunder is anode, she dared to lie on the couple's umbrella with a resentment, which shows how deep the resentment is.

Think about it, on the black umbrella, the scarlet blood that only she can see is dripping down drop by drop... To be honest, sometimes He Qing admires herself for being able to survive until now without being scared to death. . On the contrary, although I am a little uncomfortable looking at it now, I have been able to adapt to it most of the time...

Fragment 3:

Zheng Mingcui said, her expression became dazed: "However, this is good, and it will be avoided, lest he will be in more pain when he is conscious... …I was watching from the side, probably because I had just died, and couldn’t move. I could only watch Ling Ze using the machete I used to stew bone soup in the kitchen to chop my bones, and chop off my limbs one by one. I was broken into pieces like a pig. Then, he packed my body in my black suitcase... I never thought that sometimes thoughtful people can be so scary! Put some washing powder on the bedsheets , wipe the floor and walls clean, and tidy up the house. He could even take a shower in the house, put on the clean clothes left here, and then put all the clothes away. All the traces were washed away, and he walked out of the door with his suitcase... He even didn't forget to take my newly saved salary before leaving! "

Well, that's it for today's recommendation, friends who like it! You can forward it, and friends who want to communicate can also leave a message in the comment area. If you are interested, you can leave a little love. Thank you very much, see you next time, byeヾ(•ω•`)o.

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