"Melon" and "Summer" performed stably, not perfect but in line with expectations. Just like the one we are going to introduce today, "Contract Kiss" is a fantasy battle series that has the same origin as "Miss Kaguya" but has different roots.

2024/05/2018:07:33 erciyuan 1097

Hello, Minasan . The spring season ended safely, and the happiest thing is that most of the selected movies were not ruined and were buried safely. "Melon" and "Summer" performed stably, not perfect but in line with expectations. A1 once again proved the importance of cooking power, and the quality of the whole process is both good and bad. Personally, I feel that the follow-up experience is even better than the previous two seasons.

As for the summer season, although it lacks strong new work support, at first glance, there is a lot of life. Just like the one we are going to introduce today, "Contract Kiss" is a fantasy battle series that has the same origin as "Miss Kaguya" but has different roots.

One of the fourteen "original" heroes in July, a film written by Fumiaki Maruto, the author of "How to Raise a Passerby Heroine", and the illustrator of the "Date A Live" series, Nako, served as the original character designer, and A-1Pictures was in charge A three-party "hyper-fusion" product of animation production. The old thief Maruto's new job may not be very good, but it will definitely be very happy.

The story takes place in Belem City, an artificial island floating in the Pacific Ocean that has attracted world attention because of its ability to mine new energy. The place looks peaceful and peaceful on the outside, just like Gotham, but in the unknown shadows, a special event called the "D Disaster" caused by demons is quietly taking place every day.

The male protagonist Osamu Ogata is an exorcist. He was once affiliated to AAA Defender Co, a large listed company, but later decided to resign and start a new business due to some reasons. But as the saying goes: "Ideals are full, reality is skinny." The last time I worked, it was the last time. If I hadn't relied on my ex-girlfriend's relief and my "current girlfriend" to pay cash on delivery, I would have starved to death. Lying on grass! Surprisingly, a soft-boiled man appears.

In a bidding meeting, Xiu Yi far exceeded the average market price and won the C-level mission. Just when I thought the male protagonist was finally able to show his prowess, in the middle of chatting and laughing, the boat and oars were turned into ashes, and was shot away by the BOSS in the blink of an eye. If the female protagonist Kigeng hadn't come to the rescue in time, the show would have ended right after the show started. Although

are both demons, perhaps due to lack of magic power due to not working for three months, the heroine was exhausted and defeated after just one face-to-face encounter. Soreness in waist and legs, lack of energy, as if the body has been hollowed out... After watching Chang Xin's magic-replenishing plot, Mu Geng changed his clothes and became a prodigy. During the countdown, he perfectly cooperated with the male protagonist. Successfully achieved.

The first episode is considered a regular development, explaining the world view, the main characters, the unknown bond between the male and female protagonists, and the required process of "eliminating demons". The performance is also quite good, with vivid expressions of the characters and smooth and smooth battles. Is this the true strength of the ten directors? It's so terrifying. On a ten-point scale, I would give it a seven.

Everything that should be stuffed is stuffed, and everything that should be included is included. In just twenty-four minutes, it is full of various elements. What about the yandere pink hair, the tsundere blue hair, the kiss to mend the demons, the three-person Shura field, and the fight between the women I love to watch. I don’t care, I don’t care, I’m happy anyway. The only thing I want to complain about is that the male protagonist's outfit always reminds me of Naofumi Iwatani next door.

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