"Class A Wanted" is a suspenseful online novel serialized on 17K Novel Network, written by Xia Fantian. The mysterious coordinates of the hospital ward, the underground prison deep in the mountains and forests, the unexpected arrival of special criminals, the erroneous fake under

2024/05/1906:30:32 erciyuan 1096

"Class A Wanted" is a suspenseful online novel serialized on 17K novel network . The author is Xia Fantian.

The mysterious coordinates of the hospital ward,

The underground prison in the deep mountains and old forests,

Special criminals who arrived unexpectedly,

The counterfeit undercover agent who came by mistake...

A disappearance case triggered the most unexpected journey, and the heinous crime gradually Surface.

Some people embark on the road of no return, waiting to be redeemed, while some people walk out of the abyss of depravity and regain a new life.

The author has written a short biography of the characters, which I think looks quite convenient, but some of it contains spoilers. Friends who don’t want to read spoilers can just read the main text. Probably this kind of book is quite good. It feels a bit like the author's own writing guide. There are many characters introduced, so I won't list them all here. If you are interested, you can read it by yourself.


On the night of August 10, 2015, Qin Yu had just put his four-year-old daughter to sleep in the single ward with the best conditions in the best foreign-funded hospital in R city. At this time, he was sitting in front of the hospital bed, staring at his daughter sleeping in a daze.

This little girl who is as cute as a doll on the hospital bed suffers from severe tetralogy of Fallot , which is a type of congenital heart malformation. In order to get the best treatment for his daughter, Qin Yu paid an unimaginable price.

Today is the third day after the operation, and the girl is out of danger. Life seemed to be moving in a good direction, but Qin Yu felt more and more uneasy in his heart.

"Lingdang, Dad has done so much for you, you must get better soon!" He gently stroked his daughter's hair, and his eyes became moist unknowingly. He raised his head and tried his best to hold back the swirling tears, but as soon as he blinked, the hot tears kept sliding down his cheeks and dripping on the white sheets.

The girl seemed to be aware of her father's sadness. She turned over at the right moment and murmured softly in her sleep, "Dad..."

Qin Yu was so frightened that he quickly wiped away the tears on his face. He couldn't let it happen. The daughter sees her own weakness.

Even if he did something wrong, even if he had to be punished, even if he was suffering a lot of pain in his heart, he had to bear it all alone. He doesn't know what

will become in the future. His wish is actually very simple: his daughter will no longer be tortured by illness, and his wife will no longer worry about her daughter's health. He had made his choice, and the rest was left to fate.

Shortly after Qin Yu left, a young nurse on duty came in to check the ward. The little girl was sleeping soundly, as if the pain and suffering in the world had never happened to her.

The nurse approached the hospital bed, preparing to do some basic checks on the girl. At this moment, she found a crumpled piece of paper lying beside the hospital bed. She picked it up and saw that it was the girl's physical examination report.

This must have been accidentally left behind by the girl's father, the nurse thought, then neatly folded the paper and placed it on the girl's bedside.

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a set of coordinates recorded on the back of the paper: 27°30′37”N, 102°18′23”E. She thought for a moment in confusion, having no idea about the location indicated by the coordinates.

At that time, the nurse did not know that somewhere hundreds of kilometers away, a huge conspiracy had been quietly brewing for a long time. Little did she know that this set of mysterious coordinates would become the only clue for the police to solve the case more than ten days later.


Well, that’s it for today’s recommendation. Friends who like it can forward it. Friends who want to communicate can also leave a message in the comment area. If you are interested, you can leave a little love. It’s very Thank you all, see you next time, byeヾ(•ω•`)o.

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