Number of people: 6 people Type: hardcore restoration reverse release: Bengdou Studio's "Imerus" script killing review Story synopsis Everyone's face is filled with despair and pain. I lowered my head to avoid looking at this scene, but found that even the road under my feet was

2024/05/1523:07:33 erciyuan 1422

Number of people: 6 people
Type: Hardcore Restore Reversal
Distribution: Bengdou Studio

Number of people: 6 people Type: hardcore restoration reverse release: Bengdou Studio's

Number of people: 6 people Type: hardcore restoration reverse release: Bengdou Studio's

"Imerus" script kill review story introduction
Everyone's face is filled with despair and pain. I lowered my head and didn't want to look at this scene, but
found that even the road under my feet was full of blood. What exactly can
do to save me?
I started praying to the gods. She caressed my face and whispered in my ear.
My eyes are bright and my heart is full of faith. I put on my hood to bring hope to the world. Today
I will go hand in hand with the gods and look for light in the darkness. Today
I will strengthen my faith and search for the truth in despair.
, but what will happen after the light?
But is there a secret behind the truth? What is the road ahead for

"Imerus" script killing review
Experience the character Lily
First of all, please keep in mind the teachings of Imerus
We are God's servants, we are God's spokespersons, we are God's carriers in the world, and we will complete God's mission wishes, we will also fulfill the wishes of believers until we become you.
When the story begins, the small amount of reading can quickly bring me into this mysterious world. After a simple conversation, I quickly entered the place that most arouses people's curiosity. , that tower, and everything in the tower constantly refreshes my understanding of this world view. No more spoilers can be given.
As for the murders, each murder is moderately difficult, but it is closely related to the overall story. The rigorous logic and rigorous world view firmly grasped me in the plot. The most important thing that must be mentioned about
is the novel evidence search mode. My curiosity has been invisibly affected. My desire for the truth made me extremely crazy. The final reversal made me scream out in surprise.
"Imerus" is the kind of pleasure after brainstorming. If you don't play it, you will really regret it for life! !

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