One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right?

2021/06/0323:25:49 erciyuan 2002

Hello everyone, I'm a little spider. The latest episode of

One Piece has been updated, and the information given in the plot of this episode is still relatively rich. One of the most important pieces of information should be about Kinemon.

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

said that Kaido has solved Luffy , after that Kaido is going to the castle to do a finishing touch, after all, no one is his opponent now, and no one will come. hindered him.

And the most troublesome person for Kaido is naturally Momanosuke . At this time, Momanosuke and Shinobu are in the ceiling on the first floor, and Kaido is preparing to hunt them down.

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

At this time, the samurai no longer have the ability to fight. Before, in order to solve the Kanjuro Xiaoju, he had been seriously injured, and Kinemon had basically spent a lot of energy after cutting Kanjuro. In the face of a strong start, he basically had no ability to resist and was knocked to the ground.

But Kinemon didn't fall down like that, but continued to climb up and gave Kaido's foot a knife to buy Momonosuke time to escape, but in the end it was picked up by Kaido. It was stabbed. Judging from the comics, the injury should be very serious. If it was replaced by someone else, it would probably die because of it, and Kinemon should also withdraw from the battle next.

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

And in the manga, there was also a revolving wave of memory killings, recording the situation when Kinemon was just disguised as Momanosuke 's father .

Momanosuke and Kinemon managed to escape Kaido's pursuit back then, but at the beginning, when Kinemon pretended to be Momanosuke's father, it was completely different, because Kinemon one At the beginning, I was very in awe of for Momonosuke. When I called Momonosuke, I had to add the adult's honorific name , which didn't look like a father and son.

And the last two people have gone through a lot of practice to get along like father and son. It should be a very good memory for both Momonosuke and Kinemon, and when Kinemon called Momanosuke's son and Momonosuke called Kinemon's father, maybe they would also want to Let this relationship be real.

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

Speaking of which, Kinemon has followed Kozuki Oden for a long time. When Oden was considered unpromising, Kinemon actually recognized Oden very much, and believed that Oden in the future would definitely become Great guy.

And I also like Oden's son Momonosuke Kinemon very much. The appearance of this young master will definitely bring joy to the Nine Heroes Akasaka. Loyalty is also something that can be learned from heaven and earth, and there has been no change in the past 20 years.

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

In this episode, even though Kinemon was seriously injured, he still wanted to buy some time for Momanosuke that seemed to be and .

is undoubtedly an insult to Kinemon, who is extremely loyal to and , to die behind the young master, so Kinemon used his actions to show his loyalty and love to Momanosuke.

Before, we always joked that One Piece can be inappropriate, but Momanosuke must die.But with such a group of loyal subordinates, how could Momanosuke die?

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

One Piece Chapter 1015: Jinwei Gate was hit by Kaido and pierced through his body again. He died, right? - DayDayNews

The above is the whole content of this issue. Fans who have different opinions on this can also leave a message for discussion. I'm Little Spider, a lover who likes to chat about anime and collect figurines. Follow me if you like, see you in the next issue! Text: Little Spider

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