Original Interview|"The Great Pediatrician": To be a responsible medical drama

Author / Qiao Miaoer

For four years, if it is to give birth to a new life, the children will also be at the age of kindergarten.

From 2016 to 2020, this medical drama "The Great Pediatrician", which shows pediatricians guarding children's lives, spent four years in preparation, and finally ushered in the moment of meeting with the audience.

If the new crown epidemic that swept across the country at the beginning of this year spawned a number of anti-epidemic-themed film and television works, the timeline of medical dramas that violated the screen may have to be stretched longer. Although medical dramas were born early, their production capacity is extremely low compared to other types. Every year, 2-3 dramas are considered "high-yield", and they will be "out of gear" if they are not careful.

"The Great Pediatrician" preliminary files, new drama observation (ID: xinjuguancha) reporters contacted the co-producer and producer of the show and interviewed the show’s general producer, Shanghai Dongdongqiang Film and Television’s Jiang Wei, Director Yao Hongwen and Deputy Director Liu Jian of the China Population Education Center of the National Health Commission, traced the creation of a "responsible medical drama" from the perspective of a creator.

gave up Qiaojin and worked hard.

and the three behind-the-scenes creators Jiang Wei, Yao Hongwen and Liu Jian agreed on the interview time before the broadcast and 3 days after the broadcast. As a "drama chasing party", the reporter was quickly attracted by the newly released plot, and at the same time was even more surprised by the familiarity of the three main creators with the drama: for example, Jiang Wei clearly remembers that the drama involved 16 major cases and 44 interspersed among them. Small medical history; Yao Hongwen recalled going to Shanghai and Beijing to coordinate the shooting that day, with a relaxed tone as if he was talking about other people's homes; Liu Jian stared at the later editing and couldn't help but sigh "I watched too many times"...

I really put myself in the position of a first-line creator. Of course, it is inevitable that after the interview, the reporter was also "relentlessly" spoiled.

"The Great Pediatrician" is a work that can be seen from the details, the beginning and the end are particularly vivid.

I am used to the plot and starring avatars. "The Great Pediatrician" has realized innovation with CG animation. The combination of Lego and playground elements and the medical equipment in the hospital represents the beautiful hope of all the creators of the play to "turn the hospital into a playground," so that children will no longer be afraid of the hospital. Coincidentally, recently, a children’s hospital in Hunan became popular on the Internet. Children can take small trains and cars to wards, clinics and operating rooms. There are even doctors dressed as clowns to receive children and parents. The settings in the play Reality forms intertextuality.

is still the beginning, the butterfly flapping wings fades away, the image of the fetus in the B-scan is clearly visible, and then it transforms into a vast starry universe. The continuous imagery at the beginning makes the audience feel the majestic new life. In connection with the plot, watching the children who should have been mischievous become sick under the torture of the disease, watching the story of pediatric doctors trying their best to save lives, it is self-evident that the audience is shocked. At the end of each episode of

, doctors and experts from top hospitals and institutions in the field of pediatrics in China will appear on the scene to explain children’s health issues, and use the audience’s emotions that are still immersed in the plot to popularize science. At the same time, it is also the main audience of the play-young The novice parents provide a rare experience.

"Focus on showing the medical environment in real life" and "Showing the current domestic pediatric medical technology level" are also the common value demands expressed by the three main creators during the interview. According to Jiang Wei, the main scene of the play, the Tongxin Children’s Hospital, was built in the studio. The cartoon-patterned sheets and quilts and the paintings on the walls created a warm atmosphere. Under the coordination of the Mission Center, it moved to Beijing, Shanghai, and Yunnan. Real view shooting in other places.

The medical rescue helicopter that appeared in the play

It is not difficult for the observant audience to find that "The Great Pediatrician" not only has advanced medical equipment such as ECMO, but even the medical helicopter that performs emergency rescue missions has become a "special appearance" of the play . In the eyes of Yao Hongwen, director of the Mission Center, it is timely and effective to show the public the advanced medical equipment and technical level through film and television works. Since

showed the development and ability of pediatrics, the reporter was also curious, and threw the question to Jiang Wei about whether there would be a bridge for pediatricians to support the disaster area or even go overseas to undertake international missions. In her opinion, ""The Great Pediatrician" shows the cutting-edge level of the development of pediatrics, but it is not a "muscle show" work. It is more hope that the audience can believe that pediatrics and even the entire medical discipline are in a continuous development process. With our joint efforts, more diseases will be cured, and children and their parents can have hope and expectations.

She hunts strange dog blood, and asks for warmth to heal

"We can't do strange things and scatter dog blood in pursuit of drama." Jiang Wei is a native of Hunan, born in the TV Hunan Army, rich in experience, and candid. She clearly knows that letting the heroes and heroines wear white coats to fall in love and incorporate intractable diseases into the plot can temporarily attract the audience's attention, but this method is undoubtedly "drinking poison to quench thirst" for the drama itself.

So the "Amazing Pediatrician" that the audience saw is a different look: there is no lack of funny and joyful feelings, more warmth and healing, witnessing the nervousness of sick children facing the moment of life and death, but you who are not bored and crooked are rare. A rare case at first sight.

"I think I must mention that the content of (the show) is quite challenging, and there are not so many emotional dramas, the production team is still very courageous." said Liu Jian, deputy director of the Mission Center.

It is true that in contrast to medical drama creations at home and abroad, to show and explore the depth of human nature, it is a common method to highlight the twists and turns of the plot through difficult cases. While the drama is guaranteed, it is inevitably derailed from reality. "The Great Pediatrician" takes another route completely: the sense of tension can be set off through the lens and music, but the examples are completely based on child injuries and childhood diseases that may occur in real life. The story of

has been developed so far. The audience has seen children who are alone at home climbing windows and playing and falling downstairs. They are children who have lived under the weight of their parents for a long time and cannot stop doing problems in the hospital. They are chasing and falling into chopsticks. The child in the neck is a child who has suffered from leukemia and has been abandoned in the hospital...This kind of story is not unfamiliar to the audience. The closer you get to the audience, the stronger the credibility, and the more novice parents are "feared". The things around him can arouse their awareness of protecting their children, and this kind of influence is beyond the reach of cases of simple curiosity. In addition to focusing on children's health, another story line in "The Great Pediatrician" shows the growth of young pediatricians. The various sentient beings in the Pediatric Department of Tongxin Hospital are also full of cheerful and youthful melody.

The talented and diligent Deng Ziang (Chen Xiao) is also well-known for his amazing talents; the two "beauties" have great backgrounds, and a Jiao Jiaren (Wang Wangwen) has a rampant sex with a wave of vigor. 3000 bottles of atropine became famous in the first battle and won the title of "Jiao Sanqian". A Gu Jiaren (Jia Qing) perfectly interprets what "children of other people's family" is like. She was born in a medical family and her abilities are also exceptional; Xu Bingze (played by Yu Xiaowei), who was waiting for an operation to prove his strength and worked hard for a long time, Wang Hang (played by Zhu Jiaqi), who was rubbing the supermarket shopping cart to save money, and Fang Man (Zhang Muxi) (Decoration), together constitute a group of fresh and diverse pediatricians, and their diverse lives also enrich the flesh and blood of the whole drama.

It can be said that "The Great Pediatrician" did not take love as the focus of showing the "doctor's life". Instead, it was witty competition, mutual assistance and even "mutual frustration". Love was dismantled and put in the friendship of classmates and peers. Medium, it has many flavors, and it's more unconventional.

Another thing to be sure is that under the tone of warm healing, "The Great Pediatrician" has not forgotten to take care of and reflect on reality. In the 9th episode, Deng Ziang and Jiao Jiaren talked deeply about the doctor’s approach to the patient and the patient’s family. This is actually a discussion and reflection on medical ethics. Whether it is a genius doctor or a rookie doctor, the path to becoming a doctor will not be the same. During the course, Deng Ziang practised sewing banana peels alone. The two beautiful ladies were forced to drink egg drop soup over the diapers stained with feces to overcome the stress response. After the audience laughed, they were more awe-inspiring to the doctor.

Medical dramas are scarce, why are they still facing difficulties?

Previously, new drama observation (ID: xinjuguancha) reporters have made statistics on the number and content of medical dramas since the birth of domestic TV dramas. So far, there are only more than 50 titles. In totalGenerally speaking, medical dramas are very rare, and high-quality dramas are even rarer. The reasons for this are nothing more than two aspects: as an industry drama, medical dramas require high professionalism; the public opinion environment is not "friendly" enough for medical dramas. To develop the

type, it is crucial to encourage creation and give space and soil.

returned to 2016 when the preparation of "The Great Pediatrician" was initiated. At that time, the full liberalization of the second child policy was promulgated, which caused widespread concern in the society on the topic of parenting. Children's health is especially hot; the opposite is the loss of pediatricians. Many tertiary hospitals in China no longer have separate pediatric departments. Fortunately, special hospitals for women and children and children have been built. The rapid development of technology has also brought hope to the parents of countless children.

pays attention to the health of children and the situation of young pediatric doctors. The producer, Shanghai Dongdongqiang Film and Television and Education Center, hit it off immediately, followed by four years of preparation, filming and production. When

was not on the air, Jiang Wei did not hide her anxiety and anxiety, "I am really worried about the audience's reaction, but also worried about being scolded." "During filming, including the post-editing stage, we have medical experts and consultants to guide us. We do our best. Make sure to be as close to reality as possible and avoid professional errors, but I still dare not say that it is 100%." ​​"Medical development is too fast and unbalanced. The reality we can guarantee is that in the shooting stage, it really comes from life. middle". The reporter was not reconciled and asked, what to do when faced with the problems pointed out by the audience? "Apologize and correct" Jiang Wei did not hesitate, a true creator, be careful, but never glass heart. As a related organization in the medical and health field, the Mission Center also shows an open and inclusive attitude towards creation. When Director Yao Hongwen talked about the audience's feedback after the broadcast, the short 8-character exhibition of "Strengthen Confidence, Share Honor and Disgrace" is undoubtedly a boost of confidence for content producers in the industry who are interested in creating medical dramas. "Ensure the correctness and authority of leading on health issues, not obliterate the creativity of art, let the spiritual creation go ahead of reality, and reflect on the shortcomings of reality" also provides a direction for the creation of medical dramas.

, like "primary school students taking an exam", is waiting for feedback from the audience. Now a stone in my heart should have landed-"The Great Pediatrician" has rushed to the top of the data list and handed in an excellent answer.

expects the work to be recognized by the audience and win-win ratings and word-of-mouth is almost every chief creator’s routine expectation at the end of the interview, and the chief creators of "The Great Pediatrician" are no exception. It’s just that, at the end of the year, another point of hope raised by the creators made the reporter’s eyes hot: They said, it’s the end of the year, and in a blink of an eye, it’s time for high school students to apply for their volunteers. If you watch this drama and are willing to study medicine, I hope I will become a pediatrician in the future. The best return is that after the college entrance examination next year, I hope that the application rate for medical majors will be higher.