When the host is hosting the show, what are the earphones that the singer wears when he sings?

Many viewers of

will find that the host and singer in the show often wear headphones. We usually wear headphones to listen to music or some programs. What do they wear headphones to record programs for? Will the headphones interfere with participating programs?

Actually, the headphones worn by the host and the singer are very different from our usual headphones, in content and function. To be precise, their earphones are called ear-backs, which are actually to help them better host and perform. Not wearing them may cause trouble.

The host wears headphones to listen to the director's arrangement

first talk about the host’s ears. The role and abilities of the host of

are often overestimated by the audience. They think that he is the focus of the stage when he stands on the stage and talks, and all words are their reactions on the spot. In fact, the host is not so capable. Most of their lines are prepared by the screenwriter in advance. Even if they can't fully recite them, the teleprompter in their hands will remind them of the content.

So what is the ear return used for? What they hear is the voice of the live director. They will guide the host's words according to the situation on the scene, such as stopping a guest’s conversation in time, or asking a question about which guest, or starting the next paragraph in time Process. The recording of programs should be kept as complete as possible. If the director takes every decision to stop the host, the recording efficiency will be greatly reduced.

Sometimes we can see that the host’s expression is a little stiff. It may be that he is hosting a live program while listening to the director’s arrangement in the headset. Z1z

singers wear headphones to avoid out-of-tune

Then, let’s talk about the singer’s ear return. What the host of

hears is what the director said, and what the singer hears is his own voice and music. Why let the singer hear his own voice? Can he not hear directly?

Indeed, the reason why we can always hear our own voice, or when we sing, is because the surrounding environment is not too noisy and the sound of music is not too loud. At the performance site, the decibels of the speakers and the audience are multiplied. It is difficult to hear your own voice with your own ears.

How important is it to hear your own voice while singing? If you can't hear it, you can only sing to the music based on your feelings, and your own feelings are often wrong. To the audience, you are most likely out of tune.

We all have this experience. Listening to headphones and singing with the music inside, we feel good about ourselves, but people around us all sound out of place. And if we don't wear headphones to hum, it will be more accurate, such as singing in KTV. Z1z

singers can hear the size of their own voice, plus the sound of the music coming out of it, and can accurately perceive how hard they should be and how to sing to better fit the music.

There are also singers who don’t wear headphones

, but we can sometimes see singers sing without earphones. That means they are very familiar with the scene and have confidence in their own singing. Accurately grasp the performance to the best. Some experienced singers can do this.

For most singers, they still need to wear earphones when performing large-scale performances, but when interacting with the audience at the end, they can throw away the earphones rashly and have zero-distance contact with the audience. At this time, intonation may not be so important.