10 good-looking female soldier themed dramas, which ones have you watched? Which one do you like the most?

The first: "We Are Young"

"We Are Young" is a contemporary military life drama starring Wan Qian, Qin Hao, Li Jiahang and others. Wan Qian plays the female company commander Xu Bing in the play. Wan Qian’s smile can fascinate many people. In this play, her smile attracts many male soldiers in the army. This drama has not been broadcast yet, so I want to chase after seeing the stills. Are you looking forward to it?

The second part: "Spicy Transfiguration Meter"

"Spicy Transfiguration Meter" is an urban passionate inspirational idol drama starring Di Lieba and Marco. It tells the passionate story of Guan Xiaodi, Liang Dawei and their friends who have experienced brutal training and have grown into bodyguards in the new century. Although the theme of this drama is a new bodyguard theme, it has not changed the nature of the military theme. It is inseparable from the roots. The training process is the same as military training, and even more stringent than military training. The actresses have very good looks, and they are very cool when they are female soldiers.

The third part: "Spicy Female Soldier"

"Spicy Female Soldier" is a contemporary military drama starring Wang Yang, Wang Yu, Zheng Yihan, Hou Yong and others. It tells the story of Tang Xiaomi, a rebellious girl born in the 90s from a divorced family. After being forced to enter the military camp, she eventually grew into an outstanding soldier after hard training. This drama started a frenzy of chasing dramas, especially among the post-90s generation. It coincided with the country’s autumn conscription. Many post-90s children expressed their yearning for the military as a film reflecting the contemporary military. The youth inspirational drama of life, its ideological theme is positive and upward, and it has a wide range of topics and social relevance, which is thought-provoking.

The fourth part: "I am the Fire Phoenix of the Special Forces"

"I am the Fire Phoenix of the Special Forces" tells about the decision of the senior management of the Southeast Military Region of the People's Liberation Army to select and form a female special team code-named "Fire Phoenix"; in order to form this team For women's special forces, the military district decides to conduct selection in all units or departments that have female soldiers. Finally, eight female soldiers were selected from different positions in different units and transformed into professional special forces. Professional training is involved in the play. The actresses waist-deep mud puddles, dirty water to neck puddles, fully armed swimming crossings, 5 kilometers armed cross-country, one-hour push-ups... all have been transplanted to female special forces training. In the plot. The cold-blooded attitude of the devil instructor "Thunder War" towards the female soldiers in the play aroused the resentment of many audiences.

The fifth part: "X Female Agent"

"X Female Agent" is a TV series starring Tang Yan, Luo Jin, Lu Yi, Zhang Xilin, Kong Wei, Wang Di, Wei Qianxiang, etc. It tells the story of Zhong Li, a vigorous and innocent girl with dreams. After undergoing a series of cruel training, fighting wits and even life and death, she has grown into a calm, tenacious, capable and beautiful elite female agent. This is a drama that promotes revolutionary beliefs and conveys positive energy. It aims to express that in any difficult situation, everyone is brave and strong, and conveys the positive energy of youth and justice.

Sixth: "Deep Sea Sword"

"Deep Sea Sword" is a military drama starring Gao Minrui, Liu Lu, Wang Yang, Xu Yang, Jin Yubo, Wang Jiayu, and Zhou Fang. Created with the advanced deeds of the Navy’s 372 submarine officers and soldiers, it tells the story of China’s plan to recruit elite talents in order to build a strong navy, and cultivate command officers for the new submarine under development. This drama leads the audience to a new vision of "struggle" and "growth". The theme of "the growth of a new generation of submarine soldiers in China" not only subverts the audience's stereotypes of military dramas, but also conveys it to the people with full of inspirational positive energy "Military Spirit".

Seventh: "Fire Blue Blade"

"Fire Blue Blade" starring Zheng Kai, He Ziming, Liu Siyan, Wang Qiang, Li Yiling, Song Jialun, Pan Yang and other military-themed TV series. It mainly tells the story of the training, reconnaissance and desperate struggle with international pirates of a certain naval reconnaissance brigade. This drama shows the growth process of the generation of young people born in the 1980s, making the audience feel that young people can take on the important task of defending the country.

The eighth part: "Special Forces: Thunderbolt"

"Special Forces: Thunderbolt" starring Ren Tianye, Cheng Su, Zhang Jin, Mou Xing, Li Fei, Ren Ke Nuo, Chen Meilin, Jiang Yisheng, Pan Yang, etc.It tells the story of Gao Shenghan's transfer to the Army Aviation Brigade to form and train the "Thunderbolt" special forces unit. This drama continues the iron-blooded style of "special forces", but the emotional portrayal is more delicate, interpreting the unknown side of soldiers.

Ninth: "Blood-Blood Island"

"Blood-Blood Island" starring Hawick Lau, Sui Junbo and others. It tells that during the war-torn era, the Kuomintang appointed senior instructor Mike to secretly train a female agent "Ghost Recon Team". After screening and elimination rounds, the team finally consisted of five beautiful and brave female agents, each for different reasons. Enlisted in the army, specializing in high-end tasks such as assassination, stealing information, and sabotaging the underground organization of Japanese secret agents. During the Anti-Japanese War, five female agents fought fiercely with the Japanese, and bravely killed the enemy and defended the country. This drama abandons everyone's fixed thinking about women in the past, and turns the delicate, sensitive, and intuitionistic of the beautiful agents into their unique weapons to attack the enemy.

The tenth part: "Heroic Mission"

"Heroic Mission" starring Wang Ke, Wang Xin, Zhou Chuchu and others. It tells the story of the female bomb team led by Liu Cheng against the Japanese. In addition to the outstanding and eye-catching female agents of anti-Japanese, this drama also integrates the most popular spy and anti-spy elements on the screen, rendering the contest of intelligence and power to the point, and the thrilling degree is not less than that of Hollywood blockbusters. It can be called the anti-Japanese legend.

The above 10 TV shows are female soldiers. These 10 TV shows are the themes that I like to watch, because girls as soldiers and agents are so cool and admirable. This theme also attracts the attention of many viewers, I don’t know. Is there any attraction but you? Which ones have you seen before the screen? Which one do you like the most?