Recently, in a program where the Twins were treading water singing and performing, Gillian suddenly kissed Asa on the face during the stage performance, which aroused the memories of the audience and triggered a wave of discussion. I saw both of them wearing blue stage skirts, si

Recently, in a program, Twins stepped on the water of and sang and performed. During the stage performance, Gillian and suddenly kissed and Sa on the face. This aroused the memories of the audience and triggered a wave of discussion.

I saw both of them wearing blue stage skirts, singing and dancing on the stage. Then Gillian put Ah Sa into her arms, which should be a stage move set in advance. The two looked at each other sweetly on the stage, Gillian smiled gently, and Sa couldn't hide the tenderness in her eyes when she looked at Gillian. Years of experience as sisters and combination have given them a perfect understanding.

Then Ah Sa left Gillian’s arms and continued with the next dance move. Then Ah Sa was surrounded by Gillian and Wang Xinling . Gillian kissed Ah Sa on her right cheek. She closed her eyes and immersed herself in it. Asa held her hands, puffed up her face, and pursed her lips, which looked very cute, and her big bright eyes seemed to contain anger.

It is worth noting that this action was originally performed by Gillian, Ah Sa, and Cyndi Wang. It can be seen that Gillian's kiss was a real one, while Cyndi's kiss was in the air, and there was no kiss on Ah Sa's face. I don't know whether this action set up a real kiss or a fake kiss. But we can see that Gillian and Asa have a very good relationship.

Twins' long-lost kiss also made fans excited. They immediately rushed to the comment area to support the two. He said that the two of them are really too sweet. The long-term relationship between Twins has also accumulated a lot of CP fans. It has to be said that the sweetness of the two of them is indeed beyond the standard.

In fact, kissing on the face is really a daily routine for the Twins. After all, they have been together for more than 20 years, and they still have many loving stories. Gillian and Asa often kiss mouth to mouth on stage. After many years, the relationship between the two is still very good, and kissing each other can happen at any time.

Not long ago, some netizens ran into Gillian and Ah Sa in a bar, and even posted a post praising Gillian and Ah Sa for how beautiful they are. In the photo, both of them are wearing black suits, similar to bestie outfits. Their temperament and appearance are very outstanding among the crowd. There is no trace of fat on their waists. People passing by can't help but take a second look.

In addition to being singers, the two of them also do a good job as actors. Gillian has performed wonderfully in many movies and TV series. Asa's dedicated performance in a recently popular movie has also aroused heated discussions among netizens. I saw Asa's head covered with cling film , and it looked a little difficult to even breathe. With such makeup, she walked back and forth in the smelly ditch more than a dozen times in thin underwear, completely gone. The image of a goddess has to be said to be very dedicated.

html Over the past 20 years, Ah Sa and Gillian have become all-round artists who are good at singing and dancing. This also makes the audience understand that as long as they are in awe of their profession and willing to constantly break through themselves, they are high-quality idols worthy of everyone's love. I also hope that the relationship between the two will get better and better and that they will produce more good works.

#阿杰# #Charlene Choi# #twins# #王心灵#