On July 14, Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan yelled in the live broadcast room: "How poor are you? You don't deserve to be in my live broadcast room. You should be killed." Who gave him the courage to speak so confidently to fans during the live broadcast? Ask for gifts. Immediate

On July 14th , Guo Degang assistant Wang Nan yelled in the live broadcast room: " how poor are you? You are not worthy of coming to my live broadcast room. You should be killed. "

Who gave him the courage to live broadcast? , so confidently asking for gifts from fans.

Immediately Deyunshe responded: The assistant seriously violated company discipline and caused negative consequences, and the labor contract has been terminated .

Wang Nan is unscrupulous on the live broadcast platform. He appeared in the live broadcast room wearing a vest. The fat-headed and big-eared Wang Nan was very heroic when he arrived, complaining that his fans were not worthy of being his food and clothing parents .

Wang Nan used the fans in his younger brother's live broadcast room to stimulate his own fan base, and said bluntly: " A girl gave my brother a gift and almost gave 3 million in cash. ."

Wang Nan

Fans asked to see the talent in the live broadcast room During the performance, Wang Nan said disdainfully: " What kind of talent do you need, and you said that fans are kicking their noses in the face."

Seeing Wang Nan's greedy expression and arrogant language , the fans in the live broadcast room stopped doing it. It's really stupid. After becoming his fan instantly, Wang Nan suddenly lost her fans seriously.

Wang Nan, whose export was so dirty, really disgraced the people of Deyun Club. Fans complained: " You have to be so confident when asking for food. "

During the whole live broadcast, Wang Nan was shamelessly asking for gifts. Such an unqualified employee is really embarrassing. Deyunshe was heartbroken and even the termination of the labor contract was the lightest punishment.

In fact, this is not the first time that Deyun Club has overturned. In recent years, Deyun Club has also been riddled with scandals. It is true that there are all kinds of birds in the forest.

Guo Degang and Wang Nan

Chen Xiaohua broke into a girl’s bedroom

Deyun Society is really going through waves. In the early morning of June 25, , Guo Degang’s apprentice Chen Xiaohua became a hot search for breaking into a girl’s bedroom after drinking. List, this is not a glorious thing, and Deyun Club has been seriously affected by this.

Chen Xiaohua entered Deyun Society in 2012, and in 2019 officially became Guo Degang’s disciple. Among many disciples, Chen Xiaohua was also trained by Guo Degang, but he has been tepid for many years after joining Deyun Society.

As one of Guo Degang's first disciples, Guo Degang also put in more effort and dedication. Guo Degang thought that as long as he worked hard enough, he could cultivate more outstanding disciples, but his ideals were always defeated by reality.

Although Chen Xiaohua has a strong foundation in writing and language, because he did not want to make progress and did not cherish the great future, he eventually went astray as and .

Chen Xiaohua

Chen Xiaohua likes to drink and his wine quality is very poor. Before the incident, Chen Xiaohua drank with his friends. His friends said that he drank a lot of beer and foreign wine. Chen Xiaohua, who was too drunk, quickly started talking nonsense.

His friend offered to take him home at that time, but he refused to do so and even cursed. Chen Xiaohua, who was going home alone, took off his shirt after entering the elevator. When he got to the 5th floor, he saw that a bedroom door was not closed, so he Breaking in without permission, the sleeping girl was awakened by him.

After the girl called the police, Chen Xiaohua was taken away by the police. Although Chen Xiaohua drank, his behavior had violated relevant laws , and Chen Xiaohua still needed to bear corresponding legal responsibility.

Chen Xiaohua

Guo Degang certainly could not tolerate such bad behavior. Although Chen Xiaohua was an old employee of Deyun Club, Guo Degang had to bear the pain and impose severe punishment. Chen Xiaohua was officially expelled from Deyun Club.

I wonder if Chen Xiaohua can wake up to the bloody lesson. Not only will destroy his future , he will also be punished by law and morally condemned. Even his master Guo Degang was criticized for not educating his apprentices well.

is really . Once he made a mistake, he would hate forever. Chen Xiaohua finally failed the teachings and training of his master Guo Degang.

Every time something like this happens, Guo Degang, as the head of the family, is the most saddened. Unfortunately, these disciples do not understand his good intentions.

Chen Xiaohua

Things about Deyun Society

Guo Degang has experienced too much bitterness and ups and downs along the way. Guo Degang has had a strong artistic talent since he was a child. In order to continue on the road of cross talk, Guo Degang visited Beijing three times " , " To this day, Guo Degang can't forget the blow he suffered from these three visits to Beijing.

Guo Degang first came to Beijing when he was 115 years old. He applied for a small singing group at that time, but the good times did not last long. He stayed in the group for a year before being driven back to his hometown of Tianjin.

In desperation, Guo Degang had no choice but to perform in some small local theater troupes in his hometown in order to make a living. From then on, lived a life of one meal and no next meal..

Guo Degang

With his dream in mind, Guo Degang went to Beijing again, but this time it was even worse. He only stayed for 14 days before running back to his hometown in despair because he could not find a cross talk group that could accept him. .

Guo Degang has already been to Beijing twice. After his third visit to Beijing, he learned a lesson. This time he did not go directly to the cross talk troupe. Guo Degang started from the lowest level, so he had to settle down and work hard to find a job. Chance.

Guo Degang worked the dirtiest and most tiring job in the troupe. While doing odd jobs, Guo Degang also continued to create cross talk jokes. Guo Degang was also very sad during the days when

was settling, but he always believed that as long as was willing to work hard, will definitely succeed in the future.

Guo Degang

In 1995, Guo Degang, together with crosstalk actors Li Jing, Zhang Wenshun and others, founded the "Beijing Crosstalk Conference".

Due to poor management, Guo Degang could not even pay the rent. In order to save two yuan on bus fares, He walked home, and when he got home, he had blisters on his feet.

But Guo Degang did not give up, and still persisted. Facts have proved that his persistence was right.

In 2004, Guo Degang officially became a student of the artist Hou Yaowen. The learning environment at that time was very difficult, but Guo Degang never complained about hardship or tiredness.

During the period of studying with the master, Guo Degang was very attentive. In order to solidify his writing skills, he started working on and practiced early in the morning. In order to make himself articulate clearly and intelligently, even after everyone else had finished practicing, he still insisted on practicing more than others.

Guo Degang and Hou Yaowen

Hou Yaowen was happy to see it. He concluded that Guo Degang would definitely become a big success in the future, and Hou Yaowen also imparted his experience and skills to Guo Degang without any reservation.

After the guidance and encouragement of Hou Yaowen , Guo Degang made rapid progress. In 2005, , Guo Degang ushered in the first highlight moment in his life.

Guo Degang led his apprentices to hold a special performance. Unexpectedly, they became famous overnight and became popular all over the country. They also set a miracle of performing 122 times at the Poly Theater. After

became famous, Guo Degang officially changed the company's name to " Deyunshe. " also began to officially recruit a large number of apprentices. Guo Degang cherished talents very much, and many cross talk enthusiasts came here because of it.


While enjoying the joy of success, Guo Degang knew how difficult it was along the way. He was not proud of this success, but continued to learn and move forward.

As Guo Degang and Deyun Club continue to develop, their reputation in the circle is also growing. Guo Degang or Guo Degang's disciples will appear in the Spring Festival Gala every year.

It is said that there are many celebrities, but after Deyun Club became famous, many unexpected things happened to the audience. Deyun Club also had many scandals.

Guo Degang

Things about his apprentices

As Deyun Club continues to grow, Guo Degang has also recruited more talents and trained more famous apprentices, such as the familiar Yue Yunpeng, who appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the first time in 2014 On the stage, he became famous with the sketch " disturbs you ".

In 2015, Yue Yunpeng appeared on the Spring Festival Gala for the second time and performed the cross talk " I can't stand " with Sun Yue , which once again brought Yue Yunpeng to the top of his life. Yue Yunpeng was very grateful. He did his best to win glory for Deyun Club.

Not all apprentices can be as loyal as Yue Yunpeng, and there are also many apprentices who start to drift away as soon as they become popular. Like the familiar Cao Yunjin , He Yunwei , etc., they broke Guo Degang's heart.

Guo Degang and Yue Yunpeng

Cao Yunjin

Cao Yunjin was once known as "DeyunOne Brother" and was one of Guo Degang's proud disciples who attached great importance to him. However, the deeper the love, the deeper the injury. The relationship between Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin Everyone knows this.

Guo Degang watched Cao Yunjin grow up, and Guo Degang treated him like his own son. , but Cao Yunjin's character was unflattering, and he didn't even know the principle of respecting teachers.

There is a certain reason why Cao Yunjin entered Deyun Club. Guo Degang's wife Wang Hui is his cousin . Because Cao Yunjin lost his father when he was a child, Cao Yunjin, who was interested in cross talk, entered Deyun Club under the recommendation of his cousin.

After Cao Yunjin entered Deyun Club, he attracted Guo Degang's attention with his talent in cross talk performance, and he was also the most favored one among his disciples at that time.

Cao Yunjin

Cao Yunjin was one of the earliest disciples of Guo Degang. In the early days of the development of Deyun Society, conditions were relatively difficult. Cao Yunjin also worked very hard at that time. He was extremely intelligent and could be taught, and he was deeply loved by Guo Degang.

Guo Degang spent a lot of energy and effort in order to train him. At the same time, Guo Degang was also very strict with Cao Yunjin. This kind of strictness is like a father to his son, which shows that Guo Degang regards him as one of his own.

In order to make Cao Yunjin famous, Guo Degang also personally matched for Cao Yunjin when Cao Yunjin performed on stage for the first time in 2004. Although it was the first time for Cao Yunjin to collaborate on stage, the two of them worked together very well.

Guo Degang and Cao Yunjin

Cao Yunjin, who had tasted the sweetness of success, worked harder. Guo Degang also held a personal crosstalk special for him. The effect of each performance was beyond imagination, and Cao Yunjin became famous.

As Cao Yunjin became more and more famous in the circle, he began to be proud. He no longer knew who he was, and he no longer paid attention to his master Guo Degang. It can be seen from his words and deeds that he began to Arrogant and arrogant.

Guo Degang obviously felt that Cao Yunjin was a little distracted, and specifically reminded him to be humble and restrained, but Cao Yunjin listened with one ear and heard it with the other, and didn't take it seriously at all.

The greedy Cao Yunjin also set up a studio privately behind his master Guo Degang's back, and took on private work outside. Without rules, there is no way to be a fangyuan . Guo Degang also realized that he had management problems, so he began to sign agreements with his disciples.

Guo Degang

Cao Yunjin believed that this was specially formulated for him. He refused to sign the contract agreement and said to Guo Degang: "There is really no need to do this . ."

In the end, except for Cao Yunjin, all the other disciples of Deyun Society signed the contract. , Cao Yunjin has always had a grudge against his master Guo Degang. At Guo Degang's birthday party, Cao Yunjin directly told the master " and cut in two."

At Guo Degang's birthday party, Cao Yunjin deliberately drank some wine, and he took advantage of the drunkenness to curse the masters present. Brothers, go directly to Guo Degang and kneel down and say: " I quit, I am sorry for you, I will give you a ."

Cao Yunjin also vowed: " will never return to Deyun Club "After saying that, he left without looking back, and the eight years of master-disciple relationship were wiped out in an instant.

Cao Yunjin

Regarding Cao Yunjin's behavior of burning bridges, everyone felt grievances for Guo Degang, but Guo Degang did not care about him and bore all the grievances by himself.

Cao Yunjin's departure from Deyun Society was not as smooth as he imagined. Without the halo blessing of Deyun Society and Guo Degang, his reputation was gradually wiped out, and Cao Yunjin became a traitor in everyone's eyes.

After Cao Yunjin left Deyun Club, he also exposed Guo Degang's black material on the Internet many times. In short, Cao Yunjin's behavior is unethical. If you want to start your own business, develop your own, and don't expose the shortcomings of others.

Today's Cao Yunjin not only has a setback in his career, but his love life is also not going well. Back then Cao Yunjin married an actress named Feng Zi, but his daughter was less than one year old, so Cao Yunjin filed for divorce.

Cao Yunjin and his wife and daughter

The arrogant Cao Yunjin has many luxury homes in Beijing. He is greedy for pleasure and the mansions are decorated extremely luxuriously. Cao Yunjin, who is 5 years old, started selling goods through live broadcasts, but many fans did not buy his account. During the live broadcast of

, there were constant scoldings in the comment area. He was under huge pressure to sell goods and his performance was poor. It is said that the Tingyunxuan he founded also closed down due to poor management .

If I had known now, why bother then? I wonder if Cao Yunjin ever regretted leaving Deyun Club.

Cao Yunjin

He Yunwei

He Yunwei has unique conditions and skills. He Yunwei's is an authentic Beijinger . He has loved art since he was a child. He Yunwei can not only speak cross talk, but he is also versatile, Allegro Pingju opera and drum music.

He Yunwei can be regarded as a veritable " senior brother " of Deyun Society. Not only did Guo Degang care for him, but even his wife looked up to him. Knowing that He Yunwei likes to eat fish, her wife often opened a small stove for him. , even Cao Yunjin. Extremely jealous.

Under Guo Degang's training, He Yunwei grew rapidly and became the pillar of Deyun Society. However, what is unexpected is that when Deyun Society announced in 010 that " was going out of business for rectification," He Yunwei directly withdrew. Deyun Society.

He Yunwei

Many people say that He Yunwei added insult to injury . He left when Deyun Club was in the most difficult time. It was the time when true feelings were tested, but He Yunwei sneaked away, which broke the hearts of Guo Degang and Wang Hui.

As one of Guo Degang's most trusted disciples, He Yunwei gave his master a blow. Guo Degang gave him great expectations and treated him with all his heart and soul but ended up like this.

He Yunwei's unkind behavior has also been criticized by many people. He Yunwei made a miscalculation when he left Deyun Club. He Yunwei overestimated his fame and ability. After leaving Guo Degang, his performance market became increasingly depressed.

He Yunwei

He Yunwei's performance opportunities are getting less and less, and he has no choice but to live a " senior life " in advance. He posted his updates on a certain platform. It turns out that he now makes a living by painting, but his paintings have not No matter how famous it is, not many people are willing to buy it.

He Yunwei also took the initiative to say during the live broadcast: " Guo Degang will always be my teacher, " It seems that He Yunwei regretted leaving Deyun Club. He has accomplished nothing and has no chance.

In the well-known Deyun Club, there will always be some people who do not overestimate their capabilities . Cao Yunjin and He Yunwei have caused the greatest harm to Guo Degang. From trust to betrayal, we can only blame Guo Degang for doting on them too much.

He Yunwei

Things happened one after another in Deyun Club that made everyone sigh. Even Guo Degang's assistant Wang Nan was so rampant. As the head of Deyun Club, Guo Degang was still polite to the audience and fans.

can be said to be a bad mess. A few bad behaviors have had a great impact on Deyun Society. Guo Degang should also learn from and , and rectify the internal environment to prevent similar things from happening again.

Deyun Society


As a public figure, you should always restrain your personal behavior, be a low-key person and do things with a high profile. I hope that every disciple of Deyun Society can follow the example of master Guo Degang and continuously improve their recuperation. Only by being modest and prudent can we go further. We must be careful and never forget our original intentions.