Black hair, snowy skin, white clothes, and cut-off red fox eye makeup, she is extremely charming. Some book fans and animation fans feel that Yang Mi is too old to play such a young character, which is inconsistent with the style of the original work and looks particularly old-fa

Yang Mi's "Fox Fairy Matchmaker" look When it was officially announced, it really fascinated many people~

Black hair, snowy skin, white clothes, and cut-off red fox eye makeup, extremely charming

However, while being praised by fans for her good looks, some also said that her look this time was overturned.

Some book fans and animation fans feel that Yang Mi is too old to play such a young role. does not conform to the style of the original work and looks extremely old-fashioned. Some people will say that she looks a little tired in her entire state and is not as good-looking as before.

But to be honest, people will grow old, and it is impossible to maintain a girlish look, and everyone will have bad moments ~

Compared with these, what I am more concerned about is that after so many years, Yang Mi's lens The feeling is indeed getting better and better. Some of the looks that has attended at events in the past two years can make me sigh: is so elegant!

You must know that when she first debuted, although she was young, she obviously had all kinds of clothes, makeup, posture and figure, but she was not photogenic at all, and she was always called "Internet celebrity" by others.

Looking back now, I don’t have to put a lot of effort into dressing up, and I have the camera look of a big star~

[Camera sense] This thing is really amazing, it doesn’t depend on the face at all. If you don’t believe me, look at these two pictures. If you look at the faces alone, most people will think the one on the left looks better, right?

But once the camera is on camera and the camera is zoomed out, it is the one on the right that is completely better than

A girl also asked this question in the background: Why do I look not bad in person, but once I am in someone else’s camera, my face is fat and my expression and eyes are dull? Are they all occupied?

Especially during holidays and weekends, for girls, as long as we can take a good-looking photo, the time we spend on styling will not be in vain~

so, how to be more photogenic is very important!

We can learn from Yang Mi’s changes over the years. html How to get the same photogenic face of a star in 13 steps, so that no matter how you take photos, you will still be in the C position. At a glance, it must be the overall atmosphere created by the whole body.

This can be discovered from Yang Mi. Da Mi Mi's appearance and figure have always been online, but looking at the previous photos, there is always an indescribable feeling of awkwardness. On the contrary, now looks relaxed and atmospheric.

If analyzed specifically, this change in status is mainly reflected in —— found the right level of "head up and chest out".

I used to tell everyone that you should hold your head up, straighten your chest, tighten your abdomen and back, and be upright, but when you look at the big power, it seems that emm is not very good-looking.

In fact, this kind of strong and upright posture is more suitable for head and shoulders comparison. A person with excellent shoulders, perfect shoulder line, and a moderate neck length.

And if the head is too big, the shoulders are too narrow, the neck is too thin, or the trapezius muscles are too obvious, has a tendency to hunchback, is not suitable for standing straight, but it looks better if it is slightly tucked away~

So everyone also There is no need to blindly pursue right-angled shoulders. I have told you before that under normal posture, the shoulders will have a natural arc from the neck to the shoulder. At this time, the shoulder blades are tilted 5-10 degrees. There is a big premise for the degree, that is, must not be hunchbacked!

People with hunchbacks can buy a hunchback correction belt. This kind of correction belt is elastic. It will not pinch your flesh when you put it on, and there is no sense of oppression. You can obviously feel the force of opening the shoulders back, and the whole back will immediately heal. Stand up straight

The muscles are stiff and immobile for a long time. If they are not stretched, it can easily lead to the shoulder and neck muscles being too prominent, resulting in a bad posture.

Those who sit for a long time can try fascia gun , a powerful tool for relaxing muscles. Many celebrities are using it ~

Of course, you can also do some exercises on a daily basis. You can check out @Jini’s [Strongest Slim Back] tutorial. The overall movement is relatively relaxed and rhythmic.

The effect is quite online. Many girls can see the obvious lines on their back after a few exercises.

The tutorial is also very simple. No equipment is needed, and you can practice it just sitting down.

Lift your elbows at an angle of about 45° without shrugging, Then swing about 30 times, do 5 groups

Then slowly straighten your hands outwards, Open your palms, Come back again, 30 times, do 5 Group.

Expression management Everyone should know how important it is for being photogenic. It doesn’t mean that just because you have a good-looking face, any expression will look good.

This large power is very typical. Before, her expression always pursed her lips and smiled, and when she tried to widen her eyes, she looked like a fake smile. It had no appeal and was a bit awkward. , slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and he looked calm and relaxed ~

The big expression is also very smart

I believe everyone can agree with this, I usually feel pretty good-looking when I look in the mirror, but when I look in the mirror, my facial features look like I have run away from home. . Either his expression is all over the place, or his laughter is uglier than his crying.

Even the p-picture software has taken into account those of us who can’t make expressions, and directly released one-click smiley mode (some people are not suitable for it after finishing p, you can try it~)

But it only depends on the post-production process P-pictures are not good either. You should master the small details of expression management~

When we ordinary people laugh, we mostly use our faces to push to both sides "horizontal smile". This not only makes the face more fleshy and the chin shorter, but also pulls the wings of the nose, making the nose look bigger and prone to nasolabial folds.

▲Smile vertically on the left side, smile horizontally on the right side, obviously the left side of the face is smaller~

So smiling vertically is the key! First put the tip of your tongue against your lower jaw, and while pushing the corners of your mouth upward, push your chin downward~

① Put the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth and keep it still

② While lifting the corners of your mouth, push your chin downwards

without expression At this time, eyes are the key. In order to avoid dull eyes, it is important to practice eye exertion.

The key is to exercise the orbicularis oculi muscle (the muscle around the eye) to increase the brightness of the eyes

step 1: Press the upper and lower muscles of the eyes and open your eyes hard, do Ten groups

step 2: Press the muscles around the eyes and open your eyes hard. Do ten groups

Girls with ugly teeth or protruding mouths can open their mouths slightly, This not only looks natural , it can also modify the problems of round face, square face, double chin~

Speaking of photogenic feeling, many people may ignore a very important point, that is - hair.

When it comes to hair, Yang Mi has never received much attention. She was even complained about her high hairline before haha~

In everyone’s impression, does she basically have medium to long hair?

It’s not like she hasn’t tried other hairstyles before. This smooth bun has been done many times, which not only exposed her body defects, but also lost the atmosphere of a great beauty.

No matter what style she adopts now, she wears her hair down most of the time.

Although short hair and tied hair also look good, we have to admit that long hair will indeed have a more beautiful atmosphere. There are many people who are remembered because of their long hair

If you want to look good with short hair or tied hair, , it is easier to magnify the bugs of facial features, face shape, head shape, and hairline. If you wear long hair, the hair will have its own atmosphere, and the flaws of the natural face will be ignored.

But if you want to wear your hair to look good on camera , also pay attention to these aspects:

① Expose the shoulder and neck line

Don’t put all your hair on your chest. This not only makes you look breathless and refreshing, but more importantly, it directly covers your neck and shoulders.

The shoulder and neck line is simply the lifeline of photogenicity. As long as the shoulder and neck line is missing, no matter how small or beautiful the face will appear bloated.

You can learn from Xiao Ju how to wear your hair: Drape one side of your hair in front of your chest and tuck the other side behind your ear to show your jawline and neck

②Create a fluffy feeling on the top of your head

And don’t stick to your scalp, Once the top of the head collapses, the face will look huge

To create a high skull, girls can buy short wig pieces with a length of 3-5cm, and directly fasten them to the inner layer of the hair along the hair seam like a hairpin (thousands of Do not attach it directly to the surface) . After covering it with your own hair, you will visually feel as if you are born with so much hair volume.

Curling your hair can also increase the hair volume, and manually create the effect of a hooded face~

A must for those with disabilities. Try automatic curling iron , It is easy and fast to get started, and you don’t need to master any fancy curling skills. Leave your hair to it and it will curl automatically.

Girls whose hair is prone to oily hair should use silicone-free shampoo to wash their hair, When blow-drying your hair, blow all the hair in the opposite direction to get a fluffy hairstyle.

The specific operation can be seen below:

Okay, that’s it for the practical stuff. Girls who are still worried about why they don’t look good on camera can collect them immediately~